Ranger pet taunt

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


dear anet devs.
If you cant fix ranger pet taunt to stop going through evade frames, then please disable it from use.
https://youtu.be/apOXAWbOC0c – video evidence

(edited by ojf.9365)

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Sevans.4619


That’s already been fixed. Quit making excuses for your losses and you’ll become a better player.

Saethe — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Maguuma

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


skill still broken, goes through mesmer sword no.2 – blurred frenzy, tested multiple times.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


and regular evade frames

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


Mesmers still cry that all classes are OP and mesmers are in bad state?

Muhaha.. shame

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


fyi, this works on multiple ‘evasion’ skills – not limited to mesmer

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Rizo.9534


I has same mechanics as StaticField or guardians wall from staff, so it’s working as intended.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


It won’t matter if it gets fixed or not, kids like you will STILL cry about it. You can make it not go through anything and it’ll still be the #1 thing people whine and complain about. Want to know why? Because it’s a CC that completely counters your flow of play, just like fear from necro. The crying won’t stop until it’s nerfed into the ground and not usable at all, which is what most want for the ranger class, always has been the case.

Right now , it still goes through evade frames on skills by a player, but it doesn’t go through invulns or dodges. It’s not stated whether it’s unblockable or not so it could be intentional, but due to the buggy nature of it, I doubt it. Blinds make it to where it doesn’t work, so that portion works and stability renders it useless.

Once it’s fixed, and I’m sure it will , it won’t matter, like I said… Kids will still complain about it.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Well, this whole thing is pointless.

This thread is simply a loud cry about not being able to adapt to new mechanic that the original poster refuses to counter. Nothing more and nothing less.
I expect Anet to address this because of the childish behavior like this one, but I still have the hopes.

It’s fun to see that one of our fellow Ranger players managed to frustrate a mesmer so much he came into the forums to take it out.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Taunt should be unblockable. No skill should go through evades. Looking at you binding blades!

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Taunt should be unblockable. No skill should go through evades. Looking at you binding blades!

That means you should be able to evade through Guardian’s Ring of Warding.
Do I get that logic correct?

If so, I’m absolutely perfectly with with that.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Prisoner.2419


Ring/Line of Warding, Static Field, etc. are telegraphed, long cooldown skills with easily recognizable visual indicators. Beastly Warden taunt is instant and short cooldown. See the difference?

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


Ring/Line of Warding, Static Field, etc. are telegraphed, long cooldown skills with easily recognizable visual indicators. Beastly Warden taunt is instant and short cooldown. See the difference?

Beastly Warden is on a very small radius and attached to a clumsy AI, See the difference?
Not to mention that taunt is evadble, i saw ppl evade from it tons of times.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Ring/Line of Warding, Static Field, etc. are telegraphed, long cooldown skills with easily recognizable visual indicators. Beastly Warden taunt is instant and short cooldown. See the difference?

Taunt has horrible radius, is glued to a tiny amount of pets (misses on all the rest), you cannot track the cooldown, is glued to an ability you’d otherwise want for other uses, requires your pet to live, requires your pet to be in range and you can break from it.

Saying you don’t see the pet is laughable. You don’t see the instant cast Ring/Line/Static either (but you see the pet at all times). It just lasts for X more seconds (See the difference? That’s why the CD) and doesn’t force you down a Grandmaster trait, specific heal and specific pet.

Ring and others will knock you countless times while active, can be activated on will without a single kitten restriction and can deny a whole point entrance on specific maps and locations all while a class offers a huge variety of other much more powerful fire-power and utility unlike the Ranger.
See the glorious difference?

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Ring/Line of Warding, Static Field, etc. are telegraphed, long cooldown skills with easily recognizable visual indicators. Beastly Warden taunt is instant and short cooldown. See the difference?

Taunt has horrible radius, is glued to a tiny amount of pets (misses on all the rest), you cannot track the cooldown, is glued to an ability you’d otherwise want for other uses, requires your pet to live, requires your pet to be in range and you can break from it.

Saying you don’t see the pet is laughable. You don’t see the instant cast Ring/Line/Static either (but you see the pet at all times). It just lasts for X more seconds (See the difference? That’s why the CD) and doesn’t force you down a Grandmaster trait, specific heal and specific pet.

Ring and others will knock you countless times while active, can be activated on will without a single kitten restriction and can deny a whole point entrance on specific maps and locations all while a class offers a huge variety of other much more powerful fire-power and utility unlike the Ranger.
See the glorious difference?

Man, everything I wanted to say. Very well put.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Prisoner.2419


240 is far from a horrible radius. It’s the same size as Ring of Fire; larger than both Ring of Warding and Static Field. Both ring and line of warding have very obvious animations that only go unnoticed when casted from afar and chained with judges intervention.

Again, Beastly Warden has no cast time or indicator. You cannot evade every time the pet is within 240 range of you (and it will be unless you can keep it perma chilled, thanks to Pet’s Prowess)— and even if you could, the taunt would go through it anyway. Your only options for counterplay are to have stability/stun breaks every 15s, which isn’t feasible due to the high cooldowns on stab and stunbreak skills, or to try to force a pet swap as soon as possible and hope you can kill the second pet before swap is back up, all the while taking the brunt of the ranger’s attacks, because using any blocks or conventional methods of negating pressure will get you cc’d and killed.

Meanwhile, ring/line CCs can be negated completely by just not running into the kitten ring, because unlike ranger pets, they’re immobile. See the difference?

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


Welcome to having to care where the pet is, before taunt was introduced you could just ignore it and continue to pummel the ranger except if they were running canine which is a very easy and telegraphed f2 attack.

Yes, you now have to miromanage the pet and the ranger now. This will not change even after taunt is fixed, it still be a good CC and a much needed CC ranger’s needed to mitigate burst and also setup burst so it’s fine either way.

As you’re obviously an engineer I don’t complain about engineer’s going invis and getting magnet pulled into a burst combo or getting insta moa’d into a burst combo, nope , I just run away and try to survive or use a stun break on a magnet pull. Many CC’s have virtually no tell , MANY.

15s CC is nothing by the way, you ever fought a stun lock mesmer?

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Prisoner.2419


There’s a huge difference between having to pay attention to the pet and having to keep it far away from you every second of the fight. None of that changes the fact that in a game built around counterplay, instant hard CCs are unhealthy. Even moreso when they’re unblockable/unevadeable.

Mesmer’s MoD + CS combo is pure cancer and CS never should have been buffed to begin with. Having to luckdodge to have any chance at winning a fight is about the farthest thing from fun out there, which is why kitten like this shouldn’t be in game.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


There’s a huge difference between having to pay attention to the pet and having to keep it far away from you every second of the fight. None of that changes the fact that in a game built around counterplay, instant hard CCs are unhealthy. Even moreso when they’re unblockable/unevadeable.

Mesmer’s MoD + CS combo is pure cancer and CS never should have been buffed to begin with. Having to luckdodge to have any chance at winning a fight is about the farthest thing from fun out there, which is why kitten like this shouldn’t be in game.

Nobody is arguing with you that an unblockable / unevadable cc is bad. Once that’s patched though, what else will you kitten about? Please just stop right here , equip some stun breaks and please get good.

You’re now referring to any instant cast skill in the game that is offensive and defensive that is unpredictable. Having to anticipate CC is a very common technique in this game, ever fought a thief and had to internally count his steal timer? By the words in your post I can tell you’ve never had to worry about it, but as a ranger you do because our steal completely wrecks us. Think of the same mental concept with taunt and you should be fine.

Keep in mind, when talking about instant unpredictable non-telegraphed casts you are willing to accept getting rid of ANY instant cast offensive / defensive whether stunned or not?

I know you’re not used to fighting against taunt, but when it’s fixed it will be no different for you and you will expect to be CC’d while fighting a class, not just ranger, any class. Stun breaks are an integral role in fighting defensively in this game. Please familiarize yourself with these simple concepts before coming to the forums and complaining about it.

I understand your frustration about it going through blocks and evades, but once that’s fixed it should be absolutely fine and bring some stun breaks , it’s like that with any class even with a pet giving you taunt.. There’s classes much more capable of CC spam than a ranger is for you – I know this is a hard concept for you to grasp but a list of classes who have similar CC capabilities than ranger can: Other engineers can CC spam, warriors can CC spam, necros can CC spam, Mesmer can CC Spam – difference between all of those classes and ranger? They don’t need to go into a GM trait and use specific pets to get that CC.

Keep in mind it is also a GM trait that most power builds won’t even take because you need condi removal so most would run marks/skirmishing/wilderness so you’ll be left with fighting condi builds , builds that do nothing in PvP and always hard countered engineers far before taunt was introduced anyway.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

(edited by blitzkrieg.2451)

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

I still can’t even breathe how people are so frustrated about taunt, while there’s still nothing to counter engineer’s oil slick (Slick Shoes) with.
If anyone says “you just have to stay out of melee range”, I swear to god.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


Would be great with some dev clarification on what taunt isnt supposed to go through so can tell if its actually bugged or nawt. Im spending some time in a 1v1 arena n they banned taunt since they mean its bugged – but who has really a clue whats what till a dev step up?

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


There’s a huge difference between having to pay attention to the pet and having to keep it far away from you every second of the fight. None of that changes the fact that in a game built around counterplay, instant hard CCs are unhealthy. Even moreso when they’re unblockable/unevadeable.

Mesmer’s MoD + CS combo is pure cancer and CS never should have been buffed to begin with. Having to luckdodge to have any chance at winning a fight is about the farthest thing from fun out there, which is why kitten like this shouldn’t be in game.

Your opinion is “instant” hard CC’s are unhealthy, but hate to break it to you, these instant CC’s are all over this game, I would list them all if I had like 30 minutes…it seems like you wont be content until you are able to avoid, im sorry “counterplay,” any and all CC that a ranger (or really any other class outside of your own) can put out on you. If you can do that, it seems like you are the one with an unfair advantage, but that’s what everyone really just wants.

Should it go through evades? No, that will change. They are still working on it, but in the meantime, I will continue to use it.

Btw, warden is not instant, its tied to our f2. its not like we press it and it happens right then. To properly use an f2, rangers have to meet multiple requirements, including but not limited to 1.) Our pet being alive. 2.) Our pet being in range (which we don’t always have a lot of control over). 3.) Our pet being a specific kind of pet (birds, which have little survivability and offer little utility, or dogs). 4.) Happens in terrain our pet wont bug out in.

(edited by Zatoichi.1049)

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Minos.5168


Ironically, I can’t seem to get my pet’s taunt to proc on a consistent basis.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Darkness.9732


dear anet devs.
If you cant fix ranger pet taunt to stop going through evade frames, then please disable it from use.
https://youtu.be/apOXAWbOC0c – video evidence

a MESMER complaining about ranger? Am i dreaming?^
Man really learn to play mesmer and don’ t complain about the most left behind class in this game…ranger,

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


lets be clear, for all you people who seem to be tunnelvisioning in on the fact that i am playing a mesmer here. i am using mesmer to demonstrate how broken this taunt is, i do not main mesmer, nor do i consider myself to be an amazing mesmer, now please, focus on the stupid skill going THROUGH evade frames, and interrupting skills. – this works on multiple evasion skills, feel free to test.

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

lets be clear, for all you people who seem to be tunnelvisioning in on the fact that i am playing a mesmer here. i am using mesmer to demonstrate how broken this taunt is, i do not main mesmer, nor do i consider myself to be an amazing mesmer, now please, focus on the stupid skill going THROUGH evade frames, and interrupting skills. – this works on multiple evasion skills, feel free to test.

The thing is that we don’t really feel like it’s broken. Because it is not. It’s a nice place for a mechanic that counter evades or mechanics that everyone used to rely on, so it feels a bit uneasy.

It seems perfectly all right to have a new sort of mechanic like this especially on the already underpowered class as Ranger definitely is.

Then again, it still feels uneasy to have the allmighty mechanic of avoidance countered. So it might make sense even by not being intended to hit through evades.

But the real thing is : If the ranger gets ripped of the only unique mechanic that has a use in PvP and is already costly for effort to land at the right time and place (and requires anticipation, you need your pet to be on the target) – we’ll get sucked back to the god-forgotten underpowered state again, and we won’t ever have a reason to appear in competitive again.

You just pointed out that it goes through Mesmer evades – so I suppose the Ranger community that really strives to hold the “useful” nature feels only natural to laugh the head off of the class that currently holds the top of the category.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: ojf.9365


so you feel that, because it directly counters mechanics used by most classes by being completely broken, then it is #balanced? if it goes through defensive mechanics used by almost every class then supposedly balanced…. admittedly, it is practically the only strong thing for ranger at the moment, but it is still ridiculously broken. simply because the rest of the ranger class was left behind damage wise and support wise when anet buffed every thing

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

so you feel that, because it directly counters mechanics used by most classes by being completely broken, then it is #balanced? if it goes through defensive mechanics used by almost every class then supposedly balanced…. admittedly, it is practically the only strong thing for ranger at the moment, but it is still ridiculously broken. simply because the rest of the ranger class was left behind damage wise and support wise when anet buffed every thing

What is broken on stopping evades ?
Not denying – you can still use stun breakers and you can still be immune during it. It just stops evades.

With all due respect – you are forsaking yourself. Calling it “ridiculously broken” … And I don’t think you were the 1st to ask for fix on Engi grenade IK bug.

What makes you think this “currently seemly intentional” mechanic is broken? Did you die because of it, by any chance? If so, I’m glad it works the way it does.
Because I’ll keep agitating anyone who keep slamming Ranger to the ground even further. Because A-net will always listen to silly ones like yourself.
So you don’t have to worry. It seems we will get nerfed (not fixed, because it has already been fixed – meaning this is supposed to be intentional).

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


but it is still ridiculously broken

It’s not. But don’t worry, it will most likely get nerfed before mesmers anyway.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Ranger pet taunt

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


It will definitely get nerfed into being absolutely worthless, then we’ll be forced to take a full trait line JUST to buff our pet and absorb the cost of a nerfed into the ground CC or some quickness and 3 might stacks on pet swap because honed axes is terrible.

Just wait, it will definitely happen as the crying is too real right now. It’s not just in the forums but also many threads about taunt in the pvp forums too.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele