Ranger romaning High Damage

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Vandiros.8375


Hello this my new romaning video hope u like it :P

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Klonko.8341


Seriously I don’t see the point to show a compilation of RaO + rapid fire + QZ on unaware/fleeing opponents.

Now, do a video of RaO + signet of the wild + jungle stalker might + QZ + Rapid fire. ITS MUCH BETTER!


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones. This video is much more like a kill compilation.


Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


its not that bad. Problem is most people just want to see killkillkill never die vids so that’s what people make. When roaming its not easy to find 1v1 both people are aware of the other.

any vid I make is more just for watching mindlessly then focusing too hard about it.

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Kolisch.4691



the opening scene was cringy…

included was quite a number of you shooting from up inside a smc/tower/from a fortified area/terrain advantage… (this is not roaming…)

i notice a few fights you didn’t finish stomping, you were already low and another enemy came in, then the clip switches to another…

all i see in this video is pewpewpewpewpewepwewepew


sorry, watching it longer people will end up brain dead…

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Fester.9328


Well the title of the video talks about High Damage…which is what he showed. And just because its labeled as roaming…doesn’t mean he never goes inside a keep/tower.

I think most people are just still miffed about the ranger’s damage when played properly. Good on ya for a nice video, ill give an 8/10.

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SheiyeSai.6037


Is ‘romaning’ a typo? Or am I missing something

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Fester.9328


I’m sure it is.

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Well the title of the video talks about High Damage…which is what he showed. And just because its labeled as roaming…doesn’t mean he never goes inside a keep/tower.

I think most people are just still miffed about the ranger’s damage when played properly. Good on ya for a nice video, ill give an 8/10.

lets say he played properly, wich is.. well.. the skillfloor is honestly pretty low on longbow focused speccs…

that said, most of the footage were of enemys not noticing him , was either of fully even terrain in wich he had the full advantage as the enemys couldnt rly obstruct the ‘almighty’ longbow, or he was in a fort , unable to get hit by the enemys.

(i said most of it, dont hate me )

its just that most ppl including myself dont like watching such vids / think its just boring , its nothing personal rly

ofc he had several nice fights either, but u know ppl, they only see the bad stuff, most of the time, and i cant rly blame them here

just my ytb channel


Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Fester.9328


Well the title of the video talks about High Damage…which is what he showed. And just because its labeled as roaming…doesn’t mean he never goes inside a keep/tower.

I think most people are just still miffed about the ranger’s damage when played properly. Good on ya for a nice video, ill give an 8/10.

lets say he played properly, wich is.. well.. the skillfloor is honestly pretty low on longbow focused speccs…

that said, most of the footage were of enemys not noticing him , was either of fully even terrain in wich he had the full advantage as the enemys couldnt rly obstruct the ‘almighty’ longbow, or he was in a fort , unable to get hit by the enemys.

(i said most of it, dont hate me )

its just that most ppl including myself dont like watching such vids / think its just boring , its nothing personal rly

ofc he had several nice fights either, but u know ppl, they only see the bad stuff, most of the time, and i cant rly blame them here

Well i don’t know his build or his gear but by going of the health and the dmg numbers alone i’d say he was mostly berserker, which is the thing to do these days whilst roaming as a ranger.

Now as far as sneaking up on people or taking the high ground, or making sure he had the upper hand in the fight from the start…what exactly is wrong with that? That would be like saying, “Oh he was a scrub thief because he started the fight with stealth!”(class tactic or not, an upper hand is an upper hand)

When it comes to any kind of pvp, I am under the belief that all that matters is who is left standing at the end. Don’t get me wrong there are some pretty kitten things that people can do to win and i agree, that’s just…bad gaming i guess you could say.

But in this particular situation, roaming on a ranger, I’d do the same things, and not feel one way or the other about it.

Now sure if your going to duel someone there is a code of conduct to that(maybe?), but that’s not what this is, so..yea.

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Well the title of the video talks about High Damage…which is what he showed. And just because its labeled as roaming…doesn’t mean he never goes inside a keep/tower.

I think most people are just still miffed about the ranger’s damage when played properly. Good on ya for a nice video, ill give an 8/10.

lets say he played properly, wich is.. well.. the skillfloor is honestly pretty low on longbow focused speccs…

that said, most of the footage were of enemys not noticing him , was either of fully even terrain in wich he had the full advantage as the enemys couldnt rly obstruct the ‘almighty’ longbow, or he was in a fort , unable to get hit by the enemys.

(i said most of it, dont hate me )

its just that most ppl including myself dont like watching such vids / think its just boring , its nothing personal rly

ofc he had several nice fights either, but u know ppl, they only see the bad stuff, most of the time, and i cant rly blame them here

Well i don’t know his build or his gear but by going of the health and the dmg numbers alone i’d say he was mostly berserker, which is the thing to do these days whilst roaming as a ranger.

Now as far as sneaking up on people or taking the high ground, or making sure he had the upper hand in the fight from the start…what exactly is wrong with that? That would be like saying, “Oh he was a scrub thief because he started the fight with stealth!”(class tactic or not, an upper hand is an upper hand)

When it comes to any kind of pvp, I am under the belief that all that matters is who is left standing at the end. Don’t get me wrong there are some pretty kitten things that people can do to win and i agree, that’s just…bad gaming i guess you could say.

But in this particular situation, roaming on a ranger, I’d do the same things, and not feel one way or the other about it.

Now sure if your going to duel someone there is a code of conduct to that(maybe?), but that’s not what this is, so..yea.

the thing is, everyone would do that what he did, but those who usually do, wouldnt post the vid, cause they mostly know that it’d be boring to watch

just my ytb channel


Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Fester.9328


Ok, i can see how it can be boring for some. But i wouldn’t say that it is bad content, and i have seen way worse. And sure, by now everyone knows the powers of Rapid Fire, but ya know, I’ve seen worse….

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Klonko.8341


You should label this as kill compilation not roaming.

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Have to agree with most of the above… There wasn’t much worth watching in there. It’s just showing the LB burst potential, and frankly 2-3 clips is enough to show that, not an entire video where no sensible opponent is found.

One particularly cringy moment was when you were approaching a thief and activately RaO to prepare for your burst, and all I could think was “on my theif build, I would own you right there with steal. Take all 3 boons, daze your RF, PBS would no longer work since I’d have your stability and it would be goodnight nice ranger.. goodnight..”.

The moral of course being if you are playing all your cards instantly in the fight with no idea as to your opponents build you are playing wrong. You’re basicly just gambling your opponent doesn’t have a counter to you, because if they do you’ve screwed yourself right from the start.

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: ethereal.9780


This just shows yet again how idiotic that buff to LB was. Ive seen a LB ranger burst down a tanky DD ele in a few seconds. A player with no knowledge of the game or skill can snipe town targets from 1500+ range, even through stealth.

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?
Also, there is enough same "roaming" vids at YT from another classes: got rekt by shatter in 2 seconds, got rekt by turret blast in 2 seconds, got rekt by Backstab in 1 seconds, got rekt by GS/Axce warrior in 2 seconds.
Seems like elems and necros only can’t rekt someone in 2-3 seconds

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

(edited by SilverWF.4789)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

just my ytb channel


Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

in all honesty, no good player would loose to a 2v1, so every outnumbered fight footage in wich the one getting outnumbered wins > bad opponents.

just my ytb channel


(edited by Wyrden.4713)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

in all honesty, no good player would loose to a 2v1, so every outnumbered fight footage in wich the one getting outnumbered wins > bad opponents.

Yes, and that’s what I’m talking about

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Wyrden.4713


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

in all honesty, no good player would loose to a 2v1, so every outnumbered fight footage in wich the one getting outnumbered wins > bad opponents.

Yes, and that’s what I’m talking about

ye but u called out on thieves

just my ytb channel


Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

in all honesty, no good player would loose to a 2v1, so every outnumbered fight footage in wich the one getting outnumbered wins > bad opponents.

Yes, and that’s what I’m talking about

ye but u called out on thieves

Because there is fairly more “Heroic outnumbered” vids from thieves

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: FrownyClown.8402


I play ranger as my 2nd class and this just makes me angry. Never before have I seen such reward for no skill.

Bad Elementalist

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


I play ranger as my 2nd class and this just makes me angry. Never before have I seen such reward for no skill.

And, sure, some words from “nobody know who is it” must mean what?

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Klonko.8341


Roaming video usually features hard fight or outnumbered ones.

Let be honest: such vids mostly possible only on thieves and against pretty bad opponents. What is good here?

ehm, mesmer, engi , ele , war, condi ranger, (saw once a sw/d, gs ranger vid heavily outnumbered), condi necro pretty often , medi guard

aka every proffession can have outnumbered fights , and most of em r even enoyable

Yeah, seen that vids, but their opponents are mostly even worse than thieves have.
What is good to see here? Go outside and start beating a pack of children – will be the same “heavy outnumbered” fight…

in all honesty, no good player would loose to a 2v1, so every outnumbered fight footage in wich the one getting outnumbered wins > bad opponents.

Yes, and that’s what I’m talking about

ye but u called out on thieves

Because there is fairly more “Heroic outnumbered” vids from thieves

Its easier for thieves to fight outnumbered because of stealth. Being a ranger, you are a semi-tanky single target dps with almost no way to drop the focus on you in the middle of the combat. That’s why it is significantly harder to get outnumbered footage on ranger.

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

That compilation is essentially the embodiment of why everyone thinks Rangers are garbage. Most of the shots are you firing off RaO + QZ and RFing people who don’t even notice you approach. Other shots you’re in point blank range and don’t even bother switching to that pretty Eternity; you just QZ+RF away. It doesn’t seem like you utilize your pet for anything, and generally what I just see is a 4 skill one trick pony rotation that if it fails to kill the person in one go, your health evaporates and the video cuts away.

And, please, the cuts of you firing on people from walls where they can’t even reach you? Not roaming, bro. I laughed out loud at the one cut where you were firing on an Ele and the shot ended with you standing next to a cannon.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Ranger romaning High Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Odeken.8421


This guy makes me embarrassed to be a Ranger…