So with the upcoming buffs and the general complains that warrior DPS is so much better I took a closer look on the skill modifiers and the resulting power scaling/overall direct DPS.
Ranger GS
- 1: 0.58/0.58/0.69 ==> 0.73/s
- 2: 1.57 ==> 0.90/s [Old: 1.16 ==> 0.83/s]
- 3: 1.05 ==> 0.71/s
- 4: 1.36/1.05 ==> 0.76/s
- 5: 0.52 ==> 0.74/s
Warrior GS
- 1: 0.7/0.7/0.9 ==> 0.94/s
- 2: 4.4+1.1 ==> 1.22/s
- 3: 0.7 ==> 0.99/s
- 4: 0.75 ==> 0.94/s
- 5: 1.7 ==> 0.93/s
So the first numbers are the skill modifiers for every skill including the autoattack chain. The higher these are the more damage you will do with every point of power. The bold numbers are the actual DPS skill modifier (the damage you would do per second multiplied with the power and weapon damage you have and divided by the target armor). This factors in the animation times of the skills so for skills 2-5 this shows the DPS you would do if you use the skill between autoattacks whenever it is off cooldown. Attention: While I meassured the the duration of 1 autoattack chain myself I have to use the ingame tooltips for skills 2-5 because this is hard to accurately meassure. Arenanets tooltip tend to be very unprecise or wrong so take the bold numbers as approximations.
Example: Warrior autoattack chain has 0.7/0.7/0.9 skill modifiers and takes 2.44s to cast. This means the per second skill modifier is (0.7+0.7+0.9)/2.44s = 0.94/s. Skill 2 (Hundred Blades) has an overall 5.5 modifier but 3.5s animation time (<- ingame tooltip) so this means you are unable to autoattack during those 3.5s.
What does this tell us?
- constantly using the DPS skill (which is at position 2 for both weapons) increases overall DPS for the Ranger by about 20% (depending on you condition damage and armor of the target) and 30% for the Warrior
- overall untraited DPS of Warrior GS is about 30% higher than Ranger GS when autoattacking and 35% higher than Ranger GS when both maximixe damage using skill 2 (not including bleed damage of ranger)
- using Swoop when you already are in melee ranger does actually decrease your DPS
- Swoop and Maul tooltips are wrong because they state Swoop would deal more direct damage (actually Maul deals more direct damage)
First Edit: Thx to Tibbels who also did testings last year a confounding factor was revealed. I had a 10% more damage trait while flanking active when I did my initial tests (I forgot that heart of the mists saves different traits). I updated my values (which are still only approximate!). However this makes the difference between Warrior and Ranger quite a bit bigger.
Second Edit:
Solandri pointed out that using ingame tooltips for the autoattack animation time distorted my values by a lot. The autoattacks are actually way slower. I fixed this by meassuring the true autoattack speed ingame and updating my data.
Third Edit:
Included March 26 GS buffs. Overall Warrior still beats ranger by ~30% with the use of 100 blades. In a PvP scenario where hundred blades is way more unlikely to connect than Maul DPS advantage for warrior shrinks to propably less than 5%.
(edited by Dojo.1867)