Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rozz.8942


I am interested in strictly WvWvW and plan on being with an organized group. I was wondering if this spec is viable.


(edited by Rozz.8942)

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Only if you can absolutely avoid ever taking a hit, ever. Not having any Vitality or Armor to speak of with nothing in healing means you’ve effectively created a bleed based glass cannon.

Your bleeds will hurt like hell but you will have a hard time taking any kind of hit yourself. I’d also swap out the great sword with an axe and dagger and use offhand training to increase talon’s range to 1200. You get more bleed access and don’t have to be in melee range. If the greatsword’s just there for transit then never mind.

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Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eggyokeo.9705


in fights above about 5v5 you will die a quick and painless death. if you want keep the same style of build possible get some rabid gear and maybe some dire/apoth/settelers as well (mostly dire if you want to fight 10v10 or bigger). also what substance E said.

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rozz.8942


thanks for the advice

this condition build isn’t a “must”

(edited by Rozz.8942)

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: cyborG.3026


no one uses rangers in organized fights.

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rozz.8942


no one uses rangers in organized fights.

thx for the constructive criticism haha

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583


to elaborate -because you tracked me down in game-
- GS has no ‘native’ condition damage… so whilst using it you’re essentially 1k stats down
- too little survivability for large scale battles; which is going to turn you into rallybait (and you’re going to have a bad time against burst thieves… since you wont be able to burst them back and cant take any hits)

id recommend (my preference… some people find traps great… i dont… although frost armour is nice)

medium – large scale battles:
-longbow (1500 range, large aoe/soft CC and stealth)
-GS (for melee training; the built in evade is amazing, whilst swoop provides you with easy -non fiddly- mobility and #4 gives you breathing space -as long as a damage source isnt in melee range its a full duration block… very useful for walking through AC fire, stalling for heals, retreating to the back line or thieves)
-warhorn (blast finisher for might stacking, fury and swiftness for allies… its really good)
-survival skills (particularily muddy ground and lightning reflexes… entangle too… but RaO is great for stab)
-signets (wild, stone and hunt mainly… and hunt should be switched out if you can before a battle… renewel… i dont really use… just because it requires your pet to be alive, so i dont find it reliable enough with masses of aoes thrown about; traited stone becomes a 6s invuln… and wild gives stab… which are both amazing; but requires a 30pt investment)
-healing spring (no question…)
-buffing pets (red moa/jungle stalker)
- all elites (all ranger elites are good… entangle has some issues with small scale combat and decent players but… soft CC, long duration water field and 1500 range seige busting is pretty much all ranger has, RaO stab is great… stab is great… SoNR is covered below)

what i dont recommend
-torch (should be enough fire fields from engis/eles… you’d benefit more from warhorn for the blast or dagger for the evade)
-offhand axe (path of scars is nice;if easy to dodge;… and on paper whirling defence seems great… but the root and many non projectile damage sources means it often puts you in pointless danger)
-spirits (with random aoe everywhere they’re going to melt… or you’re going to be so far away theyre going to be useless… the only exception being SoNR… which is great for its active)

-because you asked what i run-
30/25/15/0/0 sometimes changing to 30/20/20/0/0 (but normally change back quickly… love flanking damage)
LB(zerker/fire)/GS(knights/blood… which ill be changing for restoration once i get foefires essence and an asc GS)
i change my slot skills often… but always keep healing spring and lightning reflexes (bear in mind the toughness in the image also has SigoS buff)
lemongrass poulty soup (because i have low vit and only cleanse is healing spring… but its kitten expensive)


Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

(edited by Linguistically Inept.6583)

Ranger Experts - Is This WvW Build Viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rozz.8942

