Ranger bug list

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


(edited by Holland.9351)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: aussieheals.6843


Pet damage not on combat log – there is a sticky explaining where to put bugs though..

IGN: Aussie Archer

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Most of those aren’t even bugs is the sad part…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


The weapon “bugs” are working as intended, the root on sword chain is there on purpose, if you use any skill with an enemy targeted your pet will attack it

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

(edited by Belzebu.3912)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


Call of the Wild stops doing damage if LOS is blocked (even if you simply turn around).

Viper’s Nest only hits 3 targets.

Bonfire only hits 3 targets.

Storm Spirit’s active only hits 3 targets.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The weapon “bugs” are working as intended, the root on sword chain is there on purpose, if you use any skill with an enemy targeted your pet will attack it

I considered moving them to the “Other issues” part, but I’ll leave them on there since many people consider it a bug, even if it’s working as intended. If something unexpected happens, I generally consider it a bug.

In the case of Call of the Wild, the pet will sometimes put me in combat mode if I want to use warhorn 5 to run faster, so it will have the opposite effect of what I intended to do with the skill. I’ll end up running slower instead of faster and I’m initiating combat when I didn’t desire to.

In the case of Sword auto-attack, the dodge mechanic is a basic mechanic shared by all classes. Skills unexpectedly preventing the use of such a basic mechanic I consider a bug, even if the main developer likes it. He can ignore it when he reads it, but it’s still considered buggy by many Rangers and that’s why it should be on the list.

They also fixed Signet of the Wild active not allowing interaction with objects, even-though that was working as expected as well since it’s a transformation. So it’s not unlikely that “working as expected” stuff gets fixed to “working as intended”.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


there is a sticky explaining where to put bugs though..

Good point. I might remake the topic in the bug forum once everyone has had a chance to add known bugs to it.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Are these all the current bugs we know? The topic is dropping off the page.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Concentration Training (Nature Magic II)
Requires the pet to be in combat mode. The Ranger being in combat mode is not enough.

Wait. You AND the pet must be in combat for it to work? Hmm. I’ll double-check. I reported this on the bug list, and I’ll update it or remove it if true so you can repost the larger list.

Edit: Sure enough, it works if both of you are in combat. Well, I can deal with that.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Concentration Training (Nature Magic II)
Requires the pet to be in combat mode. The Ranger being in combat mode is not enough.

Wait. You AND the pet must be in combat for it to work? Hmm. I’ll double-check. I reported this on the bug list, and I’ll update it or remove it if true so you can repost the larger list.

Edit: Sure enough, it works if both of you are in combat. Well, I can deal with that.

If you have a pet on passive, like the Red Moa, press F1 on a target before you press F2 and it will often work with the extra boon duration. You’ll have to press F3 afterwards or he will continue attacking the target. It feels very buggy, but it generally works.

If you have a pet on aggressive mode and you are in combat with something, then usually the pet is as well.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Ighanis.8265


More of a tool tip error but “Guard” states “Command your pet to aggressively guard an area. Your pet gains stealth and protection for the duration of the skill.” with the duration listed as 180s but the stealth and protection is only 10 seconds, slightly misleading.

And there is the issue the Guarding is cancelled if you have the pet do anything else.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Yes, that description is a bit misleading. Just like the Spike Trap saying it should pulse. I’ll add it to the list.

Guard being cancelled makes sense to me since there is no other way to cancel it. I’m not sure I should add it to the list, but I’ll do it anyway since you consider it an issue. Sic ‘m suffers from it too, but it’s much worse. Maybe our shouts should change into a cancel button while it’s on cooldown. Like how engineer utility weapons allow the weapon to be put away again. I don’t think they will ever bother to improve them though.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


One thing I noticed when using ’’guard’’ was that the pet did not stay where I set it to. A passing opponent got it far off the point, I’d indicated. May just have misunderstood the skill, but I kind of thought it was supposed to stay on the area it was set to guard, not pursue something into the distance.

I did not test it extensively though, as the skill didn’t perform well enough to keep. So this may be intended or may be a rare bug.

Did you override the Guard “command” with another? IE did you use F1-F4 or another shout? If so that cleared the Guard “command” and set it back onto normal AI, if you had only used Guard (and the time on the skill didn’t run out) then your pet should’ve ran back to where you put him after the enemy ran out of the radius.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


In this case, I had only used guard and had my back turned when my pet came running past me in pursuit of an opponent. That was what had me so confused. But as I said, it might just have been a bug since I unequipped the skill after and never used it again. Have to admit though, I wasn’t timing the skill as I was busy fighting something else.

Well the skill lasts for like 2 minutes, so unless you were fighting for a long time it probably wasn’t that.

That’s strange though, i used guard a lot when Natures Voice or w/e it’s called first came out (regen and swiftness on shout) and i always liked how my pet would always stay in that one area and maul anyone who came into the radius since i normally keep my pet on passive lol.

PS: Pets on Guard like to lead with their CC on thieves coming out of stealth, just something i’ve noticed.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


If you have a pet on passive, like the Red Moa, press F1 on a target before you press F2 and it will often work with the extra boon duration. You’ll have to press F3 afterwards or he will continue attacking the target. It feels very buggy, but it generally works.

If you have a pet on aggressive mode and you are in combat with something, then usually the pet is as well.

Thank you. I’m doing something akin to that now.

Gone to Reddit.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Mighty Swap in combination with Fortifying Bond doesn’t give pets 6 stacks of might, which it clearly should – that’s kinda the point with Fortifying Bond; “Any boon you get is shared with your pet”.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Mighty Swap in combination with Fortifying Bond doesn’t give pets 6 stacks of might, which it clearly should – that’s kinda the point with Fortifying Bond; “Any boon you get is shared with your pet”.

Thanks, I added it to the list.

I also added the fact that Mighty Swap requires combat mode. An internal cooldown would make more sense.

At “Other issues” I added the fact that dead pets go on an excessively long 60 second cooldown. Who agrees or disagrees that it should be on the list? Also, what “other issues” are there which aren’t exactly bugs, but bother you anyway?

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Ighanis.8265


In this case, I had only used guard and had my back turned when my pet came running past me in pursuit of an opponent. That was what had me so confused. But as I said, it might just have been a bug since I unequipped the skill after and never used it again. Have to admit though, I wasn’t timing the skill as I was busy fighting something else.

From what I understand of how it works, it is akin to tying the pet to the spot that you select, but the pet has a 1200 foot “leash” from that spot that it will attack people in, so if you were close it could have gone past you to attack but still been tied to the spot.
Also the skill will cancel and they will return if you get too far from them, the wiki states that to be about 3000 feet, so that may also have happened.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


At “Other issues” I added the fact that dead pets go on an excessively long 60 second cooldown. Who agrees or disagrees that it should be on the list? Also, what “other issues” are there which aren’t exactly bugs, but bother you anyway?

It’s not a bug, but it sure as hell is a stupid design choice that needs to be looked at again…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: The Spiral King.2483

The Spiral King.2483

If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Why would sigils work with a rangers pet? They don’t scale on our stats at all so it makes no sense for them to be doing so with bloodlust or any of those effects…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


From what I understand of how it works, it is akin to tying the pet to the spot that you select, but the pet has a 1200 foot “leash” from that spot that it will attack people in, so if you were close it could have gone past you to attack but still been tied to the spot.
Also the skill will cancel and they will return if you get too far from them, the wiki states that to be about 3000 feet, so that may also have happened.

That would make perfect sense. I was within 1200 foot of where I put the pet to guard. Ty for explaining

Just adding into what he was saying about tethering your pet there… Your pet used to use that as their “leash” range, I haven’t tested it recently but you used to be able to get your pet pretty kittening far from you (3000 from you to center of guard + 1200 from your pets target to center of guard)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Why would sigils work with a rangers pet? They don’t scale on our stats at all so it makes no sense for them to be doing so with bloodlust or any of those effects…

They’re a physical entity that can gain boons, I don’t understand why they shouldn’t gain bloodlust? I understand sigils and runes as they aren’t using armor or weapons. But bloodlust most certainly should be given to the pet.

Hell, I’d argue things like WXP bonuses like guard killer and such should as well. Minions I understand… they’re temporary and don’t handicap the class by their mere existence. But Ranger pets are unique. If we’re to be handicapped, the pet should benefit from world bonuses just like us.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Taushullu.6180


Malicious Training (Marksmanship II). Shares the same problem as other training traits: only works when pet is in combat. Very annoying as it doesn’t apply it’s effects to pet’s first attack/skill when it engages combat. Also fails to apply it’s effects when using F2 right after swapping pets.

Pet unique skills (F2) makes pet attack your selected target after it has finished using the skill. Very annoying when using skills that aren’t direct attacks such as Moas’ F2 abilities or Mighty Roar.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Why would sigils work with a rangers pet? They don’t scale on our stats at all so it makes no sense for them to be doing so with bloodlust or any of those effects…

They’re a physical entity that can gain boons, I don’t understand why they shouldn’t gain bloodlust? I understand sigils and runes as they aren’t using armor or weapons. But bloodlust most certainly should be given to the pet.

Hell, I’d argue things like WXP bonuses like guard killer and such should as well. Minions I understand… they’re temporary and don’t handicap the class by their mere existence. But Ranger pets are unique. If we’re to be handicapped, the pet should benefit from world bonuses just like us.

But bloodlust isn’t a boon, me putting bloodlust sigils on my weapon is just that, an effect on the WEAPON, my allies don’t gain bloodlust when I do unless they’re using a bloodlust Sigil in their current weaponset when something dies, why should our pets magically gain a Sigil effect just because it’s a stat boost?

Next you’re going to be asking for sig of intellect, doom, battle, etc to work on the pet too, it just flat out doesn’t make sense for it.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Atherakhia.4086


If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Why would sigils work with a rangers pet? They don’t scale on our stats at all so it makes no sense for them to be doing so with bloodlust or any of those effects…

They’re a physical entity that can gain boons, I don’t understand why they shouldn’t gain bloodlust? I understand sigils and runes as they aren’t using armor or weapons. But bloodlust most certainly should be given to the pet.

Hell, I’d argue things like WXP bonuses like guard killer and such should as well. Minions I understand… they’re temporary and don’t handicap the class by their mere existence. But Ranger pets are unique. If we’re to be handicapped, the pet should benefit from world bonuses just like us.

But bloodlust isn’t a boon, me putting bloodlust sigils on my weapon is just that, an effect on the WEAPON, my allies don’t gain bloodlust when I do unless they’re using a bloodlust Sigil in their current weaponset when something dies, why should our pets magically gain a Sigil effect just because it’s a stat boost?

Next you’re going to be asking for sig of intellect, doom, battle, etc to work on the pet too, it just flat out doesn’t make sense for it.

When they said bloodlust I thought they meant the blood lust buff for WvW, not the sigil. My bad for the confusion (btw, I don’t know if they pet already gets bloodlust, but if it doesn’t it should just like a normal boon. I haven’t played in awhile).

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Taushullu.6180


I did some testing with all the training traits and pet prowess after noticing Malicious Training didn’t always apply it’s effects to F2 skills after pet swap. Judging from the information on pet window there appears to be huge variance of when the pet gets it’s stat bonuses from the traits after pet swap (+350 hp showing from Compassion Training and so on) .

Never leaving combat and changing pets whenever possible, there was downtime up to 10 or even 20 seconds before pet got it’s buffs showing in the pet window. Judging from the owl’s chill duration this doesn’t seem to be just a tooltip bug either; the +50% condition duration from Malicious Training applied only after the stats from other traits had appeared on the pet window (I was running all 10/10/10/10/15 with all training traits equipped, gear stripped, battling heavy golems in the mists). Quick test with owl and eagle showed that also Pet Prowess was affected by this. Basic attack dealing ~900-950 per crit without any trait buffs showing and immediately shooting up to ~1100-1250 per crit when stats appeared on the pet window.

Can someone confirm me wrong, I hope I’m mistaken…

edit. It seems that the stats are more likely to show up right after either one of the birds uses Swoop or Quickening Screech. The bug doesn’t seem to be limited to just birds, though, I keep getting similar results with all pets.

(edited by Taushullu.6180)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I added Malicious Training, Pet’s Prowess and Expertise Training.

I also added the fact that F2 always orders the pet to attack, which is not always wanted.

About bloodlust (WvW bonus for holding ruins), I don’t think the pet should get it. It’s a flat bonus and I don’t think a ranger should get double the effect of everyone else. Be careful what you ask for though, before you know it they’ll split the bonus in half and give 50% to the ranger and 50% to his pet. I rather have 100% on the Ranger and 0% on the pet.

However, should I mention that the pet does not benefit from armor tier? Upgrading your armor to Ascended does not make the pet any stronger than if you had kept it Exotic.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


If we’re talking other issues now, is there any reason why my pet shouldn’t gain bloodlust stacks when I do? The Ranger and pet are meant to work as one unit in Anet’s own words along with they way they balance, and yet runes and sigils don’t affect them. It’s also a reason signets should affect both by default, but that’s been brought up so many times since release I’m not holding my breath.

Why would sigils work with a rangers pet? They don’t scale on our stats at all so it makes no sense for them to be doing so with bloodlust or any of those effects…

They’re a physical entity that can gain boons, I don’t understand why they shouldn’t gain bloodlust? I understand sigils and runes as they aren’t using armor or weapons. But bloodlust most certainly should be given to the pet.

Hell, I’d argue things like WXP bonuses like guard killer and such should as well. Minions I understand… they’re temporary and don’t handicap the class by their mere existence. But Ranger pets are unique. If we’re to be handicapped, the pet should benefit from world bonuses just like us.

But bloodlust isn’t a boon, me putting bloodlust sigils on my weapon is just that, an effect on the WEAPON, my allies don’t gain bloodlust when I do unless they’re using a bloodlust Sigil in their current weaponset when something dies, why should our pets magically gain a Sigil effect just because it’s a stat boost?

Next you’re going to be asking for sig of intellect, doom, battle, etc to work on the pet too, it just flat out doesn’t make sense for it.

When they said bloodlust I thought they meant the blood lust buff for WvW, not the sigil. My bad for the confusion (btw, I don’t know if they pet already gets bloodlust, but if it doesn’t it should just like a normal boon. I haven’t played in awhile).

I’d ASSUME you get Bloodlust (WvW buff) on your pet, I assumed he meant the Sigil lol, if we don’t get the WvW bloodlust on our pet it’s just stupid and we should lol.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


Call of the Wild (Warhorn 5)
Can cause the pet to attack the nearest target.

This is caused by having auto-target active. Switch it off and the pet won’t insta-aggro. Having it off also gives the freedom of using Swoop and other leap skills as burst movement.

Also, to contribute to the thread:

  • Pet names revert to Juvenile <pet type> when switched to a different pet, except for the pets that have underwater counterparts. If the underwater pet is named, the land version will remain named as well.
Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG] Desolation
Doing It With Style

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Soilder.3607


Swoop is still bugged. Sometimes the animation pauses halfway. Other times the second half of the skill doesn’t even move you toward.

Stormbluff Isle

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

A couple i discovered recently after shelving the necro and started working on my ranger
Axe kills count as sword kills
Regeneration doesnt work on pet (no idea if the rest work too,i could swear i never noticed any difference with boons or not)

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


A couple i discovered recently after shelving the necro and started working on my ranger
Axe kills count as sword kills
Regeneration doesnt work on pet (no idea if the rest work too,i could swear i never noticed any difference with boons or not)

Well my pets have definitely been healed by regen on a regular basis seeing as how i’ve ran perm regen builds before… so this either has to be an extremely recent thing or is wrong.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: grave of hearts.7830

grave of hearts.7830

A couple i discovered recently after shelving the necro and started working on my ranger
Axe kills count as sword kills
Regeneration doesnt work on pet (no idea if the rest work too,i could swear i never noticed any difference with boons or not)

Well my pets have definitely been healed by regen on a regular basis seeing as how i’ve ran perm regen builds before… so this either has to be an extremely recent thing or is wrong.

Was in hylek over eb,pet got hit a few times and said to drop regen for it.
Only the signet regen worked,the pet still had the buff but no ticks of the regen.
And this was a day or two ago.

SoS Defence and Emergency commander
If you see a gear above my head……run
If you see me Offline,its totaly not a trap

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


A couple i discovered recently after shelving the necro and started working on my ranger
Axe kills count as sword kills
Regeneration doesnt work on pet (no idea if the rest work too,i could swear i never noticed any difference with boons or not)

Well my pets have definitely been healed by regen on a regular basis seeing as how i’ve ran perm regen builds before… so this either has to be an extremely recent thing or is wrong.

Was in hylek over eb,pet got hit a few times and said to drop regen for it.
Only the signet regen worked,the pet still had the buff but no ticks of the regen.
And this was a day or two ago.

I’ll check it out tomorrow, I don’t run the signet or the trait so any healing my pet gets should be from my heal skill and the regen I give him.

You sure he wasn’t full health or dead? Your pet won’t “heal” of either of those are true (sig will heal a dead pet granted)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: meikodesign.6471


About bloodlust (WvW bonus for holding ruins), I don’t think the pet should get it. It’s a flat bonus and I don’t think a ranger should get double the effect of everyone else. Be careful what you ask for though, before you know it they’ll split the bonus in half and give 50% to the ranger and 50% to his pet. I rather have 100% on the Ranger and 0% on the pet.

I think our pet should get the buff because it’s a part of our damage.
Right now, if the pet represents n% of our damage, we have only (100-n)% of the bloodlust buff.

Lunavi – Ranger 80 ~ Charr Kuttery – Warrior 80
Little Lunavi – Ranger – Rank 4x
[CPC] Insert Coin – Vizunah Square [FR]

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Mortec.5684


At “Other issues” I added the fact that dead pets go on an excessively long 60 second cooldown. Who agrees or disagrees that it should be on the list? Also, what “other issues” are there which aren’t exactly bugs, but bother you anyway?

As Durzlla says, it’s, sadly, not a bug – but an absolutely abhorrent design and I think it should be on the list and then, yes, under other issues.

I’d love to see how others [classes] would react to being without their class-defining-mechanic™ for such a long period…

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


I added Malicious Training, Pet’s Prowess and Expertise Training.

I also added the fact that F2 always orders the pet to attack, which is not always wanted.

About bloodlust (WvW bonus for holding ruins), I don’t think the pet should get it. It’s a flat bonus and I don’t think a ranger should get double the effect of everyone else. Be careful what you ask for though, before you know it they’ll split the bonus in half and give 50% to the ranger and 50% to his pet. I rather have 100% on the Ranger and 0% on the pet.

However, should I mention that the pet does not benefit from armor tier? Upgrading your armor to Ascended does not make the pet any stronger than if you had kept it Exotic.

Of course the pet should get the Blood Lust Buff from WvW. We would not be getting “double the effect”, the pets and the rangers stats are separate. That buff should apply to both the ranger and its pet at 100%.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: meikodesign.6471


Skills that buff allies in an AoE now prioritize party members.

It’s not working with pets’ buffs…. not sure if it’s a bug or not. Does our pet is a party member or a individual/independant entity?

I tested it just before a matchup reset. So there was a lot of people at the same place just in front of the WvW portal. Me and my Teammates didn’t get my pet’s buff.

Lunavi – Ranger 80 ~ Charr Kuttery – Warrior 80
Little Lunavi – Ranger – Rank 4x
[CPC] Insert Coin – Vizunah Square [FR]

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


I believe the pet is an individual entity, because Ive noted a few times party based buffs have not carried over to the my pet. Similarly my pets F2 skills fire off and I dont get the resultant buff. I assume this is because the 5 player limit has been reached.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Jocksy.3415


Not all bugs, but some annoyances:

- Other : Explosion combos not showing
- Other : Ability to move with second hand axe #5
- Other : Pet stats to scale with ranger’s armor/trinkets

- Explosion combos not showing
Warhorn now has an explosion. I often use it in static/water/fire fields. Sometimes, I have the icon stating the combo happened, most of the times, I have no icons or messages.

- Other : Ability to move with second hand axe #5
Not a bug, per se, but pretty annoying when your class is supposed to be mobile to have something that only blocks projectiles root you on the spot

- Pet stats to scale with ranger’s armor/trinkets
Not a bug, and not everyone would agree that it should be so, but I would like my pet’s stats to scale with my armor – so if i’m wearing PVT, the pet’s power, vitality and thoughness would also be higher, if I’m wearing zerk, it’s power/precision/crit damages should be up also…
Reasonning : base ranger’s damage are lower to balance with pet’s possible damages. (Depending on the build and gameplay, it’s 20% to 40% of our DPS that comes from the pet. And except for traiting, we do not have direct control over that “part of ourselves” with which we are supposed to be in synergy.

(many of my guildmates were astonished to learn that except in traits, rangers have no power over their pets stats – one mentioned there should be a “collar” or “pet item” that rangers could get for their pets – I don’t agree because of the cost, but I sure would prefer getting my pets collars than having to spend half my trait points on unreliable DPS (given it misses half its attack against moving targets))

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Call of the Wild (Warhorn 5)
Can cause the pet to attack the nearest target.

This is caused by having auto-target active. Switch it off and the pet won’t insta-aggro. Having it off also gives the freedom of using Swoop and other leap skills as burst movement.

Yes I know. It also happens if the pet is on aggressive and you have a target selected. It’s just an unexpected outcome, since warhorn 5 doesn’t have any attack attached to it. It only gives boons. I understand that it’s supposed to be that way because these things trigger on-skill-use, but then that should change.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Swoop is still bugged. Sometimes the animation pauses halfway. Other times the second half of the skill doesn’t even move you toward.

I think I know what you mean. If you fall off a ledge while doing the run there is a 1 second pause before he does the leap. Is that what you meant?

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Unfortunately my main post has run out of space. I could still add:

Pet buff skills don’t prioritize party members
Pet missing WvW bloodlust buff (by popular demand)
Pet names revert to Juvenile

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I posted it on the bug forum:

You can continue the discussion here or there.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Not all bugs, but some annoyances:
- Other : Explosion combos not showing
- Other : Ability to move with second hand axe #5
- Other : Pet stats to scale with ranger’s armor/trinkets

Can someone confirm on warhorn not triggering its blast finisher and/or not showing the message?

I agree that axe #5 could use some changes to allow movement. It’s what keeps me from using offhand axe.

Yes it’s odd that pets don’t scale with armor tiers or have their own stat item. I also don’t understand why they don’t have their own traits menu.

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Not all bugs, but some annoyances:
- Other : Explosion combos not showing
- Other : Ability to move with second hand axe #5
- Other : Pet stats to scale with ranger’s armor/trinkets

Can someone confirm on warhorn not triggering its blast finisher and/or not showing the message?

I agree that axe #5 could use some changes to allow movement. It’s what keeps me from using offhand axe.

Yes it’s odd that pets don’t scale with armor tiers or have their own stat item. I also don’t understand why they don’t have their own traits menu.

Warhorn 5 is not bugged, I was using it a few hours ago to splash in my healing spring and to make everyone frosty.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Safari.3021


I think the combo effects not showing is a gamewide bug, I’ve noticed the text and visual effects missing off my Elementalists blasts as well this week, even though the actual effect is applied to those nearby

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: DiamondMeteor.8345


Try using Hunter’s Call and cancelling it midway. Birds spawn, but no damage will apply.

Can’t begin to explain how many times my spirits canceled their own skills, active play for rangers seems almost like it’s purposefully kitten. So much for ressing someone with Spirit of Nature, cause’ it just decided to turn the other way instead of using Nature’s Renewal.

How many Splitblades have cancelled when enemies walk right through me, going on full cooldown without actually throwing any axes? Probably more than I’d be comfortable with.

It’d sure be nice to see Sic’ Em used with Raven’s F2 burst… oh wait.

I can do this all day, sadly.

Ranger / Revenant – Crystal Desert

(edited by DiamondMeteor.8345)

Ranger bug list

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Try using Hunter’s Call and cancelling it midway. Birds spawn, but no damage will apply.

Already on the list

Can’t begin to explain how many times my spirits canceled their own skills, active play for rangers seems almost like it’s purposefully kitten. So much for ressing someone with Spirit of Nature, cause’ it just decided to turn the other way instead of using Nature’s Renewal.

I never use Spirits. How would I put this on the list in minimal words? What causes this?

How many Splitblades have cancelled when enemies walk right through me, going on full cooldown without actually throwing any axes? Probably more than I’d be comfortable with.

Can someone confirm this?

It’d sure be nice to see Sic’ Em used with Raven’s F2 burst… oh wait.

Already on the list

I can do this all day, sadly.

Go on…