Ranger "Guard" Nerf

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: lguilliam.1639


What is the point in nerfing rangers? They are the worst class in the entire game and you’re nerfing the one good build they have at the minute. Do not increase the recharge of guard because then I’ve just wasted 15 god kitten gold on the one and only decent WvWvW build (they’re also awful in PvE, average damage and no sustain with it if you spec for DPS) they have because it just makes the build useless! I don’t understand why you think this is a valid idea.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Sneakier.9460



Now you know how power rangers feel sine beta where we are gutted each patch

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: MasterKitty.8205


On the contrary to the popular belief, I do not, nor will I ever think (until they truly are, ofc) that rangers are the worst class in the game.

I find this patch a bit overexedurated from ANet and I can already see it partly reduced (the nerf), BUT rangers are far from bad.

In fact, they are only bad in the wrong hands and frankly, there are many of those. It’s not that my ego is bursting, I’m not nearly the best ranger out there, even further from being the best player out there, but I can guarantee that rangers aren’t in a bad place.

Sadly, I know I’ll get hate for this, but this negativity that this forum has has to be reduced by Someone, at least by a little

Keep your arrows up ^^

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Apparently Allie confirmed these notes were a fake, made by some usurper. Guard will thankfully remain as it should be.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: The Chosen Link.3247

The Chosen Link.3247

Apparently Allie confirmed these notes were a fake, made by some usurper. Guard will thankfully remain as it should be.

I’m sorry, but do you remember the last 3 or so times patch notes were ‘leaked’ and were regarded as fake? Yea, they ended up being real.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarlack.4096


Agreed, but on THIS particular occasion they are officially stating that they are bogus


I do not recall similar statements regarding past leaks…

Still, time will tell…

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


does this really surprise ANYONE at this point??

I’m laughing my kitten off meanwhile. Yeah it would nerf my ONLY build and pretty much my only consistent source of Herbs/food in the game and my ranger would literally be starving to death soon if this was a more realistic game. (LOLZ, like minecraft?). But that’s not why I’m laughing. I’m laughing b/c it’s so far beyond cliche` at this point that it’s a hilarious run-on joke now. …Oh and also b/c I don’t have to deal with it anymore.

Apparently Allie confirmed these notes were a fake, made by some usurper. Guard will thankfully remain as it should be.

No where in that post was it specified which specific changes were the “fakes”.
Given their history, all ranger nerfs are usually 100% dead on, like clockwork.

(edited by ilr.9675)

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Bran.7425


Apparently Allie confirmed these notes were a fake, made by some usurper. Guard will thankfully remain as it should be.

Yes as guard the shout with a cast time is in such a good place right now.

Pets have been hidden due to rising Player complaints.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Detharos.3157


Apparently Allie confirmed these notes were a fake, made by some usurper. Guard will thankfully remain as it should be.

Yes as guard the shout with a cast time is in such a good place right now.

Hey I’m all for more improvements like instant cast, but given the history and trends of how the ranger’s been handled… these days I’m just happy if we can avoid nerfs or more aquaman patches.

And like someone said earlier, it’s almost hard to believe it’s fake because randomly nerfing an already underwhelming skill sounds EXACTLY like something they would do.

Dathaul, 80 Melee Ranger
Ferguson’s Crossing server.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: solrik.6028


What is the point in nerfing rangers? They are the worst class in the entire game and you’re nerfing the one good build they have at the minute. Do not increase the recharge of guard because then I’ve just wasted 15 god kitten gold on the one and only decent WvWvW build (they’re also awful in PvE, average damage and no sustain with it if you spec for DPS) they have because it just makes the build useless! I don’t understand why you think this is a valid idea.

This is the exact reason Anet doesn’t read these threads.

If you really care, you have to make your point! Explain why it shouldn’t be nerfed instead of whining about your gold.

15g can be collected super fast and there is no build that needs shout mastery for the regen. Go with dwayna runes, regen trait(s), regen duration and you have perma-regen without problems. I used to stack up around 2 minutes of regeneration without shouting. I changed my build to something more fun though.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


On the contrary to the popular belief, I do not, nor will I ever think (until they truly are, ofc) that rangers are the worst class in the game.

Well think what you want but if you want to keep your “happy ranger” attitude, do not try to join pug parties. Mostly they will kick you right after seeing the ranger icon without even talking to you.

Ranger "Guard" Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: snow.8097


yes the guard nerf is fake, but honestly i could imagine that anet would like to nerf it.
Dont Know but when they do the Little Group of shout rangers are killed IMO.

Safi/Clio Del Ray |Ranger, Elonas Reach,
the skrittfinisher was my idea!