4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Ranger down state is imbalanced
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
None of the class mechanics are as ‘broken’ as the pets.
The other specs hit harder with their “1” skill. If we don’t have the pet we’ll never win downed fights.
>fights a ranger, gets them downed
>pet gets 5s quickness on downed state from trait skill
>pet owns you, you get downed
>you die
I would bet money this is what happened to you. You have clearly never played ranger. The ranger cannot control its pet when downed other than instructing it to heal the player, which really is little use at all in wvw or pvp. The ranger pet will continue to attack the enemy player, however.
Anyway, we don’t need to justify the downed state. We are still the most broken class in the game. Underpowered bows, pets that can’t hit moving targets and utilities that aren’t half as good as some classes’.
Bryzy: in fact you can do everything with you pet you could do when not downed, just because you didnt know that doesnt mean it doesnt work
And as a matter of fact, ranger right now is one of the strongest professions.
never blinking “specialist”,
(edited by Blackmoa.3186)
and bryzy: just because it isnt displayed doesnt mean you cant use it
never blinking “specialist”,
Blackmoa: wrong on all accounts. The pet can only be used to heal a player in the downed state (it also attacks the player as it would normally, but you cannot control this, so if it glitches then you won’t even have that to back you up). F2 skills etc disappear just like with the other classes. Ranger one of the strongest professions? You MUST be joking. The only thing that could make a ranger on a par with other classes is how good the person playing it is. You don’t need skill to be powerful as a warrior or thief, for example.
Pets can be controlled while downed. They can be instructed to Attack, Return or use their ability. They can even be switched out. The ranger IS the strongest profession, but that depends on how you see it. There aren’t many rangers that can play the class effectively.
Now either go and try out the downed state or stop trolling
Blackmoa: wrong on all accounts. The pet can only be used to heal a player in the downed state. F2 skills etc disappear just like with the other classes. Ranger one of the strongest professions? You MUST be joking. The only thing that could make a ranger on a par with other classes is how good the person playing it is. You don’t need skill to be powerful as a warrior or thief, for example.
Please learn the game before commenting on it. The visual “UI” of the skills disappear but you can use any “F-skill” you could anyways. That includes attack, come back, F2, or switch. You can’t, however, use your normal utilities or your normal heal skill.
That said, it’s irrelevant. Ranger’s downed state is good, but not even close to amongs the best. Yes, they can pull some neat tricks, but so can other classes. Not relevant. If you down a ranger and get downed by their pet, either you really low to begin with, or you’re doing something wrong.
A class’s downed state’s strength is best qualified in what they can avoid.
First come classes with displacement skills – Thief, Mesmer and Elementalist. They’re the only ones that can avoid any stomp, including stability stomps and the absolute best “invuln stomp”. Nobody else can. They buy the players a lot more time than any other class in the game while downed.
Then come classes that stop multiple enemy stomps, or stealth/untargetable stomps, provided they don’t have stability or invulnerability – Ranger and Guardian.
Finally come the classes that can only stop one stomp, at most, provided they have no defense of any kind, such as stability or stealth, or that they take a very long time to execute – Warrior, Necromancer and Engineer.
So, ultimately, the fact that Ranger’s can win a “one on one downed fight” is irrelevant, when stomping them while bypassing their pet is not an issue. If you down a ranger, one on one, and managed to still get downed and die, you either messed up bad or don’t know how to stomp.
Ranger down state is good in many situations, but its not the only good one. Ele’s memsers and theives have much better down states in larger battles because they survive a long time giving plenty of time to rally, whereas ranger down states are atronger in 1v1 and 2v2 fights because their pet can make a real difference there, especially if they are a BM.
Gunnar’s Hold
>Die from ranger on downed state
>Cry on forum.
And as a matter of fact, ranger right now is one of the strongest professions.
I must have missed that memo.
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
Ranger down state is good in many situations, but its not the only good one. Ele’s memsers and theives have much better down states in larger battles because they survive a long time giving plenty of time to rally, whereas ranger down states are atronger in 1v1 and 2v2 fights because their pet can make a real difference there, especially if they are a BM.
False, Rangers are the best in surviving down state.
Get a wolf and a Black moa, you can stop a player from stomping you 4 times. Where as every other profession can stop a stomp for a max of one.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Ranger down state is good in many situations, but its not the only good one. Ele’s memsers and theives have much better down states in larger battles because they survive a long time giving plenty of time to rally, whereas ranger down states are atronger in 1v1 and 2v2 fights because their pet can make a real difference there, especially if they are a BM.
False, Rangers are the best in surviving down state.
Get a wolf and a Black moa, you can stop a player from stomping you 4 times. Where as every other profession can stop a stomp for a max of one.
That assumes you are being hit in melee range or stomped by people without stability. In in a large battle, the chances are people will be focusing downed players from range (or they should be, to continually rally their team), or you’ll just be getting mashed by AoE spam, and then your wolf is of no use. For large scale downed survival I’d much prefer to be able to mist form back to my teammates that lie there in the middle of the battle.
Gunnar’s Hold
(edited by Cufufalating.8479)
Trait enlargment, bark skin, compassion training, or instinctual bond for even more fun! <3 rangers; oh, and if you’re in wvw, eat fire salsa. It basically maxes out ranger trollishness. Similarly, the stun builds with ranger are pretty hysterical and must simply be maddening to face.
(edited by Chopps.5047)
Alright then, how about this…
Our pets instead return to our sides. They can’t attack, can’t use F2.
They are invulnerable and can’t even be targeted. Unstoppable Lick Wounds ftw.
What makes Ranger down state different from the others? The answer: Rangers can use their pet. Their mechanic, pets. Rangers can order pet to attack, use pet abilities, and switch pets.
Warriors cannot use burst skills while downed.
Mesmer cannot shatter skills while downed.
Necromancers cannot go into Death shroud while downed.
Engineers cannot use toolbelt skills while downed.
Thieves cannot use steal or waste initiative while downed.
Guardians cannot use virtues while downed.
Elementalists cannot switch attunements while downed.Yet, Rangers can use their pet while downed.
Warriors can use burst skills while not downed.
Mesmer can shatter skills while not downed.
Necromancers can go into Death shroud while not downed.
Engineers can use toolbelt skills while not downed.
Thieves can use steal or waste initiative while not downed.
Guardians can use virtues while not downed.
Elementalists can switch attunements while not downed.
Yet, Rangers cannot use their pet while not downed.
Just made a few changes.
While the ranger is not downed you will keep moving to fight him which means the pet will barely land a blow, when the ranger is downed you will stand still trying to stomp which means that the pet will land every blow.
Truth is…ranger has the only mechanic that works while downed and doesnt work while alive.
And that’s why.
Pretty much joking, however there is some truth on it.
>Die from ranger on downed state
>Cry on forum.
i logged in just to say how much of a high five i would give you XD!!
Bedroom Knights. [Sock]
Sea of Sorrows
Before all you rangers get biased..think about it. Who would win in a one vs one downed state, a profession that can revive himself in a downed state(ranger), or a profession who cannot..(others) To be honest, only a Warrior stands a chance against a ranger in a downedstate. But they have to be real close or the invulnerability will run out..
Lets not forget warriors can use vengeance on downed all they then have to do is stomp the ranger and low and behold they rally rangers can not do this as well as any other classes, now in many cases I have killed downed players while in the downed state myself this is because they to were very low health when they went to stomp me and my pet ate them for lunch, I would call my pet over to heal me about 3/4 of the way then send the pet to attack and finish them off I rally, if you go to finish a downed ranger heal first then stomp!
that simple really.
Harbingerrs Of Tyria guild leader
I’d like to point out that blind or stability is enough to cap-down ranger in the first try. Which apparently isn’t enough to cap down: elementalist, thief (who can avoid it twice or even three times given enough amount of time) or mesmer.
Guardian can heal himself on downed state for huge amount beside #4. That’s another thing.
And if it’s not enough, looking how much pets are squishy, it’s enough to just kill pet.
I’ve fought a ranger with a pet who could sustain like a bunker guard and deal crits like a thief..
Plus ranger pet heal in downed state is superior to guard heal in downedstate. If you don’t think so, have a downedstate 1v1 with ranger.
You have clearly never played ranger. The ranger cannot control its pet when downed other than instructing it to heal the player, which really is little use at all in wvw or pvp. The ranger pet will continue to attack the enemy player, however.
Actually, the F1-F4 keys do work when you’re downed. So you can pick out a weakened target, get your pet to beeline for it and activate their special attack. If they’re about to die you can swap them out too.
I’ve fought a ranger with a pet who could sustain like a bunker guard and deal crits like a thief..
Plus ranger pet heal in downed state is superior to guard heal in downedstate. If you don’t think so, have a downedstate 1v1 with ranger.
Do thieves crit for 2k?
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
Ranger down state is good in many situations, but its not the only good one. Ele’s memsers and theives have much better down states in larger battles because they survive a long time giving plenty of time to rally, whereas ranger down states are atronger in 1v1 and 2v2 fights because their pet can make a real difference there, especially if they are a BM.
False, Rangers are the best in surviving down state.
Get a wolf and a Black moa, you can stop a player from stomping you 4 times. Where as every other profession can stop a stomp for a max of one.
Wanna put your money where your mouth is? 800 gems I can produce 4 different classes – at least – with my average, non-specific, PvP build that your ranger can’t stop my stomp once? Elementalist, Engineer, Warrior and Guardian. You let me down you, I start my stomp, and then you try your best to interrupt me. Might even be able to do it with Thief and Necro too, but there’s some room for error there.
I’m saying specifically “non-specific” builds to make it clear that this are just what I consider normal PvP builds. If you want specific counter builds to your interruptions – Anything with stability, evasion or invincibility in their stomps.
Wow! This is what we end up talking about now? The downded state? This is in what rangers excel in this game? That says a lot about this class. Anet you are failing us hard. GW1 was so much better.
member of Circle of Nine
Wow! This is what we end up talking about now? The downded state? This is in what rangers excel in this game? That says a lot about this class. Anet you are failing us hard. GW1 was so much better.
Nah, it fits. Rangers are survivalists. Even when downed, when fighting as ranger, the fight isn’t over. I’ve been playing ranger hardcore since BWE and some of my most memorable moments are beating opponents from the downed state.
Before all you rangers get biased..think about it. Who would win in a one vs one downed state, a profession that can revive himself in a downed state(ranger), or a profession who cannot..(others) To be honest, only a Warrior stands a chance against a ranger in a downedstate. But they have to be real close or the invulnerability will run out..
i think you can interrupt the pet whilst its licking the ranger; i recall seeing a thread on the necro forums and the advice was to save their down#2 fear for when the ranger used lick wounds
but your comparison is flawed; thief can get out of group fights whilst downed easily, guard can still support pretty kitten well whilst downed (ive been ressed and have ressed by/as a guard whilst downed from the healing symbol – it even heals the person trying to res the guard; OP), different classes downed states excel at different things
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
Drop a blind field or use stability.
Or if you don’t have either of those options, just DPS the ranger down.
/end thread
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I’ve fought a ranger with a pet who could sustain like a bunker guard and deal crits like a thief..
Plus ranger pet heal in downed state is superior to guard heal in downedstate. If you don’t think so, have a downedstate 1v1 with ranger.
Do thieves crit for 2k?
No, but they both crit 4k
Guys, I am here to give you a bit of advice. Instead of complaining about stuff, actually think hard about it and figure out how to counter it. Ranger downed state is OP underwater, I will give you that, but a simple blind or stability will allow you to quickly finish a ranger. If they are using canine pet switches, stability also works… But even with all that, I usually don’t have much problem stomping a ranger without blind or stability.
We don’t have op amounts of stealth … So give us a break on downed state….
Personally I think certain classes should still have access to their F abilities while in down state…such as the Necromancer. I mean come on, you’re telling me Death Shroud can’t be activated while in down state to quickly allow you to attempt to rally or escape far enough for you to rally without problems? Or that Guardians can’t activate their virtues while in down state?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
actually warriors can use their burst abilities after downed because of vengeance, and they often do this in pvp to finish off the person who originally downed them and then they rally of stomping the person who downed them all while in a downed state… idk why you think rangers are broken
When downed every class still has 100% damage without their F skills. If you took away ranger pet you would take away 50% of our damage.
Am I good?… I’m good.
A ranger can’t stop you from stomping if you blind them, use stability, mist form, elixir u, stealth. There are plenty of ways to stomp a ranger.
No other class mechanic is as central to the class as the pet is to the ranger. Rangers make significant sacrifices to have a pet (and if you read this subforum you will become very familiar with them) to the point that a large number of rangers want the pet scrapped and other rangers agree that the pet is below the standard it needs to be at. Unless you are fighting a trapper or BM ranger, you should have no trouble taking them out.
Even if a ranger uses wolf, fears you, stuns you, and licks wounds you can still get the stomp off. Also, warrior downed state beats ranger in downed fight so……
Am I good?… I’m good.
I’m becoming more and more angry about these “lick wounds” threads. Rangers were sitting ducks for a year. We are not entirely sitting ducks anymore, because the pet is now working as intended. But people don’t want to think when killing a ranger, they just want to dps. Like before! Because, hey, that was so nice and easy! Free glory!
But now, they have to deal with the pet, and interrupt it, the way it was designed from the start. Oh no! That requires thinking! We already have to pay so much attention when killing a mesmer, we don’t want more of that!
I’ve actually seen a mesmer saying that he wants his clones to heal him while he quietly teleports away. And I now I see warriors… (yes, it’s true!) complain about a skill that a ranger has – because they don’t have it themselves as well! It’s mind boggling. Lack of perspective is getting out of whack.
Rangers are sitting ducks when downed, we always have been. It’s easy to kill rangers in downed state. Just think before you act, and you’ll see that the downed state of other classes is superior to that of the ranger.
(edited by Buttercup.5871)
After seeing somethings on my ranger, I can understand SOME issues people might have with the ranger’s down state but the big picture scenario is also important.
Before they fix anything to negatively affect the ranger’s down state, they need to fix the positive stuff.
1) When you call your pet to heal you (Lick wounds) it needs to work. It doesn’t always. Heck it feels like I’m flipping a coin if my pet will save me.
2) Pets need to use their F2 ability on command and not IF you woke up on the right side of the bed, crossed your pinky fingers up at the sky towards the sun, chant something in latin, and then hop six times on your left foot and 2 on your right towards your wardrobe. I switch to my wolf when people try and stop to use the howl of fear but he just sits there, whether I command him to attack or fear … (Maybe he actually just hates me and wants me to die?)
Things that I can agree need to be fixed is underwater related. 3 guys were attacking me underwater in sPVP in my downed state. I had 19 stacks of bleed on me too. I still came back to life. Now maybe that has more to do with underwater damage being low but come on … I hope all rangers can agree this shouldn’t happen.
Also, I’ve noticed the whole “Kill the pet” thing doesn’t always work. I’ve had downed pets heal me anyway.
I’m fine with our down state being looked at IF they look at all of it. Otherwise, keep it as is because currently its balanced in the fact that “Half the time you’re amazing and the other half you’re terrible”
You know whats funny? I showed my wife this thread and she said, “That guy needs to learn how to play better. I don’t have much problem taking down a ranger on my mesmer.” I lol’d.
Wow after reading this thread I realized I had my Ranger traited all wrong. I see now that the battle only starts after we’re downed. Time to go re-trait for all the downed state perks and pet perks. Thx for the tip.
My pets are finicky. I think it has to do with lag/skill lag in WvW. That’s the only time I can consistently see my pet just hanging around while I hit F2 or if downed #3 and nothing happens.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Wow after reading this thread I realized I had my Ranger traited all wrong. I see now that the battle only starts after we’re downed. Time to go re-trait for all the downed state perks and pet perks. Thx for the tip.
My pets are finicky. I think it has to do with lag/skill lag in WvW. That’s the only time I can consistently see my pet just hanging around while I hit F2 or if downed #3 and nothing happens.
That would be awesome if that was the only time but my pet just snickers at me sometimes in sPVP when I’m downed on land (water works all the time even when the pet is downed himself).
Again, pretty sure it’s spite that keeps him from healing me as I shelfed him for PVE/Dungeon runs mostly in favor of Guardian.
Bryzy: in fact you can do everything with you pet you could do when not downed, just because you didnt know that doesnt mean it doesnt work
And as a matter of fact, ranger right now is one of the strongest professions in pvp.
Fixed that for you. Ignoring the fact that we’re kitten everywhere else does the profession no long-term good.
I think this is fair because EVERY CLASS HAS AN ADVANTAGE STOMPING except ranger. We have nothing. No invis, no elixir s, no mist form, no DS stomp or plagues stomp, no distortion stomp, no stability stomp unless we use on of our elites. You might say we can quickness stomp, which we can, but quickness stomps will finish the target at the same speed as a regular stomp so that doesn’t help at all.
Am I good?… I’m good.
I think this is fair because EVERY CLASS HAS AN ADVANTAGE STOMPING except ranger. We have nothing. No invis, no elixir s, no mist form, no DS stomp or plagues stomp, no distortion stomp, no stability stomp unless we use on of our elites. You might say we can quickness stomp, which we can, but quickness stomps will finish the target at the same speed as a regular stomp so that doesn’t help at all.
Quickness affects stomp charge up speed. It’s not as good as it once was, obviously, but it still works. You have to pop quickness before you start or it won’t work right.
While we don’t have an ability that lets us stomp like the big boys, we do have the ability to send the pet to a target to keep them from self rez’ing while we focus on another target which is something no other class really has.
I think this is fair because EVERY CLASS HAS AN ADVANTAGE STOMPING except ranger. We have nothing. No invis, no elixir s, no mist form, no DS stomp or plagues stomp, no distortion stomp, no stability stomp unless we use on of our elites. You might say we can quickness stomp, which we can, but quickness stomps will finish the target at the same speed as a regular stomp so that doesn’t help at all.
Quickness affects stomp charge up speed. It’s not as good as it once was, obviously, but it still works. You have to pop quickness before you start or it won’t work right.
While we don’t have an ability that lets us stomp like the big boys, we do have the ability to send the pet to a target to keep them from self rez’ing while we focus on another target which is something no other class really has.
The animation speeds up but the stake goes into the target effectively finishing them at the same speed at which a normal stomp would have even though there is a faster animation.
Quickness stomp = fast animation but takes x seconds for stake to hit.
Normal stomp = slow animation but takes same x seconds for stake to hit.
Am I good?… I’m good.