Ranger and combo fields

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Tesler.5783


Hi guys, so I wanted to get your opinions about Rangers and combo fields.
We all know that Rangers have 3 ranged weapons available – longbow, shortbow, and axe, and all three for the most part have plain un-flashy projectile attacks.
Now I am not asking to give the Ranger all types of magical arrow shots, etc. What I want to discuss instead is Ranger’s access to combo fields.

Don’t you guys think, that having that great combo mechanic in the game, and a class with ranged attacks that are by default very plain, it would make sense to give that class as many combo fields as possible? From what I can tell, all we get is Fire combo field from the torch, and an Ice combo field from the ice trap, which is very clunky to use because it has to be triggered by an enemy to activate. And that’s it? Or am I missing something?

I know that many people like myself aren’t precisely happy with the look and feel of Ranger’s attacks, and some find ranged combat not to engaging either. Implementing heavier use of combo fields, I think, would address both issues – it would add another layer to the Ranger gameplay and it would add a wide array of cool looking attacks that the Ranger’s would have in their arsenal on the regular basis, and not only when other players are around. That full arsenal of combo fields, that would charge our arrows and thrown weapons, could even be merged with the currently lacklustre spirit mechanic, or maybe even replace it all together.

I love the combo mechanic, but to my knowledge there is no profession that specializes in it. Ranger can be that profession. It would make it more fun to play and flashier to watch, both areas being points where Ranger right now is a little bit behind all other professions.

so yay or nay, should Ranger have many more on demand combo fields to light up those arrows, or great the way it is? Let’s hear your opinions

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


I play a melee ranger with 1-3 fields available to me at all times. Being able to trigger a Leap and Whirl Combo every so often is a blast and goes hand in hand with the supportive tanky build I’m running.

Ranged combat is already largely overpowered compaired to melee, if they implement more combo possibilities in the Shortbow/Longbow/Main-hand Axe kit that would make them even more overpowered and would create serious balance issues. While that might boost you “flashy” urges it’ll seriously diminish the usefulness of any other build.

If you want engaging combat I dare you to try permamelee Ranger. Melee combat is more engaging and dynamic by design to compensate the advantage you gain from being ranged.

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Roven Leafsong.8917

Roven Leafsong.8917

Don’t forget Healing Spring, which is a water field lasting quite a while at 15 seconds.

Assuming the info on the wiki is correct, ranger pets can also create a smoke field underwater, and a poison field on land, though I do accept these are probably more difficult to create.

That’s potentially five out of nine fields though.

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: bri.2359


We get plenty of possible combo fields from all the traps (fire, frost, poison) and even health.

During events, there is always plenty of AoE going off that we can take advantage of. Sorry, but I just don’t see Rangers needing any more of this.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


The Greatsword’s #2 could be given the Whirl Finisher attribute, that would make the Greatsword a little stronger in solo play and much more useful in group play.

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: MeTx.6712


We get plenty of possible combo fields from all the traps (fire, frost, poison) and even health.

During events, there is always plenty of AoE going off that we can take advantage of. Sorry, but I just don’t see Rangers needing any more of this.

Poison trap doesn’t actually make a Combo field. However the Murellow, which already is a very powerful pet, can make a poison field.

Ranger: My Main Man Ray

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Wayfinder.8452


We get plenty of possible combo fields from all the traps (fire, frost, poison) and even health.

During events, there is always plenty of AoE going off that we can take advantage of. Sorry, but I just don’t see Rangers needing any more of this.

Poison trap doesn’t actually make a Combo field. However the Murellow, which already is a very powerful pet, can make a poison field.

Spiders have a Poison Field too.

The man who can wield the power of this sword can summon to him an army
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Player.9621


i use a shortbow and a greatsword and usually a couple of traps
add in a selective pet and the combo opportunities are ripe

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


We have by far the best water combo field in game. (And 1 of our Fire fields is pretty close to the best, if not the best too)

We have 2 Fire fields, an Ice field, 3 poison fields (Murellow, Spiders, Carrion Devourer), and a Smoke field (Jellyfish, water only) too.

So we have a good range of options there, really.

We can pull off all four of the finishers as well… although only three of the types can be done easily. The Blast type comes from Drakes, and isn’t highly reliable. But we do projectile like a Boss. And Leaps we aren’t too shabby on either, especially with main hand sword. Whirl only comes from Axe offhand, but with that weapon, you also get Path of Scars which is a Projectile… meaning you can main hand sword/offhand axe for 3 of the four finishers in one set… pretty BA imo.

Why grind dungeons? Only relevant content…
Why? Gives needed gear…
Why do you need this gear? To do dungeons… duh.

(edited by Ravnodaus.5130)

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Seras.5702


At first, I lamented over the lack of combo fields available to Rangers. But after some research I’ve found that, with only a little ingenuity, you can create quite a few combo fields. The main downside is that they’re all right on top of you. I’d love to have something with range to pair with my bows, esp LB.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Ranger and combo fields

in Ranger

Posted by: Jhu.3965


At first, I lamented over the lack of combo fields available to Rangers. But after some research I’ve found that, with only a little ingenuity, you can create quite a few combo fields. The main downside is that they’re all right on top of you. I’d love to have something with range to pair with my bows, esp LB.

Get ground targetable traps.

Get a murellow or a spider or a devourer.

You now can create ice, fire, and poison fields at any enemy’s location.