Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Long Bow too stronk 2000 Range +
Too much dps ANET pls nerf

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

its the day of the patch there are many many old and new Rangers trying things out.
wait a while till things settle down.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


sigh, LB max range dps did not even change.. If you wanna troll at least do it properly…

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eye Two.1538

Eye Two.1538

Yea nerf 1500 range standart…. omg need 900 range. I mad

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


15 characters see below


Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eye Two.1538

Eye Two.1538

why nerf ranger elite 48sec+pet+pirate+dps? dont normal

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: titoroco.8049


Long Bow too stronk 2000 Range +
Too much dps ANET pls nerf

lol are u ma bro ? or are u to bad to die vs ranger that u dont know how to play them ? go learn to play the game beacuse if u dont know to fight ranger u are just to bad

Ark – Strado (guardian)

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: azizul.8469




Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

They are mad because a lot of them play mesmers and thieve and their stealth ability can cover weak skill level.

As rangers we have developed our basic skill evading dodging using terrain to our advantage. Players and class that haven’t developed these basic skill set a being obliterated.

They say rapid fire stealth tracking is op. They don’t consider that if you are not using an aoe or bounce range skill you will not hit a target in stealth. Single target range attack need a target unlike melee. Even if the ranger knew exactly where you are while your stealth he pretty much has no change of hitting you, unless he uses aoe or bounce skills.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


Can I just take a moment to remind people of something?

The damage rapid fire does has not increased with the patch.

Before the patch, it was actually LESS dodge-able than it is now, with MORE guaranteed damage on the target.

The only different to the weapon now is the time frame in which Rapid Fire deals it’s damage, and it comes down to the point that has been argued up and down these forums now that we can compare the old sustained damage longbow to the new burst longbow; In theory, sustained damage is better because it is harder to mitigate since it is dealt consistently. However, in practice, players have a harder time reacting to burst damage based on skill ceiling/floor, resulting in burst usually having an overall higher effectiveness against players ill-equipped to handle the mechanics of burst damage.

Go up against a good player. Like, an ACTUALLY good player. You will almost never land even a hit of rapid fire, because they know to counter the longbow, they have to dodge the skill and get into melee where dodging “through” a character cancels their cast, and incidentally, the autoattack damage is also at its lowest at close range.

If rapid fire is “still landing one or two hits,” it always did this. In fact, before the patch, you could double dodge and still be hit with ~5 hits of Rapid Fire versus the 2-3 you might land now, and the damage per arrow hasn’t increased.

ANet has stated explicitly, multiple times, that players shouldn’t be able to 100% completely negate the efforts of opposing players, because it’s already enough to be able to render them so ineffective that you should be more than capable of achieving a win against them.

The longbow is EXACTLY where it needs to be at now. If anything is broken after the patch, it’s the will of all of the bad players who can’t seem to figure out that they actually have MORE options to counter longbow users now.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: GOSU.9574


Can I just take a moment to remind people of something?

The damage rapid fire does has not increased with the patch.

Before the patch, it was actually LESS dodge-able than it is now, with MORE guaranteed damage on the target.

The only different to the weapon now is the time frame in which Rapid Fire deals it’s damage, and it comes down to the point that has been argued up and down these forums now that we can compare the old sustained damage longbow to the new burst longbow; In theory, sustained damage is better because it is harder to mitigate since it is dealt consistently. However, in practice, players have a harder time reacting to burst damage based on skill ceiling/floor, resulting in burst usually having an overall higher effectiveness against players ill-equipped to handle the mechanics of burst damage.

Go up against a good player. Like, an ACTUALLY good player. You will almost never land even a hit of rapid fire, because they know to counter the longbow, they have to dodge the skill and get into melee where dodging “through” a character cancels their cast, and incidentally, the autoattack damage is also at its lowest at close range.

If rapid fire is “still landing one or two hits,” it always did this. In fact, before the patch, you could double dodge and still be hit with ~5 hits of Rapid Fire versus the 2-3 you might land now, and the damage per arrow hasn’t increased.

ANet has stated explicitly, multiple times, that players shouldn’t be able to 100% completely negate the efforts of opposing players, because it’s already enough to be able to render them so ineffective that you should be more than capable of achieving a win against them.

The longbow is EXACTLY where it needs to be at now. If anything is broken after the patch, it’s the will of all of the bad players who can’t seem to figure out that they actually have MORE options to counter longbow users now.

I will add that the animation is rather ridiculous now. Incredibly so.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Ranger might be “OP” but it’s not because of poor balance. It’s because of poor player skill.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Moderator)

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

It’s crazy how this patch opened up the ability for rangers to sit back “using range posistioning and pushing a button”, I mean before the patch, we weren’t able to do that.

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

I posted in another thread, if anyone actually believes RF is a win button, I’m happy to duel you using my straight out of the box melee ranger build. I won’t change anything to specifically counter a LB, I won’t even take offhand axe. If I lose, it will be because I got outplayed over an extended time, not because you RF win buttoned me. I’ve been drinking and I’m still pretty confident based on the garbage RF spam I’ve been seeing for the past 2 days.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

It’s crazy how this patch opened up the ability for rangers to sit back “using range posistioning and pushing a button”, I mean before the patch, we weren’t able to do that.

woopdee doo, the class has always been strong in pvp and any good ranger could beat anyone 1v1 before.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

Ha ha, if you think longbow makes it easy to kill opponents, wait till you encounter a good Melle ranger. Hint: if you stand still and mash your keys (warrior, thief) you die. I like the idea of other classes having to dodge our attacks once in a while. The changes to ranger GS are just as lethal if not properly negated.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

(edited by Archon.6480)

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Warlord.9074


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

Ha ha, if you think longbow makes it easy to kill opponents, wait till you encounter a good Melle ranger. Hint: if you stand still and mash your keys (warrior, thief) you die. I like the idea of other classes having to dodge our attacks once in a while. The changes to ranger GS are just as lethal if not properly negated.

I know all about it thats my point.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


I love it how rangers think that they are now beating people using skill. All you are doing is using range posistioning and pushing a button. And Pew Pewing. Ranger is one of the easyest easy classes to play. I never understood while so many rangers were bad at it.

I posted in another thread, if anyone actually believes RF is a win button, I’m happy to duel you using my straight out of the box melee ranger build. I won’t change anything to specifically counter a LB, I won’t even take offhand axe. If I lose, it will be because I got outplayed over an extended time, not because you RF win buttoned me. I’ve been drinking and I’m still pretty confident based on the garbage RF spam I’ve been seeing for the past 2 days.

Wholeheartedly agree… And I’ve seen you with swords… :-) I am looking forward to facing LB rangers with conditions in PvP, as well.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Wholeheartedly agree… And I’ve seen you with swords… :-) I am looking forward to facing LB rangers with conditions in PvP, as well.

Duh, Condi ranger will forever faceroll power ranger.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackRose.1247


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Kodash RANGER, War, Thief, Mesmer, Guard
proud member of NV

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

The kiting ability hasn’t changed for LB at all, and I don’t think a balanced LB build can outrun or do even enough damage to hurt the typical S/T A/D condi regen build. A pure glass cannon LB build will get absolutely wrecked by a condi ranger. SoR as the only condi cleanse isn’t going to cut it!

I should know, I played glass LB ranger roaming for over a year. Many builds could be beat, some I had to run from (hello, high mobility engies like Koroshi.)

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Well, a good power ranger could outkite condi ranger before, they just had to be REALLY good. As it stands, I have yet to see anyone that good.

Based on pure mechanics however, it is a much easier match up for the condi ranger.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackRose.1247


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Well, a good power ranger could outkite condi ranger before, they just had to be REALLY good. As it stands, I have yet to see anyone that good.

Based on pure mechanics however, it is a much easier match up for the condi ranger.

well to bad u arent on my Opponent Server are you…? i know quite a few who can outkite me as a condi ranger^^

Kodash RANGER, War, Thief, Mesmer, Guard
proud member of NV

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Well, a good power ranger could outkite condi ranger before, they just had to be REALLY good. As it stands, I have yet to see anyone that good.

Based on pure mechanics however, it is a much easier match up for the condi ranger.

well to bad u arent on my Opponent Server are you…? i know quite a few who can outkite me as a condi ranger^^

Ya, it’s probably easier in WvW to do so than in PvP.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackRose.1247


yeah sure^sry didnt think of that difference ^^ spent too much time in wvw probably

Kodash RANGER, War, Thief, Mesmer, Guard
proud member of NV

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Killsmith.8169


I agree with the forum title. ANet needs to be nerfed. Not a single class has been able to beat them. That’s not balance.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: chris.6583


learn to doge, less qq

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: GOSU.9574


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Well, a good power ranger could outkite condi ranger before, they just had to be REALLY good. As it stands, I have yet to see anyone that good.

Based on pure mechanics however, it is a much easier match up for the condi ranger.

Duhwut? You must be talking about wvw in an large open area or something. Also, here is a hint, the biggest load of a BM Condi/Regen ranger’s damage……is it’s pet.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


not necessarily, as now a good powerranger (lol) can always outkite the condi, whereas a condiranger mainly has to be in semi-melee (around 600)

Well, a good power ranger could outkite condi ranger before, they just had to be REALLY good. As it stands, I have yet to see anyone that good.

Based on pure mechanics however, it is a much easier match up for the condi ranger.

Duhwut? You must be talking about wvw in an large open area or something. Also, here is a hint, the biggest load of a BM Condi/Regen ranger’s damage……is it’s pet.

No, I’m talking about PvP. No sane ranger would run a beast master build since the pet nerf. I am talking about condition builds based around the ranger. Something like signet condis. Which is probably the best 1 v 1 spec in the game for tournament queue in PvP. Hell, even the weak condi build, Spirit Ranger, would have an easy time beating a power ranger.

Then again, I don’t really understand what you’re talking about. “I must mean in an open area” what does that mean? Open areas give advantage to power ranger.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Sebrent.3625


I played around on my Ranger a bit last night. Had some fun gimping people as a Power Ranger … but my Cond Ranger was still more powerful. Ate several Power Rangers’ lunches.

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


No sane ranger would run a beast master build since the pet nerf.

Not to get off topic, but Niah ran one with success in ToL1, finishing on the 2nd place team. I actually use BM as my main dueling spec and it will win 9/10 times. I dueled the ranger forum member soilder while using an experimental BM spec, and while he beat me like 5/5 times, they were at least competitive (and I was also quite drunk at the time which was not good for noticing his high invuln uptime and wasting my skills.) He’s also way better than the average player. Finally, the BM line buffs are actually REALLY strong, to the point I think people are focusing on completely the wrong thing about the update. Ain’t got nothin’ to do with a LB, it’s about the pet buffs.

Anywho, back to the LB OP nonsense.

Edit: For the record I have no idea why Niah was running that build, I hated everything about it. But he ran it.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


No sane ranger would run a beast master build since the pet nerf.

Not to get off topic, but Niah ran one with success in ToL1, finishing on the 2nd place team. I actually use BM as my main dueling spec and it will win 9/10 times. I dueled the ranger forum member soilder while using an experimental BM spec, and while he beat me like 5/5 times, they were at least competitive (and I was also quite drunk at the time which was not good for noticing his high invuln uptime and wasting my skills.) He’s also way better than the average player. Finally, the BM line buffs are actually REALLY strong, to the point I think people are focusing on completely the wrong thing about the update. Ain’t got nothin’ to do with a LB, it’s about the pet buffs.

Anywho, back to the LB OP nonsense.

Edit: For the record I have no idea why Niah was running that build, I hated everything about it. But he ran it.

Umm, ya, actually with the new pet updates. There could be some viable BM builds that are strong. But from my personal experience, in the current meta, if I want to win a 1 v 1 I go condi signets.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Umm, ya, actually with the new pet updates. There could be some viable BM builds that are strong. But from my personal experience, in the current meta, if I want to win a 1 v 1 I go condi signets.

Birds now apply whatever it is, 2k bleed or something and stacking more and more and more permanent cripple every 6 seconds if you go 6 in to BM, it’s just ridiculous.

But anyway. Shhh. 7K RF is OP. Or something.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Not to mention you can go axe, strength sigil, strength runes, and like 25 might stack your pet with axe autos in team fights.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: GOSU.9574


No, I’m talking about PvP. No sane ranger would run a beast master build since the pet nerf.

I do, and I do quite well. I would not run such in a team environment unless it was some kitten like BM Team

And you agree with my point, there is no large open areas on pvp maps where there is nothing to get behind. Thus: advantage = BM over Power Ranger w/Bow.

“Oh no bow ranger has me in his sights I can’t possibly foil that by ducking behind THIS.”

Bads are bad, I guess.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


No, I’m talking about PvP. No sane ranger would run a beast master build since the pet nerf.

I do, and I do quite well. I would not run such in a team environment unless it was some kitten like BM Team

And you agree with my point, there is no large open areas on pvp maps where there is nothing to get behind. Thus: advantage = BM over Power Ranger w/Bow.

“Oh no bow ranger has me in his sights I can’t possibly foil that by ducking behind THIS.”

Bads are bad, I guess.

Ya that’s what I was saying, that in PvP I have never seen a power ranger out kite a condi ranger.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Relshdan.6854


i so wish there was a block button on here.
this OP does nothing but whine that warrior is dead because of adrenaline change and every other class is now overpowered.

Chaos Organ (Ele), Pistol Opera (Thief), Modular Man (Eng)
MARA (EU) Gunnar’s Hold

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


i so wish there was a block button on here.
this OP does nothing but whine that warrior is dead because of adrenaline change and every other class is now overpowered.

Bads will be bads. Though you can’t blame people, most people have a difficult time removing their own skill level bias out of the equation when evaluating game balance.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Long Bow too stronk 2000 Range +
Too much dps ANET pls nerf

Hey OP, you forgot that we can: bench press two bears at once, walk on water, shark pets dedicate a week to us, Lyssa calls us for dates, we swim after eating, Ascalon ghosts sit around fires and tell stories about us, we teach Krytan drake hounds to bark in Canthan, we talk about fight club, we grant genies 3 wishes and only a ranger has swum across the Crystal Desert.

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Genlog.4983


about time that we rangers getting Op so i can kill those thief’s ad last they are for a long time very OP ore those over powered warriors

thx anet

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: aderfiaAE.2641


its a bloody ranger ~ RANGE , 1500 MAKES sense just learn to DODGE

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: BlackBeard.2873


its a bloody ranger ~ RANGE , 1500 MAKES sense just learn to DODGE

Ranger as a term actually comes from the term “gameskeeper” and someone who is at-home in nature. Think of GoT when they go “ranging beyond the wall.” It does not actually have ANYTHING to do with fighting at range.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

its a bloody ranger ~ RANGE , 1500 MAKES sense just learn to DODGE

Ranger as a term actually comes from the term “gameskeeper” and someone who is at-home in nature. Think of GoT when they go “ranging beyond the wall.” It does not actually have ANYTHING to do with fighting at range.

dont forget 1500yards means jack we will do the same stuff at 1000+
and can easly move around in 600 yard Segments , as beard said we Range we Venture out and are trained/built for it , to be a lot more effective than a said warroir on the front lines where he don’t need to go far to hit a different target.

if people still think about this , ranged vs a guy with a sword , in a open field you’ll have to be a really bad shot to miss. go find a tree and hide behind it..then you can ask your ele friend to LR in and spike us, so you can continue the warroirs assualt.

a simple idea is to keep a eye out and stop looking at your feet spamming buttons , the most easy way to avoid a ranger is to be noticable of your enviroment.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


Guard shouter and clasic 0 0 6 2 6 BM bunker will obliterate the longbow user.

Ranger OP Pls nerf ANET

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Guard shouter and clasic 0 0 6 2 6 BM bunker will obliterate the longbow user.

Anyone with half a brain will obliterate these baby rangers. they blow all their cooldowns for 1 burst that is very easy to dodge and then they are free bags.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended