Ranger pet runs ahead almost every time...
Yes. My pet pulled that move at the boss and caused fast wipe.
Main: Ranger
sometimes too, prety anoying
Same happens to me.
Happens a lot here (perfect example: I stop to chop some wood; pet goes off to aggro three raptors). I think the pet’s AI somehow miscalculates your position as F3 did nothing but stowing or moving a bit brought them back at my side.. Heck, I’ve even developed an instinctual sidestep whenever I stop for gathering/ etc and my pet wonders off..
I’ve definitely found this to be a problem. Pets seem to dislike standing too close to us, and there have been a few occassions where I cautiously walk up to an enemy camp to scout things out only to have my pet go barging past and stop right in the middle, aggroing every mob.
As a semi-related side note, I wish pets had a ‘Stay’ option to make them stand somewhere and not move. Not only would this be useful in gameplay, but also for fun reasons like taking screenshots beside your pet or roleplaying and not having your pet hanging out 20 feet away or moving around a lot.
I’ve noticed this is particularly bad when trying to interact with something. Usually ressing, or mining, or picking up an object. For some reason the pet loves to scout ahead. This can be especially problematic in places like Orr, where you can’t spit without hitting something undead that’ll aggro the pet.
This has been a problem ever since the BWEs (although back then pets had bigger issues), and I’ve commented on it many times. This would be particularly annoying in dungeons, but generally I find it frustrating as you often don’t have a lot of space to move between mobs and pets not tethering properly is a big deal when you’re trying to avoid pulling 5 mobs at once. I would love to see some tighter tethering for those sudden stops.
It would be helpful if pets actually stayed stored, as well. Pet AI definitely needs more work.
I know! My ranger pet runs 3x farther than it should at times. And yet when I send it to attack a moving target it can’t catch up..
It would be helpful if pets actually stayed stored, as well. Pet AI definitely needs more work.
Agh, this too. I can’t remember which story line I was working on, but there was one where my character was given a stealth, only…my pet did not receive it. So I was walking past mobs invisibly until my pet comes lumbering along completely visible and aggros them. I stowed my pet, but if I accidentally hit something or hurt myself it would pop back out.
Yes! So many times when you stop the pet lounges past you, often causing trouble…
Also “permanent stowing” would be nice. I stow the pet (for some reason, most often so it won’t pull <.<) and I take just a little bit of falling damage…and the pet comes bursting out -.- I would understand if combat arose…and even then…sometimes you just wanna run past mobs, if they hit you I don’t want my pet to come out and cause trouble…
I’d suggest stowing only to break on “unstow” and initiating an attack on a mob/object (needs to hit!)
There is a very easy way to fix this problem without overhauling the pet AI. Just don’t have pets draw aggro until they attack. That would literally solve everything.
yea the AI, or pathing, or both is just miserable in this respect. I end up pulling 6 mobs 1/2 the time because he runs 5 or 6 pet lengths in front of me when I stop. Someone though it would look cute if it took a second for your pet to realize you stopped … which it does, but it makes running around miserable. also any well trained pet will not do this.
Weird. I was going to complain that I get into combat and my pet will chill and watch for a second before actually entering combat… >.>
Bind your keys better and micro manage it. I have my pet commands at Q E and R instead of Fs and it works wonderful.
I like how my pet runs infront of me, it helps me a lot in PvE as my Wolf does the tanking mostly. I do agree that this is very troublesome in dungeons, but not so much as you are able to control it. The AI needs polishing but it’s not that bad.
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
Wayfinder, what does your sig mean? O.O Guardian quote? Or…?
Wayfinder, what does your sig mean? O.O Guardian quote? Or…?
Search for Ranger. Always loved classic sword wielding Rangers and Beastmasters. Rangers aren’t only archers as most people would believe.
more deadly than any that walks this earth. Put aside the Ranger.
Become who you were born to be. I give hope to men. I keep none for myself.
I don’t have these problems.
simplest fix for Anet is simply to adjust the “anchor point” for the pet to have it stay by your side in non-combat conditions. In real life, “Heel” is a basic pet skill.
I don’t really have this issue. I’ve made a habit of always pressing Shift+R (My f3 hotkey) every time I’m not in combat though, and a lot of times while in combat when I don’t want my pet to engage. That said, I think stow should function differently for multiple reasons, and I think it would be pretty easy to change. It would function as follows: pets are permanently stowed when you press the stow button (I wish stow had its own hotkey also), however, if you press the Any of the F keys, your pet is pulled out of stow. But only then. When the F key is pressed, the pet takes the action right out of stow, such as attacking with F1 or swapping pets with F4.
I’ve been really wanting the pet to stay behind me this 2-20 feet when its set to passive, and then let it stay ahead of me like it does now when its set to aggressive. That way I could switch its "stance" to suit my situation.
Servants of Fortuna [SoF] - We serve fortuna; may she grant us a smile.
I think pets do this to avoid the annoyance some games have had with pets standing on top of players. Still, I’d rather have unaesthetic pet/player meld than accidently aggro the world.
I’ve also noticed that my pet will run right past a target when initiating combat so that when I bow-attack and the target runs after me, my pet is 3 steps behind and unable to regain threat.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I wish pressing f3 would actually make the pet run back and stand next to you. Instead, if you run for a second, stop, then press f3, your pet continues to stand 10 feet away from you.
The word is “HEEL”. My dog IRL knows it. Park by my left foot. Do not stray.
That would solve the run-ahead-aggro issue.
I personally wouldn’t mind pets have a VERY small aggro radius if not zero. I find all to often pets running off on some random out of this world path to get around the little step you took off an edge. If it’s a cliff I’m jumping down and expect it then I just put my pet away before jumping. It’s the ones where you expect your pet to remain next to you and they don’t that I hate. They end up pulling several mobs that didn’t need to be.
Also yes, I’m finding my pets often lagging way behind me while I’m running long distances and when I stop they go way ahead of me and stop.
» My current Guild Wars 2 game annoyances
They seem to like to anticipate where you’ll be in a few moments. Not a bad way of handling it, but.. it can really get you in trouble.
I’d kinda like to see the different creatures have different behaviors – a default different location where they prefer to hang out, relative to you. Another one of those little details that Arena Net is so good at doing.
Yeah, this must be one of the most annoying things about most pets atm. appart from the sometimes hardly responding F2 … The overshooting of pets when ‘you’ halt has put me in some realy dangerous situations…
Only work around i have found sofar is to use a bird (raven), they seem to stop pretty much where you would stop, and their halting animation is upwards and not forwards. So they don’t draw any unwanted agro…
+1 for giving pets a good ‘heel’, in the meantime, use a small bird as your main pet, and switch to the pet of you liking when you are ready…
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA