Ranger pet, is it bugged?
I didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary when I was playing earlier. It kind of sounds like your pet was killed.
You wont be able to heal your pet or make it attack if it is dead. If at any time your pet dips below zero health, tt goes into a state where it just follows you around and slowly regens.
The only thing you can really do about that after it is already dead is F4 pet swap. A better solution, of course is to not let it die to begin with.
Yeah, it’s been at zero health. it doesn’t regen at all though, even though it follows me. It kinda dies fast (cat pet). But I’m a complete guild wars newbie. If it regens to full after the fight is over, is it “alive” again then? Not sure how I can avoid it dying. Ty for your answer (Didn’t know the zero health meant they were dead. Given they walk around still.)
Think of them as downed rather than dead. And yes, pets can be very hard to keep alive at time. Use F3/F1 more, keep an eye on your pet’s health and use F4 if it looks like it’s about to die. Your heal will work while it’s still in live state (but not that great) and there are other skills and traits that can help later on as you level your character.
Managing your F4 timer is key to keeping your pets active, it’s a lot longer if the pet dies so try to swap before then and pull it out a few seconds early if your F4 timer isn’t ready.
So swapping pets is a thing? I don’t have a second pet yet. Do they heal when switched? I’m such a noob at this game lol :P (MMO-wise, I play wow, and this feels a bit more dragon age like. (which I sucked and failed at….))
F4 swaps your pet, 20 second cool down. Every time you swap, your pet comes with full health. If you let your pet die before a swap, the cool down increases to 60 sconds.
Get a tankier pet (dogs and drakes are good options that still have decent damage, bears are the tankiest) until you are more comfortable with the mechanic.
Tyvm for the help guys Now I have to google how to get more pets. :P
Hm… I have trouble finding anything about when you can tame new pets, and how to do it. Charm pet ability? I haven’t seen this spell yet.
Just go to a Juvenile [Pet type] and use “f”.
you can manage your pets in pet window (k).
for pet locations: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pet
One thing worth bearing in mind is that pets seem to lose their name when you ‘reslot’ them. Because of that, a lot of people simply no longer bother renaming their pets. So…if you see a Juvenile animal that you can’t tame, it’s probably someone else’s un-named pet.
lunawisp was my peacebringer on City of Heroes – she lives on in memory as my gaming id.
Ranger pet bugged? No. It’s just bad design.
Put 30 pts in BM and just pew-pew while your pet melees for you. F3-F1-F3-F1. Rinse and repeat.
Of course, you can be ballsy and take a melee pet while you melee so you can die in the AoE together… Or just your pet while you dodge and it stands there and takes it like its the 1st day in federal pound me in the kitten prison.