Ranger color mayhem

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Pewienpan.5168



Got a problem with dyes I think you and me can solve together.

Firstly, my set is: Inquest Helm, Duelist Pauldrons, Gloves and Pants, Falconer’s Coat (Human Tier 2) and Prowler Boots.

I’m attaching the screens of my color set and 3 another sets of my character being entirely colored by one dye – Midnight Ice, Midnight Fire and Black.

The problem is that black is purple… And yesterday I had a chance to preview Abyss and it was also purple!
As you can see the midnight fire and ice make their “named” apperance, but… on my brothers necro the midnight fire looks really black, even darker than midnight ice.

The question is – can i make my rangers armor really black, or it doesn’t work because armor is leather and it will just look like it? And yes, I changed the graphic setting to maximum to check it, looks just like on screens.

PS Can someone tell me if my english is any good?


Celestial scrubs, just die already…

(edited by Pewienpan.5168)

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243



One way you can check is by previewing dyes. Go to GW2DB.com or guildhead.com and look up dyes that you are interested in and copy the link for the item. Then paste it in game and preview it.

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Ultravalefor.5038


Have you tried any of the black substitute colors? I can’t say for sure how they will affect your armor because so many pieces take colors so many ways, so instead I’ll just give you a list of the ones I know and you can try them yourself:

Night Shade
Oil Slick (this isn’t exactly a black but sometimes I use it as one on characters, depends very much on armor type)

Also Heirloom Dye can become VERY black on certain items, an interesting black and red combination. You’d have to see it yourself to understand what I mean, and you might not see it at all if the pieces you have don’t dye the same way mine do.

Phaynel – recently voted the hottest Ranger in GW2 by everyone
married to Railspike the Red Alpha Golem
[PiNK] Toast Forever.

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea, dyes can be glitchy sometimes. I got a moss green dye and for whatever reason, when I apply it to a certain armor, it will look fine in the preview, but once you close that window, it turns to a purple. Going back to the dye window shows it magically changed to some sort of purple and using a dye remover changes it to green…that reverts to purple when you close the window again.

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Pewienpan.5168


Don’t have money for Night Shade, all others you mentioned ain’t black for kitten… Anyway, thanks for info.

Celestial scrubs, just die already…

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


You could always try different armor sets to see if they take the color any differently, but you probably don’t want to mess with the look you’ve already got.

Ranger color mayhem

in Ranger

Posted by: Pewienpan.5168


Oh, didn’t know about that Dahkeus. Thank you very much.

Celestial scrubs, just die already…