Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrono Scout.3950

Chrono Scout.3950

Why in God’s green earth is there NOT a Stow Pet Hotkey??? There is a key binding to open the Pet Menu; there is a key binding for Guard/Avoid combat; but there is not even an option for Stow Pet. That seems like a critical product gap to me. Stow Pet is important if you are running the traits, Clarion Bond, Zephyr’s Speed, Poison Master, or Trapper’s Expertise with Trapper Runes. The first three are important because they will activate when entering combat with a stowed pet, and the trapper runes are useless without stow pet because while you may be in stealth, your pet will be right beside you, un-stealthed for all to see. With a hot key, it would be a simple matter to hide your pet to reset for the next spike, or conceal your pet when using trapper runes. Unfortunately, with the action camera, you first have to toggle it off, then mouse over the stow pet button, then turn the action camera back on. That takes more time than the duration of stealth with trapper runes. Is there actually a valid reason for not having this hotkey?

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

There isn’t.
It’s a flaw in design just like you pointed out.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Blue Hare.8612

Blue Hare.8612

Next patch:

“Entering combat with a stowed pet no longer act as a pet swap”
“Rune of the trapper (6) now makes pet and payer both invisible but the traps will be visible to enemies”

problem solved

{Lepus Timidus}

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Next patch:

“Entering combat with a stowed pet no longer act as a pet swap”
“Rune of the trapper (6) now makes pet and payer both invisible but the traps will be visible to enemies”

problem solved

Lol, probably!

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

There is no stow option because you can’t stow in combat. Sure it is annoying to have to click a button for some people (idc at all), but honestly, you’d only pressing the hotkey once every few minutes.

My advice, suck it up.

Edit: If you REALLY must have this option… just make a stupid macro and never bring this up again pls.

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Next patch:

“Entering combat with a stowed pet no longer act as a pet swap”
“Rune of the trapper (6) now makes pet and payer both invisible but the traps will be visible to enemies”

problem solved

All traps really could use a minor tell.

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

All traps really could use a minor tell.

I’m personally wondering why couldn’t Ice Trap become a damaging Power Trap ever since DH traps can blow 7K damage.
And I can’t stop pushing my psycho inner self from uncontrollable giggling when Chilling Trap gains Cripple if traited. It always feels like my sanity is fading away when I think about their decisions and try to search for logic in it.

Just like pets being our core mechanic but we either have to go 2 traitlines to make them scale or we they are a hindrance even in DPS. Well, it’s a pity that they are a bother when it comes to features and mechanics like stealth-radar for enemies and stuff regardless.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(edited by Tragic Positive.9356)

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Next patch:

“Entering combat with a stowed pet no longer act as a pet swap”
“Rune of the trapper (6) now makes pet and payer both invisible but the traps will be visible to enemies”

problem solved

To be honest, I didn’t think it was intended in the first place.

Maybe it is I don’t know, but it seemed weird to me that you could get on swap effects from stowing to me.

Also note that Clarion Bond is a blast finisher so a lot of the time, it’s not a good idea to open combat with that anyway. You should save it for blasting fields during a fight rather than when entering it although there might be the odd time it is better to open with.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Rangers should ABSOLUTELY be able to stow their pet and not have it leave stow when combat is entered, and or be able to stow while in combat.

I get why stowing pets in combat could be a bit of an issue, but that could be solved with putting pet swap on CD if you stow while in combat.

Not popping out of stow automatically when combat is entered would be great and serve many purposes.

Pets should not be a hindrance, this is an easy way to fix many instances where they are.

Also, swapping pets should count as a weapon swap for the purposes of swap sigils.

Ranger builds crippled w/o Stow Pet Hotkey

in Ranger

Posted by: Tman.6349


Rangers should ABSOLUTELY be able to stow their pet and not have it leave stow when combat is entered, and or be able to stow while in combat.

I get why stowing pets in combat could be a bit of an issue, but that could be solved with putting pet swap on CD if you stow while in combat.

Not popping out of stow automatically when combat is entered would be great and serve many purposes.

Pets should not be a hindrance, this is an easy way to fix many instances where they are.

Also, swapping pets should count as a weapon swap for the purposes of swap sigils.

Pets are a profession mechanic. They are a passive mechanic at that. Thus, you play a Ranger/pet, not a Ranger with some pet. It will not change. Ascended didn’t change after that turdstorm and it took an even bigger turdstorm for it to ‘not be OK that every race in the game can dawn human T3 armor’ for half the cost. We are at the whim of Anet’s vision even if/when that vision is obscured and not, at all, obvious or communicated. :/