Ranger Pets, a letdown?

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sygon.6043


Hello, newbie ranger here, anyone else kinda letdown somewhat with pets, not how they function but the options ANet gave us. Animals like pig, hairless dogs, tons of those big birds (which dont look menacing at all) to name a few.

It would be nice to be able to tame the animals that look more aggressive, like OwlGriffons, Eagle/Hawkgriffons as well as the many raptor types that are in the game.

What do you guys think? Will we ever get the chance to tame the more exotic animals?

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: SciChronic.3846


well, i have a shark as a pet, so that’s pretty menacing

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Roven Leafsong.8917

Roven Leafsong.8917

I don’t agree they are a letdown at all.

Giant spiders, bears, drakes, sharks and devourers attacking at my beck and call would all seem fairly menacing.

I don’t see why there can’t be even more pets in the future, sure. Personally I’d love some more utility/support companions than additional offense-heavy ones, which we seem to have in spades. I tend to prefer exploring with the birds and felines that I can imagine having more personality than ‘grrrr-rawr-gonna-bite-you’, but that’s just me. All of that I’m sure will develop with time though.

There are some pretty exotic species in our list already, and I don’t think it’s fair to say that just because we don’t yet have all the animals in Tyria to choose from that the profession has let us down.

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


I find the pets the best part about being a Ranger. There’s such a variety of looks and skills. Some do look a little dopey (blue moa?), but most are pretty awesome looking imo. Fern hound, wolf, shark, giant spiders…they’re all pretty sweet. I think if we could tame giant snowy griffons and minotaurs and some of the more impressive animals in the game, non-Rangers would cry or reroll immediately.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Turial.1293


Fern Hound is possibly my favourite looking pet in the game but i think pets are a little under powered; don’t get me wrong the versatility is great but I wish they had a bit more bite.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

(edited by Turial.1293)

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Billy.1597


The most rewarding aspect of the pet is the fact that in more cases than none, they take the majority of the aggro. This becomes pretty important allowing you utilize your ranged attacks to their fullest capacity. In addition, being able to stack buffs in coincidence with your pet make for some killer Critical hits and damage combos!

In reference to the OP, what level is your character currently? IF you feel the pets are underwhelming, try maxing out the beastmastery traits, then get back to us :p

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sygon.6043


Im not saying that the pets are weak, I am saying the options of pets are underwhelming. I know that some people here are saying that Spiders, Cats, Bears ect or cool, BUT they have already been in EVERY mmo as the Hunter, Ranger, Beastmaster pets.. I was hoping since GW2 is different from the typical MMO that the masters of Nature would actually have something a little more unique.

I will agree, the Shark pet is awesome! But Moa’s, a pig, hairless dog, spiders, bears, cats. These are generic and/or silly as ranger pets.

Drakes are cool but have been done before, there are just so many cool beasts that can be used I am wondering why they didnt allow us to tame them as well, REALLY mix things up on the pet side of things.


The above would be great ranger pets!

(edited by Sygon.6043)

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Titan.1580


The sheer variety of pets and the creativity that went into the non obvious ones (obvious being the wolf, dog, shark, etc) really made the Ranger stand out and a big reason I went this way.

This is a beautifully, well done aspect to the class and it has been enjoyed all throughout my play time thus far. You can have a companion that dishes out dps, poison, one that flies or crawls, swims or sprints, one that takes lots of damage (bear) or spreads AoE.

Nope, Arenanet deserves kudos for many reasons, and this is one of them.

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sygon.6043


Hmm you must be new to MMO’s, as everything you just said is in most other games that have pets. There is a good amount of pets but most are reskinned, like the Moa’s Cats, bears, ect..

This isnt a post about the ability of pets just the aesthetic options to choose from. Perhaps I posted in the wrong forum, maybe I just need to go to suggestion and suggest they add more none generic pets, as it is we have a very little amount of exotic pets, that is all haha.

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Acaelus Thorne.3862

Acaelus Thorne.3862

In all honesty we don’t need more pets. What we need is pet evolution. I mean all MMO out that have pet control classes only two game that I have played the makes your pet feel awesome. First one is war hammer online pets evolved in different tiers. So the looks awesome just like their master who control them. The second one is Sprint master from aion where I wouldn’t called it evolved as such but they o have tiers which makes the pets look good. Tell me why should we tame a pet that will looks the same from level one to max level. Where you the PCs character can change different type of armor set and weapons like their is no tomorrow. Sometime I think the dev and people forget that a ranger pet is a tools weapon just like the bow, sword, or daggers they wield. Our pets should grow in size and have different look about them. In real life and ranger pet would grow in size so why shouldn’t ingame pet.

(edited by Acaelus Thorne.3862)

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: MokahTGS.7850


The only let down is that I can’t have a humpback whale as a pet.

Ranger Pets, a letdown?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rollinpapers.7312


Hello, newbie ranger here, anyone else kinda letdown somewhat with pets, not how they function but the options ANet gave us. Animals like pig, hairless dogs, tons of those big birds (which dont look menacing at all) to name a few.

It would be nice to be able to tame the animals that look more aggressive, like OwlGriffons, Eagle/Hawkgriffons as well as the many raptor types that are in the game.

What do you guys think? Will we ever get the chance to tame the more exotic animals?

They actually were a let down in combat, lack of skills and with people constantly evading they barely hit the enemy. Otherwise I have no complaints about them.
