Intro: Since most of the time you will be running with groups of people and fighting groups of people, your main source of damage will come from Barrage.
Glass Cannon
Full Berserker: Slotted Ruby Orbs
Berserker: Slotted Berserker
Longbow: Slotted Sigil of Fire
Shortbow: Slotted Sigil of Bloodlust (Unless you stack your Bloodlust stacks with a weapon you stash in your bags then use Sigil of Air)
Greatsword does more damage than Shortbow, but I would recommend Shortbow because of the distance you can maintain.
Hint: Always stash a Warhorn in your bags to use right before combat and while out of combat to run to places faster.
Pets: Brown Bear + Arctodus (Does DECENT damage, mainly used for sacrifice; all other pets will die.)
Traits: 30/30/5/0/5
Trait Skills:
Healing Spring (Removes Conditions//Water Field) – Highly Recommended / Optional.
Sharpened Stone – Highly Recommended / Optional.
Quickening Zephyr – Mandatory
Protect Me – Mandatory
Rampage As One – (For Zerg Fights) // Entangle for small fights/1v1’s
Basic Zerg Fighting: Utilize your quickness with barrage + sharpening stone (puts 5 stacks on 5 targets). Also utilize piercing arrows (line up your shots to hit multiple targets). Barrage with Fury and Sharpened Stone with this build will hit easily 20k+ damage. (Pretty much guaranteed to push back the enemy/down 2-5 players.
Best combo: Get fury > Sharpened Stone + Barrage + Quickening Zypher > Rapid Fire (Line up your shot) > Weapon Swap to shortbow (adds more fury) + Pet Swap for quickness > Spam #1 > Repeat.
Barrage with Fury and Sharpened Stone with this build will hit easily 20k+ damage. That isn’t even counting your Rapid Fire and Shortbow #1 Spam.
Your key to staying alive is “Protect Me”, Dodge Rolls, and Distance.
S(KILL) Gametypes > WvW & sPVP