Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


Is there a specific reason the ranger 1h auto with sword locks you in place for the last 2/3rds of the chain? Imo it pushes people away from playing in melee range since we’re quite squishy as it is and higher levels of play such as fractal 40+ is less forgiving on mistakes. Often, if you have aggro on a boss the ranger auto with sword slowly moves you forward, which moves the boss (annoying your party). While one can argue about the two dodges the sword MH has, #3 has a 15 second cooldown and #2 doesn’t proc immediately so you’re forced to try timing your dodges (which doesn’t always time well with the bosses attacks due to the lock) or switch weapons then dodge, which means you’re forced into a weapon choice that lowers your dps.

Sidenote: If a mob dies on the third part of your chain auto, your kick will miss the dead mob and take you off a cliff occasionally.

Longstory short, this isn’t really a rant, I’ve played a sword build up to fotm48 and I don’t really mind the lock too much, I just don’t understand the decision to make our auto locked and I’d prefer it changed

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


You can make it a rant if you want. This has been complained about nonstop for as long as I’ve been playing this game. It’s a shame because the animation looks good, but it’s just not functional at all. There is absolutely no reason it has to jump around like this.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Turn of the auto attack. You can dodge better, time attacks, and not lose DPS if you can press the attack key about once every second or two.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


Turn of the auto attack. You can dodge better, time attacks, and not lose DPS if you can press the attack key about once every second or two.

That doesn’t really help. Your highest strike comes from the third skill in the chain, pounce. Also if you hit your attack key one extra time (which you’re bound to do in the middle of boss fights) you’re once again locked into the combo and can’t dodge of it. Lastly your dodges would most likely end up being worse since your attack pattern would be inconsistent. Spamming attack shouldn’t have to be the fix for a needless lock mechanic

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I do just fine with my auto attack turned off, and haven’t experienced a DPS loss, other than the trained practice of hitting dodge instead of queing up another attack. There wouldn’t be a single ranger in this community that would complain if the ability to dodge during the attack chain was changed to become more reliable.

Seeing as how I’m not the one coding the game, I can only offer tips to make the experience a bit better.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

It’s not really a bug though I mean rooting the last two chains is a design choice and I’ve seen posts about it before, certainly no one enjoys the mechanic, but I’ve never really seen an explanation behind it. A large part of what makes Guild Wars 2 combat interesting and diverse is the ability to move while casting/attacking however that ability is lost on the ranger sword auto

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Sad reality is you just have to deal with a delayed job. I’m able to dodge Subject Alpha perfectly though (roll with me if you don’t believe.)

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


Turn of the auto attack.

In laggier situations this actually does nothing…. b/c it feeds your last clicks into the attack Queue as well preventing you from disengaging in time. IE: you’re clicking at a slightly faster rate than the CPU can keep up with in crowded fights, and it behaves just like you had Auto-attack stuck on…

and what’s weird is I’ve never once seen GS or Guardians Swords or Necro dagger autos ever do this. And I can usually keep those on Auto-attack anyway… (they never have this queue priority chain conflict)

(edited by ilr.9675)

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Neve.7134


Yeah, I also play a 1h sword with my ranger but it’s really difficult to evade, since you able to do it between 2nd and 3rd “skill” of #1 skill.
I would they fix it, at least to run while fighting cause all melee classes can do it.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


You can make it a rant if you want. This has been complained about nonstop for as long as I’ve been playing this game. It’s a shame because the animation looks good, but it’s just not functional at all. There is absolutely no reason it has to jump around like this.

You must not spvp. The sword function is to cripple and stick on a running enemy. This complaint is exactly why ranger needs another mainhand like dagger. It’s also why a new mainhand should come before another ranged weapon (ew rifles).

I really get sad by this community. This week I’ve read that you guys want to take away my sword and get a rifle. I’d quit the game if that happened, to be completely honest.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


it does not lock you IN PLACE, it locks you ON TO the target so that if it moves, you jump to it right away . Stop just basing things on PvE .

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


it does not lock you IN PLACE, it locks you ON TO the target so that if it moves, you jump to it right away . Stop just basing things on PvE .

I don’t always agree with Chokolata, but when I do, I really, really agree.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

You can make it a rant if you want. This has been complained about nonstop for as long as I’ve been playing this game. It’s a shame because the animation looks good, but it’s just not functional at all. There is absolutely no reason it has to jump around like this.

You must not spvp. The sword function is to cripple and stick on a running enemy. This complaint is exactly why ranger needs another mainhand like dagger. It’s also why a new mainhand should come before another ranged weapon (ew rifles).

I really get sad by this community. This week I’ve read that you guys want to take away my sword and get a rifle. I’d quit the game if that happened, to be completely honest.

Dagger/Dagger has it’s place, and it’s there with the Thief. Sword/Dagger is a proper Ranger set, but the current design of Sword is nonsensical. If you like it, fine, but I guarantee it was an acquired taste that you had to develop workaround and tricks to deal with. That is an absurd notion for a basic attack chain of a weapon. You should not have to go out of your way to make autoattack a viable tool, it should just work.

Name one other auto attack for any weapon of any class in the entire game where it does just work. There isn’t one, only Ranger Longsword. This is a problem. So if we have to lose you, in order to have a fully functional weapon that everyone can get into without needing to implement tricks for it to be viable, then I’m happy to see you go.

But that’s the point. You aren’t using skill to make the weapon better, you’re using skill to make the weapon usable. You’re using workarounds and tricks to bring it to the level of any other weapon that just works by default. Why do you insist on defending that?

As for Rifle, I’d like to see rifle, but I honestly can’t think of anything they could do with rifle that isn’t just Longbow with a gun.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I’m with Chopps on this one, I find the sword to be one of the more interesting weapons in the game, and it works very well at what it does, allowing you to stick to a target and deal continual DPS without allowing them to escape easily.

I’m extremely happy with it having a learning curve, and not just being another one of this games faceroll DPS, hit one button and dodge when needed weapons.

In a sense, and yes I’m aware this is a two sided argument, but removing the current function would take the fun out of the sword. Now (I have autoattack turned off) I have to actively engage my targets, ready to dodge and stop pressing attack at any given moment, or use my evade/escape. Remove that, and people will do exactly what they do with shortbow; 1111111111111111111111, but not even pressing it themselves.

There isn’t much easier the rangers weapon skills can get. I personally enjoy the learning curve. I know that other people don’t and you won’t hear a complaint out of me if things do get changed in the future. I’m not here to disagree with what people want, I just wanted to express why I enjoy it as it is, as its uniqueness hasn’t lost its entertainment value (even though I’ve been using it since launch).

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Prophet.1584


Why do people keep complaining about this! the second and third attacks in the sword chain are leaps and that’s why you can’t dodge during the chain. if you don’t want the moves to chain TURN OFF AUTO ATTACK. simple, easy. that way you can pause yourself between moves in the chain. if you can’t handle that and want to play melee use a GS.

I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


it does not lock you IN PLACE, it locks you ON TO the target so that if it moves, you jump to it right away . Stop just basing things on PvE .

It locks you in a chain based on animation, the leaps aren’t necessary all they do is cripple/give you might. This can easily be achieved by moving towards the target yourself.

Why do people keep complaining about this! the second and third attacks in the sword chain are leaps and that’s why you can’t dodge during the chain. if you don’t want the moves to chain TURN OFF AUTO ATTACK. simple, easy. that way you can pause yourself between moves in the chain. if you can’t handle that and want to play melee use a GS.

Turning off auto attack would be a nice solution, if the damage on the chain wasn’t end based. To do your max amount of dps, you have to hit your last 2 skills and during those 2 skills regardless of whether auto is on or not, you can’t break out of each individual skill. I’m not talking about dodging inbetween skills I’m talking about the ability to cancel the skill by dodging (lack thereof). If you actually read the post instead of just seeing what you wanted to see, you’d notice I stated I “can” handle it, and I actually don’t mind it, and I run it in fotm48. I just don’t understand the reason for the mechanic, and without it more rangers would be more likely to use the sword.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Why do people keep complaining about this! the second and third attacks in the sword chain are leaps and that’s why you can’t dodge during the chain. if you don’t want the moves to chain TURN OFF AUTO ATTACK. simple, easy. that way you can pause yourself between moves in the chain. if you can’t handle that and want to play melee use a GS.

How can you actually defend this? How can anyone actually actively defend a system that is broken and requires a workaround simply to be functional at a normal level? It IS your auto attack. It is designed to be used indefinitely and without having to time key strokes. If it were a case where turning off auto attack and timing it yourself improved the function beyond normal, that would be a different matter. Then yes, it is a matter of skill. That is not the situation, this is using skill to make it nominal, not improved. It needs to be worked on because it is broken.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


This isn’t a L2P issue. The mechanic just isn’t fluid and is simply too much for an auto-attack option. If you notice, no one is complaining about the mechanics of serpents and hornets despite them being all over the place too. It’s just a very jarring and to do it 2 out of every 3 seconds is too much. If the weapon needs an attachment mechanic and the snare form dagger isn’t enough (if you choose dagger anyway) then further improvement on hornet and serpent should be the goal. Or simply replace might to pet for a cripple.

No other class needs this auto leap mechanic on their auto-attack and tons of classes have fast attack speeds on their auto attack chain.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: kokiman.2364


I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

That isn’t the answer. A broken mechanic isn’t high risk, it’s a broken mechanic. Things that are broken get fixed, or replaced.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Solandri.9640


Why do people keep complaining about this! the second and third attacks in the sword chain are leaps and that’s why you can’t dodge during the chain. if you don’t want the moves to chain TURN OFF AUTO ATTACK. simple, easy. that way you can pause yourself between moves in the chain. if you can’t handle that and want to play melee use a GS.

As discussed the last time this topic came up (earlier in the week), the leaps aren’t the problem. The game inexplicably prevents you from dodging for about a second after the leaps. If you interrupt that lockout by moving or starting another skill (and canceling), you can dodge immediately even if the 1 sec isn’t up. So there’s no reason for that lockout to exist. It’s a bug.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


If you guys don’t like sword, ask for a new mainhand like dagger. Stop asking for rifles. Stop asking to change existing weapon mechanics. Thank you.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

You don’t have a weapon complained about for months on end and consider it a successful product. How mechanics feel on the user-end is as important as what they accomplish mechanically.

Sword does not need it’s core concept changed, it does need it’s feel changed.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


I’ve recently started playing ranger and the mainhand sword is probably the weirdest feeling, but most awesome, melee weapon I’ve experienced.
From what I’m learning you are supposed to conscientiously decide whether to use all 3 chains of #1, or input a #2 or #3 in between. The chain of 1, and the 2 & 3 skills flow together so seamlessly in any order you use them, that it has to be intended. Since #2 and #3 are evades there is no need for dodge rolls. This is definitely a extremely effective pressure weapon with twitch defense capabilities.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


the most awesome and awe inspiring stuff in Starcraft, the biggest E-sports game of all time , has been based on a bug or exploit, with a huge learning curve and obscene APM to perform . This is why spectators and players alike went into a frenzy when one of those exploits was performed . None of these were actually intended by the developer or were serious game or engine limitations . Take the Reaver for example …. clunky slow, silly targeting … but oh my god the reaver drop plays that were shoutcasted.. Mutalisk stacking ….

Anyway , the sword is one of , or the only weapon that is a hyperbole , non linear , with a slightly bigger learning curve, compared to pretty much everything in this game which is fire and forget , or auto attack while timing your dodge or stun break/condition removal . Hell, even the balance is going towards nerfing everything that is pointed out as monthly OP instead of making many, and I dare say MANY overpowered, as in SITUATIONAL OVERPOWERED builds and strategies , to make the game interesting .

As it stands out :
Hmmmm… Engi can burst condition and sustain…. put him on the team
Elementalist can move quickly, burst and sustain.. put him on the team
Necro can spamm conditions and sustain.. put him on the team
etc etc….

There are no scalpel builds , no toolbox builds , no extreme builds with a few strong points and many weaknesses to be covered by great teamplay . Everything is clear as day made for monkeys on a typewriter .
And you want to fix the ONLY thing that makes the ranger semi interesting and requires any practise to do ????


Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Vox Hollow.2736

Vox Hollow.2736

You should be deriving your challenges from the content, not the control scheme.
If the content needs to take it up a notch, that’s a separate issue.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

If you guys don’t like sword, ask for a new mainhand like dagger. Stop asking for rifles. Stop asking to change existing weapon mechanics. Thank you.

This is so beyond the point it’s actually funny. We don’t want daggers, no one is asking for rifles here. We don’t want a new mainhand we want to use Swords. Hell, no one is even asking for a mechanical change to swords. We’re asking for sword to actually function properly.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

If a long casting time attack with tones of damage/bleeding isn’t one then there’s none in this whole game.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

If a long casting time attack with tones of damage/bleeding isn’t one then there’s none in this whole game.

Quickness skills are risk/reward, churning earth is not, eles have so many covers for that thing it’s ridiculous, Ether Renewal could be risk reward, 1h sword on rangers -could- be (I don’t see how it’s not that much of a risk), the guardian book #5s are risk/reward, and there’s certainly others I just can’t think of.

Churning earth though doesn’t do -that- much damage is incredibly easy to dodge/escape from, doesn’t put you in a very dangerous position etc, I just don’t see it as one.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

If a long casting time attack with tones of damage/bleeding isn’t one then there’s none in this whole game.

Quickness skills are risk/reward, churning earth is not, eles have so many covers for that thing it’s ridiculous, Ether Renewal could be risk reward, 1h sword on rangers -could- be (I don’t see how it’s not that much of a risk), the guardian book #5s are risk/reward, and there’s certainly others I just can’t think of.

Churning earth though doesn’t do -that- much damage is incredibly easy to dodge/escape from, doesn’t put you in a very dangerous position etc, I just don’t see it as one.

Where is the ‘high risk’ in high risk/high reward in using quickness? There’s none. While using churning earth you’re rooted and can be bursted easily or the person can deal nice amount of damage and then dodge at last sec which makes this a high risk and high reward ‘if’ that skill succeeds at hitting your foe. None of that is present in quickness, you use it, spam attacks faster, skill goes on CD and you wait for more spam…

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

If a long casting time attack with tones of damage/bleeding isn’t one then there’s none in this whole game.

Quickness skills are risk/reward, churning earth is not, eles have so many covers for that thing it’s ridiculous, Ether Renewal could be risk reward, 1h sword on rangers -could- be (I don’t see how it’s not that much of a risk), the guardian book #5s are risk/reward, and there’s certainly others I just can’t think of.

Churning earth though doesn’t do -that- much damage is incredibly easy to dodge/escape from, doesn’t put you in a very dangerous position etc, I just don’t see it as one.

Where is the ‘high risk’ in high risk/high reward in using quickness? There’s none. While using churning earth you’re rooted and can be bursted easily or the person can deal nice amount of damage and then dodge at last sec which makes this a high risk and high reward ‘if’ that skill succeeds at hitting your foe. None of that is present in quickness, you use it, spam attacks faster, skill goes on CD and you wait for more spam…

Uh, you can heal only 50% as much, take 50% more damage, or regain endurance at -50% (and lose all current).

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I have no idea why in 11 month this haven’t been fixed??? I’ve been hit by churning earth almost a dozen of times cuz of target rooting on a freaking auto attack, so stupid. Did i said i had no idea why its not fixed? Oh i lied. i know why it isn’t fixed. Its not on their priority list like every other bug in the game…

Fixed? It is working as intended. It is a high risk/high return weapon. You deal extreme amounts of dps with it.

Pretty funny, are you a humorist? How could some1 come up with such stupidity is above me, sry. An AUTO ATTACK is high risk high reward skill hahahahaha. You know what skill is high risk/high reward is like? I will tell you, its a skill such as Churning Earth~~~~~~~~~~NOT an auto attack…

Churning Earth is hardly risk/reward seeing as how you can keep people CCed the entire duration of it not to mention you can teleport 600yds while casting it to ensure they can’t run.

If a long casting time attack with tones of damage/bleeding isn’t one then there’s none in this whole game.

Quickness skills are risk/reward, churning earth is not, eles have so many covers for that thing it’s ridiculous, Ether Renewal could be risk reward, 1h sword on rangers -could- be (I don’t see how it’s not that much of a risk), the guardian book #5s are risk/reward, and there’s certainly others I just can’t think of.

Churning earth though doesn’t do -that- much damage is incredibly easy to dodge/escape from, doesn’t put you in a very dangerous position etc, I just don’t see it as one.

Where is the ‘high risk’ in high risk/high reward in using quickness? There’s none. While using churning earth you’re rooted and can be bursted easily or the person can deal nice amount of damage and then dodge at last sec which makes this a high risk and high reward ‘if’ that skill succeeds at hitting your foe. None of that is present in quickness, you use it, spam attacks faster, skill goes on CD and you wait for more spam…

Uh, you can heal only 50% as much, take 50% more damage, or regain endurance at -50% (and lose all current).

That isn’t a risk at all. No1 is using a healing skill while under Quickening Zephyr and not from all quickness you get negative side effects. If you were rooted for the duration of quickness or was losing x amount of hp for the duration of quickness then it would be high risk/high reward kind of deal.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


Uh, you can heal only 50% as much, take 50% more damage, or regain endurance at -50% (and lose all current).

A Warrior’s “Frenzy” would be considered a high risk skill. QZ really isn’t much of a high risk skill especially with the new update since you can always just blast finish your 50% heal for more hp.

the most awesome and awe inspiring stuff in Starcraft, the biggest E-sports game of all time , has been based on a bug or exploit, with a huge learning curve and obscene APM to perform . This is why spectators and players alike went into a frenzy when one of those exploits was performed . None of these were actually intended by the developer or were serious game or engine limitations . Take the Reaver for example …. clunky slow, silly targeting … but oh my god the reaver drop plays that were shoutcasted.. Mutalisk stacking ….

Anyway , the sword is one of , or the only weapon that is a hyperbole , non linear , with a slightly bigger learning curve, compared to pretty much everything in this game which is fire and forget , or auto attack while timing your dodge or stun break/condition removal . Hell, even the balance is going towards nerfing everything that is pointed out as monthly OP instead of making many, and I dare say MANY overpowered, as in SITUATIONAL OVERPOWERED builds and strategies , to make the game interesting .

As it stands out :
Hmmmm… Engi can burst condition and sustain…. put him on the team
Elementalist can move quickly, burst and sustain.. put him on the team
Necro can spamm conditions and sustain.. put him on the team
etc etc….

There are no scalpel builds , no toolbox builds , no extreme builds with a few strong points and many weaknesses to be covered by great teamplay . Everything is clear as day made for monkeys on a typewriter .
And you want to fix the ONLY thing that makes the ranger semi interesting and requires any practise to do ????


I don’t understand your use of hyperbole in this context. You shouldn’t be comparing gw2 to starcraft, other games such as tribes developed from an exploit as well however that was due to people liking this broken mechanics, which clearly isn’t the case with the sword auto, which is very linear compared to freedom of movement btw. Also the sword doesn’t take practice, I’m not sure where this “challenge” that people talk about is. You dodge after your first/second auto, and spam your attack key. It’s not hard, it’s just annoying to not be able to break out of your auto attack animation. I’m not talking about the chain itself, if you notice when you turn auto attack off even you physically can’t break out of the animation during your second and third hit.

“Barrage” roots you in place, but can be broken by tapping a directional key. Similarly the warriors 100b which is significantly more powerful than the ranger auto, can be broken with a directional key.

Sword auto isn’t tough or difficult, it’s just an annoying mechanic and goes against the freedom of movement that imo defines gw2 and makes it interesting to play. It feels weird and doesn’t flow as well as the rest of the skills in gw2 do.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


If you guys don’t like sword, ask for a new mainhand like dagger. Stop asking for rifles. Stop asking to change existing weapon mechanics. Thank you.

This is so beyond the point it’s actually funny. We don’t want daggers, no one is asking for rifles here. We don’t want a new mainhand we want to use Swords. Hell, no one is even asking for a mechanical change to swords. We’re asking for sword to actually function properly.

Oh really? How’s it off the point? The sword isn’t broken. You must not pvp or else you’d know why it’s not broken.

I’ve been here almost a year now. I’ve seen this complaint almost every single day. There are 100x more sword complaints than people crying about “no rifle” like you. Clearly, the solution is an mainhand than can match sword’s DPS and evades but doesn’t lock you onto target. This weapon would be chosen over the sword in much PvE and WvW—the only issue I see is how to make it unique in spvp.

You, Kal, are off the point. You’re so far off the point that my team already won 500-0. You’re miles away from any logical point.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Oh and one more thing guys: THE SWORD ISNT BROKEN. Sheesh. Understand that? L2P

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Skady.5916


What is this L2P everyone talking about?

Clearly someone needs to realize that there is more situations than “chase that runaway dude” and sword is only good for that purpose. I don’t want to be forced to live on 1-2-3 count just to be able to dodge in dungeons.

Chopps, how many times you jumped off the cliff caught in leap animation in Skyhammer map? If you call zero – clearly you either not playing Skyhammer or not using sword

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Frost.8263


What is this L2P everyone talking about?

Clearly someone needs to realize that there is more situations than “chase that runaway dude” and sword is only good for that purpose. I don’t want to be forced to live on 1-2-3 count just to be able to dodge in dungeons.

Chopps, how many times you jumped off the cliff caught in leap animation in Skyhammer map? If you call zero – clearly you either not playing Skyhammer or not using sword

L2p = learn to play. Which is redundant since I’ve already said numerous times the sword isn’t hard and I run it in fotm48. People just don’t like to pay attention when they post

Oh and one more thing guys: THE SWORD ISNT BROKEN. Sheesh. Understand that? L2P

Not saying it’s broken, if you read, we’re saying it’s a bad mechanic and design choice. Also, this thread is about the sword MH. If you want to make a rifle/dagger thread, make a rifle/dagger thread but if you’re not going to contribute to this thread, which is about the sword, then please refrain from posting

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


What is this L2P everyone talking about?

Clearly someone needs to realize that there is more situations than “chase that runaway dude” and sword is only good for that purpose. I don’t want to be forced to live on 1-2-3 count just to be able to dodge in dungeons.

Chopps, how many times you jumped off the cliff caught in leap animation in Skyhammer map? If you call zero – clearly you either not playing Skyhammer or not using sword

I know I’m not chopps, but I’ve NEVER leaped off the sky hammer map, probably because I’m always aware of my positioning, unlike every ranger I seem to encounter on there who will Hornet Sting to their doom…

The 1H Swords purpose is high Melee damage (the 3rd auto even gives your pet kittening might which just furthers its role), however it furthers it’s balls to the wall offensive nature by making it so you constantly leap at, and cripple your target so they can’t escape yours, or your pets, onslaught. Not to mention Sword also gives you access to a poison move which helps prevent any healing, which means they’re going to die sooner, and also will put you at your enemies flank, which if you have skirmishing guarantees you at least 2 hits of 10% damage increase.

Learn to use the sword, because the more you, and others who complain about it talk about how it’s “broken” the more it shows you blatantly have no idea what you’re doing.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


The only scenario I’ve found the leap to be useful is when running from a target and they’re right on my heels. If you swing the sword, you can hit them and leap away. You’re still locked in the animation though and can’t heal or evade due to it.

I’m sorry, but this kind of mechanic has no place on an auto-attack chain. If you want to attach it to something else, that’s fine. A player can choose the opportune time to use it. But that’s not the case with an auto attack chain. Not using it means you’re losing damage.

There’s nothing saying they can’t just attach evades to the attacks just like they did with GS. But this mechanic on an autoattack is simply too much.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


1. PvP players often feel like PvE doesn’t matter
2. Turning off auto attack does cause issues. For example: Thumb fatigue for those using Nagas or G500s and such, and often needing to stop attacking for push-to-talk voice com. Arguing against this is arguing against having options for control schemes.
3. In dungeons the chasing ability of it serves no purpose.

This may be a case were a skill NEEDS a PvP/PvE split. Though I think simply being able to instantly interrupt it with a dodge would greatly benefit both game modes. I can’t really see that making it “OP,” just easier to control.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: lazuka.1032


An easy fix for this would be that you could dodge or heal during any part of the auto attack chain cancelling the auto attack chain until you start it again.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: azamean.8017


I love sword on Ranger but yes, locking you in place is a bit annoying. But what I find most annoying is the delay the auto attack causes on dodge roll, sometimes you could be in the middle of the animation and see a big attack coming, and dodge won’t work until you finish attacking. It’s ok once you learn to plan ahead but I just find it unresponsive.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

I love sword on Ranger but yes, locking you in place is a bit annoying. But what I find most annoying is the delay the auto attack causes on dodge roll, sometimes you could be in the middle of the animation and see a big attack coming, and dodge won’t work until you finish attacking. It’s ok once you learn to plan ahead but I just find it unresponsive.

That’s how i got hit plenty of times by churning earth which otherwise is easy to dodge

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I’m with Chopps on this one, I find the sword to be one of the more interesting weapons in the game, and it works very well at what it does, allowing you to stick to a target and deal continual DPS without allowing them to escape easily.

You must be very happy that the game is balanced around sPvP where the sword isn’t considered a problem.

Nothing you described is necessary in PvE. If there was any weapon in the game that was a case favouring a mechanics split between PvP and PvE, the ranger sword would be it.

We need an sPvP class forum where the handful of sPvP rangers can post about how much they love using auto-attack to chase their target for them. This would hopefully stop them from jumping down threads almost always about the weapon’s performance in PvE and telling PvE players to L2P because the weapon is a crutch in PvP regardless of it’s issues in PvE. I use the sword when I do my PvP daily but I pray for the day they change it in PvE, even if it means a PvP nerf. The longbow got a PvP buff at the expense of a PvE nerf, the pet got a PvE nerf due to a PvP issue, it’s time the PvE rangers got something they’ve been asking for since beta.

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


Not sure this has been mentioned or not if it has been I apologize ahead of time, the two other evade skills #2 and #3 can be used at any point in the chain to evade, which breaks the animation root then allowing you to dodge. There does seem to be a slight delay on the #2 skill at times but three is pretty much instant, I won’t say that the auto animation root after the third chain is perfect, but this weapon is far from being broken to the point of being unplayable in any game mode. Having said this, I really can’t see the reason why a dodge doesn’t simply cancel the attack chain, I know it has been brought up that it is in fact a leap and you shouldn’t be able to dodge during a leap but perhaps there is a way to make it distance to target sensitive or something, meaning if you are right next to the target you wouldn’t be leaping anyhow, not sure it would be possible but it is something to think about I suppose

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


Not sure this has been mentioned or not if it has been I apologize ahead of time, the two other evade skills #2 and #3 can be used at any point in the chain to evade, which breaks the animation root then allowing you to dodge.

Mainly because it’s not true unless something changed very recently.

In fact, early on I was having so much trouble with skill 2 that I accidentally developed a muscle memory to spam the button a few times. This resulted in me triggering the 2nd part of the skill and jumping right back into combat.

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

(edited by DarkWasp.7291)

Ranger Sword Auto-Lock

in Ranger

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


Not sure this has been mentioned or not if it has been I apologize ahead of time, the two other evade skills #2 and #3 can be used at any point in the chain to evade, which breaks the animation root then allowing you to dodge.

Mainly because it’s not true unless something changed very recently.

In fact, early on I was having so much trouble with skill 2 that I accidentally developed a muscle memory to spam the button a few times. This resulted in me triggering the 2nd part of the skill and jumping right back into combat.

Yeah just retested this, my ranger is a asura so the animations are not so easily seen, you are correct it actually will only work between the 2nd and 3rd attacks in the chain so my earlier point about that is moot. That being said, I still don’t find the sword so incredibly difficult to use as to classify it as being broken and unplayable in pve.