Ranger pet health in WvW
Pets have a higher base health in purely PvE environments. I think it’s to help with tanking, but honestly I don’t know for certain why they did this.
it makes me sad to that pets are useless in wvw/eotm they die in a few shots
You know, people say that constantly, and I have to constantly correct them.
DPS pets are the ones that die instantly. Spec into Beast Mastery, manage the positioning of your pet better (such as by choosing a ranged pet), or choose a tankier pet, and this ceases to be a problem. Additionally, Drakes are better when fighting groups because they’re more capable of dishing out damage to groups, as they have AoE capability, while still having a high level of survivability.
It’s not a matter of pets being too weak. It’s choosing the wrong pets for the job.
(edited by Harnel.6810)
Manage them differently and use spiders.
I know how pet works, I just don’t get why the healthpool is different from PVE to WvW…
I only used the Jaguar as example but all pets have diff PVE and WvW healthpools. Bears go from 50K or so health to like 38k or so, canines have same health as felines so they go from 25K to 16K too etc
Thanks Harnel for the answer
But yes Genlog, pets are slightly more fragile in WvW, but not completely useless. Micro-management is key, knowing when to swap, call back, etc is vital, but they should find a middle ground for health in both environments ahhaha
For a quick review,
Drakes are best for groups, somewhat tanky and have nice damage and condition damage (and blast finisher on one of their skill chain) and usually bouncing attacks or multitarget cone attack
Solo, Canines are good for all their CC skills, knockdown on skill chain and usually the F2 (in exception for the fern hound) is related to some form of control (Fear, Immob, Chill, hyena calls a second hyena, double chain skill knockdown at the cost of half the power)
Spiders aren’t too bad thanks to their range and the immob from skill chain (jungle spider gets an additionnal immob)
Devourers have highest toughness and have some CC skills too, and they’re ranged
Birds and Felines are glass cannon, they’re okay-ish in solo play but they’ll pretty much die in a few sec in groups. Birds have nice auto-attack range and usually double attacks, while felines have vulnerability stacks on auto attack
Moas are usually tanky-team utility, usually boons or some support skill and AoE ally burst heal on skill chain.
Porcines are somewhat all rounders with a condi skill, a cc skill, a direct damage skill and a ‘random’ skill from the F2, but the Forage Skill varies from porcine to another
I still think they should up the pet’s health in WvW by 20% or so
It is because you are playing against other people and not the AI, if pets had double health, they would be too hard to kill 1v1. Unfortunately, when against a zerg, they die nigh instantly.
I went up against a guard ranger 1v1 roaming on my engi the other day. Like the ranger-main that I am, I scoffed at his weakness and proceeded to kill his pet so I could condi him down. Ya that didn’t work at all. You can’t kill a pet in a 1v1, it’s not ever going to happen. I couldn’t kill the ranger and had to just leave.
Even in PvP your pets almost never die. They get access to a 100% full heal every 20 seconds. I think it makes sense to allow other people to attempt to kill our pets. In PvE there is no reason to hamstring us by having such a large part of our build be able to die.
thinking of taming a murellow he has high health and aoe poison
A change was made quite some time ago (2013??) before that pets used have the health pool that it currently has in wvw (and pvp) in pve as well. So it was increased in Pve to help make pets more usefully in dungeons/world events, particularly glass pets.
At the time this change was made I think common pvp and roaming builds where BM bunkers and standard practices to beat (at least not die to) those builds was to target the pets first. So if the heath pool of the pets where increased it would have been much harder to kill those pets in a 1v1 type situation in 15-20s making the build even stronger. Hence it was never updated for pvp and wvw.
While i can see a case for increasing the pet hp for zerg fights (though i don’t think that would be enough to help them to survive in melee) it properly would be a bit strong in very small fight as duel bird BM bunker is still a solid build and possible more so after specialization changes, where pets prowess and agility training in a single minor trait is going to be strong particularly for cats.
What it needs for pets to be fixed in wvw without making them godmode for duels is aoe resistance. not immunity but resistance . They need reduced damage taken from any aoe. In duels no one is gonna stand in your aoe anyway unless they are baddies, in which case they deserve to die by it. Duels and small roaming fights rarely rely on aoe as kill skills, only area denial and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone sitting in their own aoe in a static spot just to kill a pet. That would be stupid at best. As for the zerg fights, trust me there’s still plenty enough aoe to kill off the pet but at least it would have a fighting chance for you to recall it to safety. They can almost never survive the initial push unless you are far backline, even then stray aoe usually picks them off. A little resistance could go a long way to remedy that. Micromanagement is good and all, but it’s a band-aide over a bullet hole. It only looks good for a second.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
it’s idiotic that pets to this day don’t have any use in large scale wvw battles. they need aoe resistance in that environment.
edit: guy above me said it well too.
What it needs for pets to be fixed in wvw without making them godmode for duels is aoe resistance. not immunity but resistance . They need reduced damage taken from any aoe. In duels no one is gonna stand in your aoe anyway unless they are baddies, in which case they deserve to die by it. Duels and small roaming fights rarely rely on aoe as kill skills, only area denial and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone sitting in their own aoe in a static spot just to kill a pet. That would be stupid at best. As for the zerg fights, trust me there’s still plenty enough aoe to kill off the pet but at least it would have a fighting chance for you to recall it to safety. They can almost never survive the initial push unless you are far backline, even then stray aoe usually picks them off. A little resistance could go a long way to remedy that. Micromanagement is good and all, but it’s a band-aide over a bullet hole. It only looks good for a second.
They just need to have the Mistlock Instability: Playing Favorites effect on them. Mechanic is already in the game, simply cut and paste the code onto Ranger pets.
They just need to have the Mistlock Instability: Playing Favorites effect on them. Mechanic is already in the game, simply cut and paste the code onto Ranger pets.
I didn’t know this. It’s a very good idea, indeed.
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