Ranger Longbow #2 ability broken?
I always took each number to be a total of the damage dealt so far during the skill. Making the actual damage per hit being: 1100 + 800 + 1000+540+950+2100+700+200+1200.
I’m not sure but I’ve practiced on training dummies at various distances and all my hits seemed to match up with the LB’s description. Number 2 attack range anywhere from 4000-12000 total for me, depending on build.
It adds the damage up.
So if you see 11400 at the end it means all hits combined did that damage.
It’s the same with nearly every other multi-hit attack.
I can see the miscalculation here.. your adding the hits from the screen up.. not from the combat log..
my hits were
1100+1900+2900+3450+4400+6500+7200+9200+11400 then a few 1000+2200+1400+1200 auto shots… and it was dead
so that gives me roughly 50-55k hitpoints…
the numbers it throws up on screen are added for the whole skill.. so im guessing your math should of worked out to 11400+1000+2200+1400+1200 = 17k
try your tests in the mists on a golem and only use numbers from combat log might help
aah i see…
thanks for clearing that up… on the other hand in this case LB damage indeed sucks big time… sigh
one should be idiot/afk to take that damage in WvW … which is very rarely the case…
(edited by Seyyah.6135)
aah i see…
thanks for clearing that up… on the other hand in this case LB damage indeed sucks big time… sigh
one should be idiot/afk to take that damage in WvW
… which is very rarely the case…
That’s why you stack it with QZ or pet swap quickness.
Can you share your build and equipment? I’ve never hit past 7k on skill #2
LB 2 damage is only marginally higher than LB 1 damage at max range, although if you have high crit rate and on-crit sigils you’ll likely be activating your sigil more often. Its real utility is for spiking as you move out to max range, as it doesn’t suffer from the distance penalty and is significantly stronger than LB1 at close range.
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -
Channeled attacks do not do the damage pop up per hit, the last number that comes up is the total damage the entire skill has done, which is a stupid mechanic. Either it should not pop up damage until it’s done, or it should show the actual damage of the hits.
Dragonbrand – Level 80 – Human Ranger
Channeled attacks do not do the damage pop up per hit, the last number that comes up is the total damage the entire skill has done, which is a stupid mechanic. Either it should not pop up damage until it’s done, or it should show the actual damage of the hits.
God, I think all know that ><
Author, look at the combat log instead of screen.
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)
Channeled attacks do not do the damage pop up per hit, the last number that comes up is the total damage the entire skill has done, which is a stupid mechanic. Either it should not pop up damage until it’s done, or it should show the actual damage of the hits.
God, I think all know that ><
Author, look at the combat log instead of screen.
Actually lots of people don’t know that, the question gets asked pretty frequently in this forum. I agree, it would be a lot more intuitive if single shot damage was displayed, and total damage only at the end.
Scarlett Daguer (Thief) | Gritt Bloodstone (Warrior) | Sirius Zand (Guardian)
- Whiteside Ridge [EU] -