Ranger armor stats for Fractals

Ranger armor stats for Fractals

in Ranger

Posted by: IceVyper.6810


I have been doing way too many fractals 49 on my guardian and warrior, so I decided to start doing them on ranger. My usual armor set is berzerker with ranger runes, but I would also like to have a backup set for nasty situations.

Can any experienced Fractal ranger advice me on what stats could be nice, to give some more survivability but still keep the damage up. I have been considering knight’s or cavalier’s but can’t really make my mind.

Thanks for the help in advance

Ranger armor stats for Fractals

in Ranger

Posted by: Casino Brawl.1249

Casino Brawl.1249

Yo dude, stick with berserker and scholar runes! We’ve got loads of built in evades with the main hand sword so survivability isn’t an issue. If you feel you need more you can always take off hand dagger as well for that extra dodge or even greatsword as your secondary weapon as encounters like mai trinn are extremely difficult with sword. Honestly best thing to do is stick with your optimal DPS gear and just get used to the encounters.

PS. Don’t forget to take a Greatsword in the snowblind fractal otherwise you will have a lot of trouble max meleeing the ice elemental :p

Matt Cowie

Ranger armor stats for Fractals

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


Ha ha, yeah the best way to survive in fractals is to strip off all survivability and go full zerker gear will no support. Golden!

All joking aside, celestial armor with traveller’s runes and zerker/celestial trinkets seems to give right amount of Armour to survive the inevitable damage you will take. I also hear knights Armour works well. Bring signet of stone and protect me with drake or arcdotus for 12s invulnerability to pull off revives in tough fights or if you want to aggro enemies to save allies.

If your team is really skilled, drop signets for spotter and bear for red moa. Replace protect me with Quickening zephyr. Swords, LB, axe, Warhorn and dagger all work well.

If you have less than 2400 Armour and no invulnerability you are a liability to all but the most experienced groups as you won’t be able to revive allies without being downed. As an experienced guardian, I am sure you realize how important it is to pull aggro at the right time and revive allies quickly! Guardians == GW2 masters You’ll love ranger.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

(edited by Archon.6480)

Ranger armor stats for Fractals

in Ranger

Posted by: Lazze.9870


Ha ha, yeah the best way to survive in fractals is to strip off all survivability and go full zerker gear will no support. Golden!

Unless your team is a complete and total mess; yes, that is the best way to survive in most scenarios. The faster foes melt down, the shorter the fights, the less you have to worry about getting downed. Besides, you learn how to react on different encounters without being dependent selfish skills like “Protect Me” and the Signet of Stone.

And even if you do want those skill, there is still room for spotter and frost spirit.

Go full zerk and all that stuff, THEN change out some skill for better survivability if needed. Never the other way around.

(edited by Lazze.9870)

Ranger armor stats for Fractals

in Ranger

Posted by: Machspeedtwo.1342


Ha ha, yeah the best way to survive in fractals is to strip off all survivability and go full zerker gear will no support. Golden!

All joking aside, celestial armor with traveller’s runes and zerker/celestial trinkets seems to give right amount of Armour to survive the inevitable damage you will take. I also hear knights Armour works well. Bring signet of stone and protect me with drake or arcdotus for 12s invulnerability to pull off revives in tough fights or if you want to aggro enemies to save allies.

If your team is really skilled, drop signets for spotter and bear for red moa. Replace protect me with Quickening zephyr. Swords, LB, axe, Warhorn and dagger all work well.

If you have less than 2400 Armour and no invulnerability you are a liability to all but the most experienced groups as you won’t be able to revive allies without being downed. As an experienced guardian, I am sure you realize how important it is to pull aggro at the right time and revive allies quickly! Guardians == GW2 masters You’ll love ranger.

A lot of this is all really bad advice and one of the primary reasons that rangers are looked down upon in PvE content.