Ranger going Invis

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: Dag.1257


First off, I have a lvl 80 Ranger. I am curious, what ability allows a Ranger to just go invis at will it seems? Only thing I can find is Hide in Plain Sight but that only triggers if dazed etc. The thing is, I wasn’t using any dazes etc.

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Hide in Plain Sight
Apply camouflage when you are dazed, knocked down, launched, pushed back, or stunned. This effect cannot trigger more than once every 30 seconds.

This is the only way a Ranger can go invisible. There is no “at will” ability to allow a Ranger to use stealth. I’m assuming you were facing a Ranger and either stunned him, knocked him down or pushed him back. What class were you playing and what weapon were you using?

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: Arrys.7145


Superior runes of infiltration at sub 10% health.

Combo field Smoke and a leap finisher. We can’t generate our own smoke field except underwater off the jellyfish,however. Fighting by an engineer thief could use their fields – smoke bomb, black powder etc.. .

Arrys Shaikin
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: Dag.1257


Yah, there was no smoke field, they were at higher health than 10%. So not sure what.

Thanks for the feedback. And deepwinter, I do play a ranger, and did not use ANY of the above to trigger Hide in Plain Sight.

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


@Dag, from reading your posts, I get the impression you’re misunderstanding the mechanic.

You don’t daze, knockback or stun to trigger Hide in Plain sight. You must BE stunned, knocked back, etc by another player or NPC to trigger it.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Hi, this is actually an F2 skill, that of the Juvenile Siamoth pet which belongs to the porcine/pig family.. The pigs have the ability to search for and produce an item with a use, it’s like picking up a special weapon item. I’m sure you knew about this, but the siamoth specifically finds on most occasions a bunch of feathers or patch of fur, which allows you to gain stealth for 3 seconds..

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: swilkers.5938


Ranger should have a stationary at will stealth ability. Pop it, you are stealthed. Move and you lose it.

Blackgate Server
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian