Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138



Hey all, my ranger is on the way to 80, and i want to ask you some suggestion about gear, i know it depends on builds, but can you suggest me how much defense/offense stats cap i have to achieve to be good in PvE and in WvW roaming? (how much condi dmg or power, or vitality and thoughness..ecc) some suggestions to understand alone this can lead me to do various equip adjustment for the builds i want to create.
Thank you all in advance and sorry for my bad english.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Silverkung.9127



My ranger have 2set rampage(pow/Pre/condi) and shaman(Condi/heal/vit).
Rampage for WWW and shaman for farm but sometime I switch shaman and build to www too.

My rampage set is good for damage but low on Hp I use accs to boost some HP/tough for long fight and get some reaction when get hit(not1or2hit down.).
And another thing poison.sac is cheap mat for craft(on my old time).

Shaman set is good to self-takecare very high re-gen for 6part gear combo.
And you got 20k+ Hp for 6part armor and more than 25k if your accs and traits focus on vit.But this set low DMG not powerful like gear have pow in status.

Ok back to topic.This is MY suggestions about status simple mind.

Pow – look at right side of status attack window.
low than 2000 your lag of power.
Around2500+- is normal.
Around3000+is crazy raw dmg.

Condi – Nah… it very sensitive topic in here lol I put simple talk then.
Bleed tic65 u guy no condi here.
Bleed tic90-110 you good for condi.
Bleed tic111-130 u put heavy condi right?
Bleed tic130+ you are crazy about condi!!

Toughness – look at right side overall armor on status window.
-low than2000 wet noodle.
-2000-2500 umm good.Keep it sharp don’t get hit offen.
-2501-3000 good to take DMG not die easy.
-3000+ did u think you guy are tanker class?

Vit – HP
10-15k No Excuse.1 misstake pay your own life
15-20k Year year some Hp make you some Chance stay sharp.
20-25k feel free to get some DMG and not die in2hit.
25-29k bloodybag.
30k+ you guy love to be sankitten huh?

Healing – not have exp about this enough and not try to full healing before.

(edited by Silverkung.9127)

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: naphack.9346


You generally get PTV armor with any class and then work your way up from there.

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


I should get that set? Can you pls help me with my questions about cap ecc.?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Arekai.5698


pve, berserker
pvp, shamans

there, no need for 1000 letters like above

But seriously though, what you need is another class.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: roadkill.3749


@Silverkung.9127 When you say power do you mean power or attack and when you say toughness do you mean toughness or armor?

Dedicated Seafarer’s Rest player
member of Circle of Nine

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Silverkung.9127


Ah sorry my bad, power/toughness mean on right side of status menu.(Atk / Armor.)
I will edit my post up there.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


Nice answer thanks nice number to follow while gear up so

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


What works well for me inside wvw (I run in T1 in massive zerg balls a lot) is knight’s armor w/ undead runes. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Knight%27s#Triple_attribute

High toughness then which also helps out your condition damage (so obviously sb and traps I run). Add your vit/crit dmg/precision via the jewelry/jewels and or possibly weapons. A true pita to keep pets alive though. I go for drakes for condition damage but popular choices are also canines and felines in larger settings and birds in smaller skirmishes. Make sure you have food to benefit your build such as http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Omnomberry_Ghost

Pve honestly any build works just fine. Dungeons/fractals well that’s a different story especially higher difficulty dungeons (be prepared for nonstop dead pets).

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: roadkill.3749


@Rawthorne.8675 So you run traps with what? ~400 condition damage? That seems a bit low to me. I use Carrion + Melandru runes. What’s happening is that I trade prec for cond dmg. Also conditions last a shorter period of time on me. And I’m also on a T1 server. SFR.

Dedicated Seafarer’s Rest player
member of Circle of Nine

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


Anyone agree with the number answered on top of this page guys?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: ski.4927


WvW roaming:

condition focused BM Bunker

Get Apothecary gear until your toughness is at about 1300-1400 (counting traits)
Get Shaman everything else.
Dwayna Runes

Turkish Krul – Druid

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


I use knights armour and berserker trinkets. Lets you hit mostly like a GC but with more toughness than people expect from you, and as long as you have enough condition removal and use evades well you’ll have no trouble surviving and dealing a ton of damage. Can either go with defensive or offensive runes depending on your preference.

This is for WvW SB/GS.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


I use knights armour and berserker trinkets. Lets you hit mostly like a GC but with more toughness than people expect from you, and as long as you have enough condition removal and use evades well you’ll have no trouble surviving and dealing a ton of damage. Can either go with defensive or offensive runes depending on your preference.

This is for WvW SB/GS.

Thanks, you dont use any vitality?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


I suggest that you suit your equipment to your current play style before you spend time and gold getting something that won’t suit you. Go to pvp and wvw, change your build if you don’t feel it suits your needs and once you’re set, then more onto the gear-getting.

I like the beast master path, condition damage application and survival, closing fights mid way rather than drawn out in PvP and WvW which means Rabid and Shaman/Cleric trinkers. For PvE I like to go melee (because it’s fun) but giving myself survival to fight champions from a distance (pet doing the work again). So that’s either Traveler’s (for magic find) or Rampagers equipment and Cleric trinkets.

Note: I get my vitality from Exquisite Jewels and /or Ascended items, can’t recall which ones I use right now.

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: http://tinyurl.com/oht3e9z

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: roadkill.3749


I use knights armour and berserker trinkets. Lets you hit mostly like a GC but with more toughness than people expect from you, and as long as you have enough condition removal and use evades well you’ll have no trouble surviving and dealing a ton of damage. Can either go with defensive or offensive runes depending on your preference.

This is for WvW SB/GS.

Thanks, you dont use any vitality?

Careful with that! I’ve been using rampager for quite some time and it’s not good. I need to be super careful. Also, as you asked.. no vitality? I’ve tested rabid vs carrion in tPvP and imo carrior is much better than rabid. I would go with vit over tough.

Dedicated Seafarer’s Rest player
member of Circle of Nine

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


Some say that i can go full berserker for dungeon and fractal in pve, is that right?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


for fresh level 80 getting there first exotic set and assumeing power based dont think you can really beat this it gives enough defence/offence to allow without gimping you anywhere imo.

power/toughness/vitality armor and berserker rings/acsessorys/amulate with 4xrunes of grove and 2xrunes of altruism (useing heal as one and pet gets your boons(trait) its instant 6x might for pet every 20’s for 10’s and 3xmight for you and anyone else in range) add this to warhorn and well i think you can guess

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


for fresh level 80 getting there first exotic set and assumeing power based dont think you can really beat this it gives enough defence/offence to allow without gimping you anywhere imo.

power/toughness/vitality armor and berserker rings/acsessorys/amulate with 4xrunes of grove and 2xrunes of altruism (useing heal as one and pet gets your boons(trait) its instant 6x might for pet every 20’s for 10’s and 3xmight for you and anyone else in range) add this to warhorn and well i think you can guess

So is not a good idea to go full berserker?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


depends how good you are as a player imo if you can pull it off then yeah go for it, otherwise i would say no dont if that makes sense!

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138


A ok thanks, depends on skill so, and is better a power or condi ranger if i want to go for dungeon adn fractal?

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Kau.8495


ahh that i cant help you with im afraid i only run power builds and i dont do dungeons sorry

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Sebrent.3625



What do you do in PvE?
*Open World?

  • Dungeons?
  • Fractals? (up to what level(s)?)

Are you having trouble with survivability in dungeons? Are you often getting hit?

What are you wanting to do in WvW? Roam with the zerg? With a small group (around 5)? Solo?

Christian. Husband. Father. Friend. Developer. Gamer.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: Rawthorne.8675


@Rawthorne.8675 So you run traps with what? ~400 condition damage? That seems a bit low to me. I use Carrion + Melandru runes. What’s happening is that I trade prec for cond dmg. Also conditions last a shorter period of time on me. And I’m also on a T1 server. SFR.

611 unbuffed condition damage but I use sigil of corruption (adds 250 after I get all of my stacks which I do on my axe/warhorn) and master tuning crystals (adds 168). So I end up w/ 1029 condition damage. Rest of my crap =
53% crit
2766 att
2788 armor
1608 vitality (health always changes cuz wvw buffs earned by server)
20% condition duration
10% boon duration
92 healing power
45% crit damage

I personally haven’t found a way to have decent toughness (for wvw obviously) and condition damage, and decent crit rate/dmg except going the route I have. Oh and then I use a sigil of fire on my sb.

I agree shorter durations of conditions placed on me is viable for some; I just don’t like it as it requires a sacrifice somewhere else (in your case precision). I use omnomberry ghosts so I need a fairly decent crit rate.

Ranger near 80, suggestions for gear

in Ranger

Posted by: helmino.4138



What do you do in PvE?
*Open World?

  • Dungeons?
  • Fractals? (up to what level(s)?)

Are you having trouble with survivability in dungeons? Are you often getting hit?

What are you wanting to do in WvW? Roam with the zerg? With a small group (around 5)? Solo?

In dungeon sometimes i get hit not always, i stay back with my bow most of the time, for wvw i like to solo roam and some zerg.