Ranger Pets and Spirits

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: skytohigh.7531


A simple way for Arenanet to add some semblance of damage mitigation for pets outside of a few seconds of protection or Signet of Stone is to make it so the pet gains a simple 5s or 6s sec buff that makes it evade attacks for the duration when the owner dodge rolls. If they feel that it is too strong then they can make it one or two attacks.

My main issue with pets is they are far too fragile for the potential they bring and the impact of having a pet on the Ranger play-style. I run 30 BM and have always ran 30 BM and it even then it takes a extreme amount of micromanagement (which is something that Arenanet said they felt that ranger’s should not have to do) to keep my pet and myself alive through quite a few bosses attacks. Some Ranger’s may not like the pet which is their own prerogative and if they want to permanently stow it then they should be able to. I personally enjoy my pets and would just simply like to see them more survivable.

Its not as though we are asking a lot we are simply asking for some quality of life improvements. Little things such as improvements to the pet UI so that we don’t have to take wild guesses or spend the time calculating stats for our pets or saving pet names so that every time I want to use a new pet I don’t have to rename it. Those few things would go a long way in my opinion to making us feel a little less unloved.

Masters Bond
I won’t really speak on any of the traits outside of the BM tree as I do not use Marks or Skirmishing too often. As it was posted before Masters Bond has become a source of much annoyance to me. It has the potential to be a great trait, but in its current form its just worthless for anything outside of running through the world. It should simply be a static number even if it is slightly lowered from the potential amount it can give at 25 stacks. I can’t really being to count the time I’ve spent the time grinding 25 stacks only to have to switch pets out for varied reasons. Then of course there are bosses who see your 25 stacks and laugh at you for being a silly Human, Charr, Norn, Asura or Sylvari and coming in their instance with your 25 stacks.

In the end I just would really like to see a few more improvements to the Beastmaster play-style that I enjoy and also to the Ranger class as a whole. I would also like to hear from whoever is in charge of the design of the class that they hear our plight and care.

I can see giving pets more defense in dodging ability or something like that, but perma-stow pet would make a ranger not a ranger. This is how the class is designed to be, the most integral and basic aspect of it won’t be just erased because the player feels like being a warrior with ranger skills.

*Ranger (character class)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (October 2007)
A Ranger (also known as Hunter, Scout or Tracker) is an archetype found in many fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, and tracking. Archery and (often dual-wielding) swordplay are common to rangers, though there are many instances where rangers use a variety of weapons, skills, and sometimes magic or have a resistance to magic.*

I’ll not sit and argue semantics with you but the name “Ranger” has more meaning then having a pet. Being able to permanently stow your pet would in no way subtract from the meaning of the word “Ranger”. It is simply a matter of freedom to play as the player see’s fit.

Regardless of other definitions you find, A-net has its own definition. This is GW2, not anything else. Read the class philosophy for the ranger class from a-net itself.

I’ve read it on multiple occasions. I also understand their philosophy. I also enjoy the other dimension of play it brings to the Ranger. However just because you and I enjoy this does not mean everyone does. Another players wish or choice to play without a pet does not effect either of us. And it is in no way detrimental to the Ranger class. So why should we be against it? Also being able to permanently stow your pet is no different then putting it on passive.

Aidan Faintsmile|Ranger|[SA]|SBI

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Jazenn.7526


I agree, it is the choice of A-net. So why go against it?

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: cacklingcat.2938


I guess you should look at them as skills then and not pets that’s why you can switch them fast and the refresh time isn’t to long. So basically there skills pretending to be your pets

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Barachias.2371


I honestly don’t see the problems with pets… My own tend to either outlast me or outlast others in my party. And often times when they are dead, I switch pets and…voila…

People are upset cause their single pet dies quickly… You have two pets for a reason. The survivability of your pet is not something you should care about. It’s that you have another pet to take it’s place as soon as it dies. I currently use a pet hyena… who btw, can call in an ally. The two of them together (for the allies short duration) has helped out greatly in boss fights in dungeons (of course with several other people there). SOME pets are meant to stay on the defensive, or guard you. Take moas for example, anyone who is keeping them in combat mode is serioussly off their rocker. (And I’ve seen idios do it)

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


I guess you should look at them as skills then and not pets that’s why you can switch them fast and the refresh time isn’t to long. So basically there skills pretending to be your pets

Actually, you’ve hit the nail right on the head. Your pet control skills should be part of your rotation. If they’re not, then know that you have willingly put yourself at a disadvantage in every fight. That is not the fault of the profession, or the way it’s designed. That’s your choice to make your ranger weaker than it needs to be. Whether or not you like the way ANet designed the ranger is not relevant to the discussion. The ranger is designed as a profession that uses a pet 100% of the time. Period. That is reality. Move on from there.

That doesn’t mean you can’t also spec to be an archer. Spec 30/30/…whatever else you want, bring a couple of bows, and set your pet to “do not attack.” Your pets can still be an asset by providing buffs, poison fields, AoE chilling, AoE dazing, AoE confusion, AoE fear, useful bundles, etc. for your and your team’s use, or against anyone that encroaches on your personal space.

There are different ways of using your pets. Get creative instead of complaining, or take the advice of the rangers that aren’t having trouble. If you are having as much trouble as some of you’re claiming to be having, you are just doing it wrong. It’s not a big deal, and it’s not an assault on your ego. Just accept it and change the way that you are approaching the profession, or play something that fits your needs a little better. ANet made eight professions for a reason…

(edited by RummyTheMad.7290)

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


Don’t be dumb. A thief can melee 24/7 just fine, don’t pretend he has to go in and out like the cat should. Ditto with my mesmer and ele.

What kind of stupidity is this.

No, your pet will not survive against the Ascalonian generall or warriors or ele in lv20+ fractal even with protection. Nor will it survive the Lupicus pull or CoE aoe spikes.

It’s kinda adorable that you think wasting a dodge roll to give pet prot is fine because you somehow sit at range with your little bow not needing the dodges, but some rangers actually choose melee and have to conserve their dodges for when THEY need it.

fun you say that. I am always in melee with my ranger. It actually makes it much easier for myself. Anytime i have to dodge my pet dodges too. And again, if you look at the trait line, Anet gives rangers a generous boost to endurance regen in same trait line without having to choose the trait. The trait line is designed purposefully with this in mind. Allowing ranger to be more flexible with how often you use dodge rolls.

I’ve never had a problem with not having a dodge roll ready.

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


Simplest fix in the world which Anet refuses to implement: 50% to 75% AOE damage reducti. Pets should have to be targeted by players or bosses to get killed.

there is a trait that on dodge roll your pet gains protection. If you have a solid pet this protection will allow your pet to tank whatever AoE is thrown at it and survive to swap. I’ve done multiple dundgeons now and the dodge roll will allow the pet to survive spikes, particulalry if you have a solid pet like a wolf drake bear or pig.

The only times I have lost pets are when I wasn’t paying attention to the TELL TALE signs that the boss was about to spike. This is the fault of the ranger, not the pet. The ranger class in THIS game is designed around fighting with two characters at once.

Pets are extremely sturdy when built right and cared for. I’ve had my wolves tank champs without ever having to swap. I’ve solo’ed [group] events that groups won’t even take on because of insane damage. Pets are great when you use them properly. I’ve solo’ed one of the lovers keeping it busy while my party took care of the other.

If you like cats, great. Send them in for burst and pull them back, in and out, in and out. Its like a thief trying to duke it out with the boss… it ain’t going to end well. If thieves can’t pull it off, don’t expect your pets too either. Especially if you take said glass pet.

The more and more I play ranger and adapt my play, the more I see pet survivability as a user issue. GW2 has given us the tools to make it work (fractals excluded here, Arena needs to fix this). Use them.

Thank you. If you are not mastering your class mechanic in this game, you are not a good player of that class. The Ranger in GW2 is a beastmaster. Period. You are playing for two, and so anyone who is neglecting their pets should leave the class. If pet’s aren’t your style, then maybe the Ranger isn’t for you…because it’s kind of their class mechanic and therefore an essential part of their fundamentals. The Warrior got several of the old GW1 Ranger skills in his skill set, and all classes can hit from range so take your pick. If you aren’t making heavy use of your F1-F4 skills throughout a fight then you aren’t doing a kitten thing right as a Ranger. If I lose a pet, I made a mistake. Period.

Whatever the Ranger is lacking, a pet can usually cover. Stop thinking of your pets as additional spammable DPS and take a look at the utility they can provide. If you haven’t realized yet that you need to trait so as to benefit your pet as well as your own kitten then you will be handed that kitten over and over again.

I’m sorry sir but I’m guessing you’re a PVE ranger, high fiving your leet self for your mastery of the pet. Anyone who traits heavily into pets or thinks that F1-F4 skills will save them in WvW or fractals (primary end game of GW2) is a joke and a liability to their team.

Fractals, again if you read my quote which started the chain, I said fractals are an issue do to, yes in this instance, a broken pet mechanic. Pets have been given agony resistance value, it just hasn’t been filled in yet. Probably testing to get it right. Yes its broken, no one was arguing fractals.

WvW, I’ve had no issues with pets what so ever with roaming or even zerging. Pets actually can cause great havoc because most people are too busy paying attention to where the red circles are on the ground to notice a pet smacking an ally in the face.

Tips for zerging with active pets, fight from the outside edges of your zerg whenever possible. Less red circles for your pets to charge through. Use guard to stealth your pet through whatever AoE it does have to run through. Once its on the other side, enjoy watching your pet run from target to target for the most part ignored by everyone but the poor sap its snacking on.

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Bas.7406


Rangers who complain that their pets die or that they have to control their pets in order to have them avoid AoE are like elementalist who complain that they need to attunement swap in order to be effective or Engineers who complain that they have to use kits to be at their best (pistol/Elixir excluding).

Pets and their control are an integral part of being a ranger. I would think the bigger issue is your utility skills are completely awful outside of Traps. However Anet has noticed that and will make some changes upcoming. I actually fought a full Anet team in spvp recently. They rolled 5 bunker classes and were great guys (not great players).

It was a lot of fun, and I learned a bit on how a FT Engineer can control a point for some time (I killed him eventually with my minionmancer). I learned how bad a ranger is if they aren’t condition specced with entangle and traps. My thought was they took one look at how weak he was compared to the others and are looking at possible changes.

I have a low level ranger, and the lack of viable utilities and that LB is really weak inside 1000m is what disappointed me the most. However, I have had no trouble keeping a single pet alive through an entire dungeon unless I make a mistake and not get tunnel vision.

I do agree that Spirit Weapons, Spirit Pets, and Minions need some sort of AoE avoidance since there is no ability to control them. I don’t think ranger pets need the same things since you have multiple ways to keep your pet alive. Granted I think they need a small bump in the ability to not die instantly if they are left in a random or if you are a half second late on a return to me.

However, if you take away their ability to get damage from aoe. You will effectively make them wrecking machines in pvp. A good condition tank with the improvements to tank will train wreck 3 to 4 people. A good LB ranger will wreck someone until he is spotted :P haha. A BM is pretty fun to fight, but losing to them is a rarity. Unfortunately they die often to cleave attacks unless you are running dog, drake, moa, or bear which is a bit ridiculous.

My recommendation is to have pets switch to the back of a target if you use the f1 skill. This would give you the ability to avoid cleave actions and yet still keep the pet skills an active part of the game.

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Lucky Charmz.5089

Lucky Charmz.5089

The problem isn’t whether we have pets or not.

The problem we should be discussing is how to make our pets and spirits die less easily.

I say, reduce the damage they take from AoE.

Ranger Pets and Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Enundr.9305


Rangers who complain that their pets die or that they have to control their pets in order to have them avoid AoE are like elementalist who complain that they need to attunement swap in order to be effective or Engineers who complain that they have to use kits to be at their best (pistol/Elixir excluding).

Pets and their control are an integral part of being a ranger. I would think the bigger issue is your utility skills are completely awful outside of Traps. However Anet has noticed that and will make some changes upcoming. I actually fought a full Anet team in spvp recently. They rolled 5 bunker classes and were great guys (not great players).

It was a lot of fun, and I learned a bit on how a FT Engineer can control a point for some time (I killed him eventually with my minionmancer). I learned how bad a ranger is if they aren’t condition specced with entangle and traps. My thought was they took one look at how weak he was compared to the others and are looking at possible changes.

I have a low level ranger, and the lack of viable utilities and that LB is really weak inside 1000m is what disappointed me the most. However, I have had no trouble keeping a single pet alive through an entire dungeon unless I make a mistake and not get tunnel vision.

I do agree that Spirit Weapons, Spirit Pets, and Minions need some sort of AoE avoidance since there is no ability to control them. I don’t think ranger pets need the same things since you have multiple ways to keep your pet alive. Granted I think they need a small bump in the ability to not die instantly if they are left in a random or if you are a half second late on a return to me.

However, if you take away their ability to get damage from aoe. You will effectively make them wrecking machines in pvp. A good condition tank with the improvements to tank will train wreck 3 to 4 people. A good LB ranger will wreck someone until he is spotted :P haha. A BM is pretty fun to fight, but losing to them is a rarity. Unfortunately they die often to cleave attacks unless you are running dog, drake, moa, or bear which is a bit ridiculous.

My recommendation is to have pets switch to the back of a target if you use the f1 skill. This would give you the ability to avoid cleave actions and yet still keep the pet skills an active part of the game.

so dont make pets a wrecking machine like thieves and warriors , got it. but really they would be fine with reduced damage from aoe , they die fast enough from single target attacks (and as with a recent post that ALOT of ppl got worked up about was aoe being too strong as it is (i believe the players aoe not the AI) , and how they mentioned single target skills are going to be brought up to stick out more strongly then aoes do , hence why the aoe damage reduction would NOT be an issue as they want players to have single target dps more active then aoe spam anyway).