Ranger class question
hello, im a bit new to guild wars 2 and i wanted to ask, does it matter which race you choose with ranger? and what would be good stats and stuff if i do ranger?
It doesn’t matter at all gameplay wise.
Though I must say that I rarely see any charr rangers. So if you don’t mind, being a charr ranger would be pretty awesome. I always wanted to have a ranger charr but I don’t have the time (plus it’s boring to redo everything) to make one.
There are some gameplay choices.
Racial skills are designed to be weaker than normal skills, but several are decent.
But race is mostly aesthetic.
you are new, you do now the ranger class is garbage, you know they always seem to nerf rangers more than any other class (tho they are the worse), the new GM traits the ranger go the worse of them. You know most dungeon groups dont want ranger or kick them out right? If you know all that and want to proceed well choosing a race is all about looks, check all the cultural armors and see which one you like better for example. The norn medium armor (cultural) is nice, human also it all depends on looks and what you like.
Rangers are not garbage in any play mode. In PvP and PvE they are one of the better, more requested classes.
Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!
This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.
Plus, Charr just look AWESOME!
Race doesn’t really do anything to you other than offering different PvE story content, it directly affect the looks for your character and your racial skills, which in my opinion you will focus more on using your profession skills more than anything. The actual use of racial skills over profession skills is something that you end deciding over after you reach max level.
For example Asura players will tell you that having technowabble is a plus, Human players will praise the prayer skills they get, Charr’s batle roar is another consideration, sylvari’s grasping vines work really well in certain areas of the game, norn’s elite skills can be fun to use.
I suggest that for ranger that you go with your preferred looks, the racial skills won’t really make a difference in the end.
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z
I wouldn’t go Charr imo. They look hideous in nearly every piece of armor available in the game. Including their racial armor. I stopped playing my guardian entirely because it’s a charr and I didn’t want to spend 100g just to make it look good.
There’s a funny one-shot build with Norn ranger (not effective on duration (for long fights), but nice troll build).
But otherwise, race really don’t matter (racial skills have been made weaker than professions skills to avoid having race/profession schemes)
Now, all professions have their ups and down.
If you want to play with people and be welcomed everywhere, War or Guardian are the way to go.
To play just for fun, though, any class will do.
Rangers have awesome animations, and ok power or condi or support builds, so we can play it pretty much any way and have fun with the content.
Beware, though, of the description :
Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation
It is not the most accurate description (though that is true for most professions).
- We are the “archer class” because we have access to both bows, but, as for anything in GW2, range is making less damage than melee.
- They are indeed “capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows”, as long as they are PvE mobs, or new players.
- Traps need to be traited to be good (main good point about them is that foes do not see them until they are triggered), spirits bring nice buffs, but they die easily.
- Pets buffs are nice, but, as of now, buggy. Anet stated they would work on their responsiveness for the upcoming patch (feature pack).
We do, indeed, have the capacity to adapt to any situation, on paper (with our vast array of abilities). But, we need traits to make most of our utilities really usefull. The upcoming patch will help with that.
If you enjoy having two characters to care for (you and your pet), I’d say go ahead. If you can’t accept to “lose” somewhat 30% of your DPS in a pet AI on which you have few controls (eg, if you want those big numbers all for yourself), I’d advise you look at other classes.
Now, about stats, it really will depend on what you like to do.
PvE (high level and rushes) is as much Power, crit chance and crit damage as you can do with, with as few vita and toughness as you need to survive (which is true for all professions)
Roaming: I personally like alterations / traps, but there are a few good healing/regen ones – some direct damage, some alterations.
PvP – casual, any build will do, but the high level current meta is spirits, not sure of the exact spec.
I also like to play a mix of alterations/power, but it is not optimal, so it’s just when I play alone.
The fact that the pet do not scale with the ranger helps to make some nice dual builds (eg: ranger alterations with a power pet) without loosing.
Hope it helps you!
Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!
This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.
Wat lol? You’re funny.
I think your starting pet is at least partially determined by the race you choose, along with the way you answer the startup questions. Might want to check that out ahead of time.
Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!
This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.
Wat lol? You’re funny.
I’m talking about utility skills, not weapon skills…
Charr are great, you get Battle Roar!
This is a great skill for Rangers who do not have a short CD Fury skill, perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down.
Wat lol? You’re funny.
I’m talking about utility skills, not weapon skills…
Even then, rangers are not a class that struggles with fury uptime.
…perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down….
So what do you suggest? Use RaO? Or get in combat, then swap weapons to get fury for a trash mob encounter? Or maybe trait into NM and use 2H Training with a GS?
I’d rather just use Battle Roar, since for PvE, you don’t need any utility skills really. For me when roaming PvE its Battle Roar, QZ and SotW with RaO for vets and ^. Most things are dead by pressing 7 and then 1.
If 2H Training affected bows as well (which it should, imo) then I would consider dropping Battle Roar, but until then, its a staple for me.
For me personally it does not matter at all. Generally the racial skills are weaker and I would never, ever use them.
For ranger in PvE I suggest berserker stats – power/precision/critical damage(will be renamed to ferocity). Traits 30 30 whatever. Use pets that do damage and are not just completely tanky.
I much prefer 30/25/0/15/0 over 30/30/x/x/x as you can trait NM for either more power or spirits or Nature’s Protection. Your pet is also then getting the boons you have, which it often misses out on due to the 5 person rule. You are also getting the extra 1500 health too.
If you like GS, I would go 30/20/0/20/0 so you can grab 2H Training.
…perfect for short encounters and spiking mobs down….
So what do you suggest? Use RaO? Or get in combat, then swap weapons to get fury for a trash mob encounter? Or maybe trait into NM and use 2H Training with a GS?
I’d rather just use Battle Roar, since for PvE, you don’t need any utility skills really. For me when roaming PvE its Battle Roar, QZ and SotW with RaO for vets and ^. Most things are dead by pressing 7 and then 1.
If 2H Training affected bows as well (which it should, imo) then I would consider dropping Battle Roar, but until then, its a staple for me.
Warhorn should be a staple of every PvE ranger build, and if you don’t have that you still have fury from Red Moa or weapon swapping.
You know, I dislike the word ‘should’, I think its impolite. I don’t like Warhorn much, its just clunky, has long CDs for a weapon and no aoe. I much prefer to have LB/GS and LB/Sword-Axe.
If I use a Moa for a buff that I can get from a utility slot that I don’t need anyway, well, all the better since otherwise I’d be wasting that F2 slot on something I would use to do dmg. I use the River drake a lot for the Lightning Breath F2 or Hawk because its F2 is on the same CD as Maul or Lynx for BM builds and having that fury on demand is great for when I let the pet kill things on its own while I gather mats
You get fury on swap for fights that take a while, ie, not PvE so that also seems clunky to me to have to start on one weapon set and swap just to get a boon that I wanted before I started battle anyway. And most PvE fights are just seconds anyway.