Ranger DPS

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: joeyac.9763


Apologies if this is a multiple topic… Just starting the game every mmo I’ve gone ranger/hunter. From what I’ve read people say that are way under powered in this game is this true? I’m used to playing a marks or beast. I currently rolled a warrior and not sure if I’m all for it.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


60% of your damage comes from your pet.
Your pet doesn’t appear to scale with stats from gear, doesn’t follow commands properly, and is killed very easily.
While snares are plentiful, they aren’t nearly enough to keep melee at a distance this class can tackle them.
The melee options for the class revolve more on evasion and not about damage.
Long swap times between weapons make using the melee weapons as openners for ranged combat impossible.
90% of your time is spent auto-attacking in both PvE and PvP.

If you played a Hunter in WoW you will be very disappointed with this class.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Rangers are mediocre dps and a lot of it depends on how you manage your pet. Warriors, on the other hand, will blast out huge numbers with a greatsword berserker build. This is why people to CoF speed runs with a mesmer and 4 warriors (the mesmer is there for Time Warp and a portal).

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: joeyac.9763


Looks like ill stick with a warrior then. That’s disappointing

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Konishion.5847


As a level 80 ranger, I completely disagree with the other two posters. Don’t even listen to that first poster citing statistics that were made up on the spot. Yes, berskers 100b warriors can take down npcs really fast, which is great for things like CoF. However, a berserkers 100b warrior can not solo a champion in pve, as i have done on many occasions on my ranger. PvE is not even my strong suit.

In spvp and wvw, I have never lost to a warrior in a 1v1. I used to run a glass cannon ranger, and took down glass cannon warriors well before they got an opportunity to strike me several times. Now as a more tanky ranger, killing warriors is laughably easy.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Well, if we’re talking PvP, then yea, I’d take a ranger over a warrior for sure.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


You heard right.
They ARE the worst class in this game and well, there’s nothing more to add.
However, with a Warrior, you’ll be the king of partymembers. Meaning everyone wants you, wether on gw2lfg.com or ingame.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Cirian.8917


Depending which thread you read, rangers are either utterly useless or totally overpowered.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Fomby.4295


As a level 80 ranger, I completely disagree with the other two posters. Don’t even listen to that first poster citing statistics that were made up on the spot. Yes, berskers 100b warriors can take down npcs really fast, which is great for things like CoF. However, a berserkers 100b warrior can not solo a champion in pve, as i have done on many occasions on my ranger. PvE is not even my strong suit.

In spvp and wvw, I have never lost to a warrior in a 1v1. I used to run a glass cannon ranger, and took down glass cannon warriors well before they got an opportunity to strike me several times. Now as a more tanky ranger, killing warriors is laughably easy.

I agree with this guy. Rangers are 1v1 masters.

HOWEVER!!! It seems to me that this is a team based game. And the Ranger has kitten in the way of team based skills.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


PvE accomplishments mean absolutely nothing. Anyone with a ranged weapon can solo any free world champion simply by strafing in a circle and shooting. I do it all the time on my ranger, my ele, and my warrior.

Ranger PvP is much the same. It’s all about auto-attacking and moving and saving your evasive moves for when you’re attacked. Switch to greatsword to swoop away and wait 8 seconds to switch back to range to continue the above.

I don’t do much sPvP, but I do a lot of WvW roaming and find myself in 1v1, 1v2, and 2v3+ situations all the time. I have no trouble beating any class save thieves and Eles (which I never die from either). Unfortuantely, PvPing as a ranger is also the most boring experience I’ve had with any of my characters.

Ranger DPS

in Ranger

Posted by: Joey.3928


I play World v World all the time. Ranger is my go to profession for it. Pretty nice access to quickness which is amazing for offense/support. Can’t tell you how many times an ally goes down and i run to them, swap to wolf, use its aoe fear, and quickness revive my ally.

Ranger is a hard class to play since managing your pet is important. Give it a chance.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir