Ranger Hate Flame ?

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: awgardner.9634


I don’t understand what the deal is here. Ok, 4 out of every 5 forums is a flame about Rangers and why we shouldn’t play them and how we are gimp blah blah blahze…

I guess nobody plays classes that they just enjoy eh ?

Let me have a rebuttle in regards to a top that is going to come up… Here is my response ! I love to play golf, but that doesn’t mean I am any good at it…

Representing Acolytes [Aco] on Jade Quarry
80 Human Thief – 80 Human Guardian
80 Norn Ranger – 80 Norn Warrior

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


Playing Ranger in GW2 is like playing golf with a spoon.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Konishion.5847


Ranger has a high skill floor. People want to beat everyone in a 1v5 with ease. I hope I helped you understand.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


depends though, As far as difficulty-skill-ratio Ranger is pretty easy to use until late game. but you don’t really learn the nuances of your class as a tank-spank ranger in general wpve.

it’s definitely easier to use than an elementalist. and definitely harder to play then as a warrior/thief. but you actually have a pretty good set of mobile-defensive skill sets and weapon attacks.

if you look at the sPvP forum, Ranger has misplaced warrior on the “tier lists”. and a mobile-traper has many skills sets which can basically take out most thieves in wvwvw and general sPvP. if anything ranger is getting much better now that “obstruction” doesn’t happen 1/3 of the time. and especially now that people are getting off the idea that a ranger’s pet is useless and only want to use ranged weapons.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: awgardner.9634


See, and I understand that. Rangers are versatile, with that being said, utilize the versatility and master your skill set. I just dont understand, yes we have bugs that are getting addressed in the upcoming patch, but what is with the mentality of " I should be able to eat everything ! ". Where would a competitive edge come from if a game was created with one class that could wipe the floor with any other… Where would the variety be, better yet, where would the game be ?

Problem is that most people dont understand the effort that is put into creations like this to make a title that is balanced throughout, showing only the truly skilled will survive.

Representing Acolytes [Aco] on Jade Quarry
80 Human Thief – 80 Human Guardian
80 Norn Ranger – 80 Norn Warrior

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


yes we have bugs that are getting addressed in the upcoming patch
effort that is put into creations like this to make a title that is balanced throughout

Need source on both of this.
Because you know, some ranger bugs go so deep into the engine they wont get fixed for years and stuff like sic em beeing bugged to hell wont get noticed until 100 more threads pop up first.
Also, you are speaking of balance, please show me where i can find that. I’m searching for that since i hit 80 with my first character which was months ago.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: awgardner.9634


Its too funny. Everyone complains that everything is off balance, your playing the game, if it was blasted all to kitten, it would have fallen flat on its face like AoC did 1 month after release. Try paying 60 bucks for a game that you literally " Could Not Play ".

Representing Acolytes [Aco] on Jade Quarry
80 Human Thief – 80 Human Guardian
80 Norn Ranger – 80 Norn Warrior

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Linkisdead.9647


I don’t like the trait lines of the Ranger, some are just in the wrong trees. Like traps being in the precision line, how does it make any sense to put the best cond dmg stuff in a crit line? Its insane.

That being said Ranger is a great class when played right. My bunker ranger massacres groups of 3v1 routinely, please explain how a very mobile guy who can rez people like a champ and down players on the walls is useless.

Explain how a trap ranger throwing fire fields, bleeding/chilling/poisioning groups at a time with pets randomly fearing/regenings is useless?

If you mix your slot skills to your situation you can be a great asset in any situation, but I believe we are best at skirmishing.

Learn how to chain your dodges and weapon skill evades and you stay up for a crazy amount of time.

My current bunker build rng has such high healing power I can stand in enemy aoe for stompsand rezzes, nothing beats crushing your enemy while his friends try desperately to bring you down.

Furthermore if you trait right you can have 2 stuns/knockbacks in a row be nullified so you can laugh at guardians trying to KD you while you stomp.

[sYn] Borlis Pass

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jazenn.7526



Because people love to rage. Whether it’s because they aren’t winning, aren’t enjoying the playstyle, winning but need to inflate their ego, or just wanting something to argue against, there will always be ragers. Some is legitimate, as the ranger(nor any other class, or the game in general) is perfect. But forum spam about the same problems, typical complaints, and unhelpful gripes just become useless after a while. It’s hilarious, kind of like the political or racial arguments that youtube comment sections devolve to. It just becomes that funny but sad occurrence. Lol. Then again, it sort of unites rangers and brings us together. I enjoy meeting new rangers in-game, no matter what their opinions. It provides good discussion and learning. The raging seems to be on the decline though, I see many interesting threads around.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Look, I just want to have equal damages to warriors, since I have +100% cir dmg with all-dmg build, and currently, killing the same enemy in 13 seconds instead of their 3.
1v5? Yes, versus NPC foes.
In PvP, 1v1 as it should been balanced yet. The skill of the player should bring victory, not the overpowered classes and rock-paper-scissors stupidity.
If a class is op, trolls will rage, normal ones will ask for attention and balance.
We, rangers, are heavily under powered. There is no point to rage on anyone, except on Arenanet. So they do so.

But when 12yo Thief kids fullRAGE the forums about how OP the rangers are when they can’t kill us in seconds (not even braking stealth), they reacted on that and nerfed us…

Maybe our weakness cames from botter activity…

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: angan.6572


response ! I love to play golf, but that doesn’t mean I am any good at it…

I know it probably took you a long time to think and write that response and in your head it sounded cool, but that’s probably the most idiotic thing you could have said.

At your example, the fact that YOU are not good it doesn’t mean golf is at fault. It means that in a sport where everyone is given the same tools to work with you are being limited by your own performance only. Practice more, get better and watch your self rise.

Gather up lads, it’s story time :

Once upon a time, there was this kid and dreamed of being a competitive golfer one day. He was approached by GolfNet company and was fed promises and lies of things he could have been: " Hey kid, you got a mean swing right there. You will be a master in long shots, all your shots will be hole in one, you got talent kid. You are a star ".

But what they forgot to tell him is that on the first day his competitive career began they run him over with a golf cart putting him on a wheel chair to compete against fully functional opponents (some say it was by mistake, but most agree it was on purpose). It didn’t matter how good the kid was. He was restricted by his bad design which he couldn’t overcome no matter how many hours he practiced daily for months.

And at one point, the kid had enough waiting for the GolfNet doctors to operate and finally fix him so he said "kitten it, i’ll find my strongest aspect in my ridicously broken and weak kit and make the best of it " and the kid made breakthrough and came up with a swing unfamiliar to the rest of the golfers (a.k.a trap ranger) and that gave him a brief moment of glory and allowed him to feel like Tiger Woods for a second.

But guess what !! The rest of the golfers start complaining now that the kid on the wheelchair suddenly became OP overnight despite being almost useless for 8+ months in competitions. The most popular golfers (hey warriors) started protesting that the kids swing too strong (despite them being fed steroids since day one) and they can no longer win competitions against him by simply going afk and watch the ball roll by it’s self in the holes. (a.k.a rolling face on keyboard while shouting “Hurrr Durrrr i’m a warrior” ).

The kid though was still sad. Because despite finally catching a break in competitions, in his personal life he was still neglected and looked down. All the ladies (hey mesmers) prefer to go party in clubs with the most popular golfers (warriors) and their excuse is " Hey kid, you got a mean swing on the court, but in here (the dungeon) is disco fever baby. You need a full working body to bust your moves and get your groove on. And that useless dog you carry around is kitten all over the floor, and biting the customers. Not really helping your case ".

So the question now is… what will the GolfNet doctors do ?? Will they finally listen to the kid’s pleas for an operation to fix him so he can get down with the ladies again or just go along and break the kid’s hands along with his legs so he can’t use his swing to kitten off the popular golfers any more in competitions ?

TL;DR Bad example OP, sorry to be a buzzkiller

(edited by angan.6572)

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: BlusterWolf.2103


There are only 2 good ranger build trap and BM which trap requires tons of skills to play cuz still you are on the side to counter other’s stuff and out-last them. BM is not even a that good of a build, it just makes you tanky which every other classes can go tanky build and be very tanky too anyways.

There are only 1 bad thief build, its glass cannon cuz its the only build that can actually make thief killable.

enough said.

and god, we need to trait 30 points into power to actually make signets work on ourselves…really…

Forty Milliseconds…rangers who remember…know…

(edited by BlusterWolf.2103)

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: vespers.1759


rangers are fun to play, but after all you do is die to the same three classes over and over (thieves, eles, mesmers) and get outdps’d by almost every other class while wearing glass cannon armor at much higher risk it starts to get old.

ranger is sub-par regardless of how fun it is to play.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: awgardner.9634



You do realize that you quoted a point well made, and then backed it up with information that I just didnt type. I believe that is misinterpretation on your part, or as you called it " Idiotic "

Representing Acolytes [Aco] on Jade Quarry
80 Human Thief – 80 Human Guardian
80 Norn Ranger – 80 Norn Warrior

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: awgardner.9634


Creative story btw too !

Representing Acolytes [Aco] on Jade Quarry
80 Human Thief – 80 Human Guardian
80 Norn Ranger – 80 Norn Warrior

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aegis.9724


I enjoy ranger, but you know what would make me enjoy it more? not feeling like the “special kid” when trying to pug any hard content.

Class balance IS a factor in class enjoyment, unless all you do is play alone (or with friends only who invite you for the dirty jokes and not your usefullness)

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


I enjoy ranger, but you know what would make me enjoy it more? not feeling like the “special kid” when trying to pug any hard content.

Class balance IS a factor in class enjoyment, unless all you do is play alone (or with friends only who invite you for the dirty jokes and not your usefullness)

whats bad with telling dirty jokes and having a good time? Thought this was a game, not a job.

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Ranger Hate Flame ?

in Ranger

Posted by: dodgerrule.8739


There are only 2 good ranger build trap and BM which trap requires tons of skills to play cuz still you are on the side to counter other’s stuff and out-last them. BM is not even a that good of a build, it just makes you tanky which every other classes can go tanky build and be very tanky too anyways.

There are only 1 bad thief build, its glass cannon cuz its the only build that can actually make thief killable.

enough said.

and god, we need to trait 30 points into power to actually make signets work on ourselves…really…

I disagree completely. I play with the same strategy i had in guild wars 1. I average more damage and survive longer than most people in parties i see. Glass cannon is not the way to go if you’re not the one who made it. People shouldn’t try to make builds like others but design their own as the game was meant to be played.

Dodger Rule

Dodger Rule Ranger – Fort Aspenwood