Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


For some reaseon at random times my ranger will start shooting at a nearby enemy even though i didnt even click on it. What gives? Sucks when I’m in a higher level zone and I draw in an enemy that’s strong.

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Mox.2861


Manually turn off auto-attack should fix this.
I think there is a bug with warhorn ‘call of the wild’ (swiftness) causes a bug that makes you get a target for auto-attack; but it won’t do if you have auto-attack disabled.
Also, right clicks can change your target, so panning the camera with the mouse can select a target on accident.

(edited by Mox.2861)

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


But then I have to turn it back on again evey time I attack. I’m waaaay to lazy for that

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: krojack.4920


The over all auto-targeting system needs to be adjusted IMO. It’s exactly like the old (and never fixed) problem with hunters in WoW. You’re standing there nothing targeted, accidently hit an attack ability. The game will auto-target the nearest mob and attack. Only GW2 seems to take this to the extreme and target almost anything that loaded within visual range. Even mobs behind you, behind a wall out of LOS or as I saw last night, mobs stuck under the world. That one was funny because my pet went under the world to the mob, I recalled my pet and it brought the mob back up though the ground where I could then kill it.

I wish the auto-targeting or tab-targeting/cycling though mobs using tab would only target mobs within range of your longest ability.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jenosavel.1756


In your game options you can turn off "autotargetting." If you turn it off then using an attack skill won’t target an enemy, it’ll just shoot the skill off in whatever direction you happen to be facing and you’ll probably not hit anything.

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Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I get this too sometimes. I’ll just be running past mobs and suddenly my character starts shooting the nearest mob, without me even touching the fire button. Let me just be clear about that; my character both targets and fires at a mob, without me telling it to. It happened to me more at lower levels, though. I don’t get it as often anymore for some reason. It has nothing to do with the warhorn, as it also happened while I was using bows. It could possibly have something to do with panning the camera, but I’m not sure.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: robot.9134


One bug i have noticed is if you hit the horns speed boost with mobs highlighted it will sick the pet as well as activate the buff.

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


Try using your great-sword leap skill as a movement skill, its pulls you to mobs all over the place. I went full 90 degrees once lol. I’ve also been pulled off a bridge into a horde of regenerating scale. If you turn auto target off though, you will charge right through something right in front of you. Not sure if melee assist affects this but haven’t really tested since beta 3.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
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Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stealth.6971


I get this too sometimes. I’ll just be running past mobs and suddenly my character starts shooting the nearest mob, without me even touching the fire button. Let me just be clear about that; my character both targets and fires at a mob, without me telling it to.

This is exaclty my problem. When that happens against something too strong for me it leads to a quick death or near escape.

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I have “automatically attack switched targets” off and sometimes I randomly start shooting stuff after a fight if I hit attack again. My guess is it’s with the “automatically find target” and autoattack options working in tandem. I really don’t want to turn that off because it’s convenient when it isn’t screwing me over. It’s even worse because whether I hit or not, my pet still runs off for it even in passive mode. Also, those options names aren’t verbatim but if you looked you would be able to find them by my description.

Automatically find targets should only seek within your weapon distance, not a bear at the very edge of your line of sight.

Ranger keeps attacking things randomly?

in Ranger

Posted by: krojack.4920


In your game options you can turn off “autotargetting.” If you turn it off then using an attack skill won’t target an enemy, it’ll just shoot the skill off in whatever direction you happen to be facing and you’ll probably not hit anything.
The more you know…

I’m aware of that yes however this is just another “turn your car radio up louder and you won’t hear the bad noises your car makes” fixes.

Disabling game options or features aren’t a fix for poor auto-targeting systems. Maybe a temporary fix but the real problems should be addresses.

80 Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances