Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Kate.1745



I’m wanted to pose a number of questions which I think are fundamental to ranger pet problems. Please feel free to answer them or pose other questions in relation to why rangers and their pets (and dependency on pets) is rather broken right now.

1) Why don’t pets scale with gear?

2) Why can’t pets dodge massive AE attacks?

3) Why can’t pets hit moving targets?

4) Why were shouts released in such a broken state (and why are they still in a really sad state)?

Honestly, I love my ranger and I am having tons of fun playing my ranger. But I’ve started running dungeons and PvP and I can clearly see fundamental issues like the above making the ranger fall sadly behind other classes due to our lost pet damage due to the inability to reach targets quickly enough, ending up dead do to boss mechanics which are DESIGNED to be dodged, and horribly low pet stats (and consequently frail pets) when you are not using a Beast Mastery enhanced pet.

The sad part is, none of these issues aren’t new to other MMOs. There are just simple design problems of a pet class. I find it really sad they have not been addressed. The current pet state is similar to something akin to an 5 year old MMO… and that’s just sad.

(edited by Kate.1745)

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Trippen.3408


Why will my pet suddenly stop attacking a target, despite having full HP and not being called to stop attacking?

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Okay so you’re complaining that your pet is weak because you don’t put any points into the trait for making him last longer/hit harder….?
And expecting your pet to dodge Aoe attacks is unrealistic,theres a “return to me” button there for a reason

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Deleven.7508


1: this is a good question, before, with the maximum level of gear being exotic, this wasn’t an issue, as the pets could just be balanced to be at max level. with the ascended gear im curious if they wont add scaling at a later date.

2: the way you stated the question is a bit nebulous. aoe attacks should be able to hit pets, perhaps just more ability to counter play aoe perhaps. we have that ‘gain protection for yourself and your pet on dodging’ trait that is a good concept on how to help mitigate damage, and the swapping out of a pet to avoid a nuke is also a good counter to this. these could perhaps be more effective, but i dont think its a huge issue, more of an issue for spirits.

3: i think its mostly ai related issue. this should be fixed eventually. it is good if pets have some counter-play for your opponents, but having them miss all the time is a bit too much. if we could get a trait that did gave something like ‘10% more damage to moving enemies’ it would help to fix this too as we would punish people for kiting our pets.


5: i quite agree, not sure what to use shouts for really.

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Kate.1745


Okay so you’re complaining that your pet is weak because you don’t put any points into the trait for making him last longer/hit harder….?
And expecting your pet to dodge Aoe attacks is unrealistic,theres a “return to me” button there for a reason

Actually I have been using beast mastery. The issue people have been complaining about is that when you don’t have beast mastery, damage isn’t problem rather the fact that your pet dies so quickly in dungeons and pvp. Other classes don’t have an issue where a significant chunk of their damage can be shut out simply by tossing some AE or cleaving our floppy pet in two.

For AE… I’m sorry, pets should be able to dodge, or should auto dodge when the master dodges. Pulling the pet back doesn’t work well, it works sometimes but not well.

Given the game design I would expect pets to either auto dodge high damage AE every x seconds. Or better, your pet dodges when you dodge.

My intent here is productive thought… not foo food ignorant comments stating there is no problem. There clearly are issues with pets and how they function in boss fights, high movement scenarios (pvp) and lack of proper scaling.

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: faeral.7120


great point about boss mechanics that are designed to be dodged. would love for pet to dodge with us. would help so much pulling pet out of aoe stacks ( & treb shots omg ) in PvP as well.

Ranger Pet Question/Problem List

in Ranger

Posted by: Casey.9687


Okay so you’re complaining that your pet is weak because you don’t put any points into the trait for making him last longer/hit harder….?
And expecting your pet to dodge Aoe attacks is unrealistic,theres a “return to me” button there for a reason

Waste our precious trait points into a useless pet? you must be joking my good sir please remove thy self

Also putting more points into BM doesn’t allow it to last longer…just hit harder

(edited by Casey.9687)