Ranger's daily dungeon run.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Boomstin.3460


Ranger1 logs in the game

Anonymous1 : Lfm 3 AC exp run
Ranger1 whispers to Anonymous1 Invite, i’m ready to go
Anonymous1 whispers to Ranger1 Sorry, no rangers
Anonymous1: Lfm 3 AC exp run , no rangers

Ranger1 logs off


All is vain.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


or you could just find another group, go do something else or visit the guild recruitment forums to find a guild that actively does dungeons. Basically anything other than trying to stir up internet drama.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


I have to say that never happened to me, and i run dungeons almost everyday with randoms.

That was someone who played a ranger and rerolled to another class so he was mad.
On a serious note, maybe he already had a ranger or two and didn’t want the group full of rangers.

(edited by Sleepy.2647)

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: DylanE.4589


I understand rangers are a bit underpowered, but I also have never had this happen to me. I have been using a very good condition build that works very well in PvE/Dungeons and has great survivability. But also imo if you are going to play as a ranger class you have to be a bit more smarter on knowing how to actually play it.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Rthen.5970


I have had this happen to me, just not as overtly. People will say “sorry group is full” People are asking the question: Why invite a ranger if I can get a warrior or thief (or really any other class)? Any class will do better anything the Ranger can do.

The ranger was fun to play until I realized how under powered the class is compared to other classes. I wish I had rolled a warrior, I’m currently working on other alts of different classes but the replay-ability of the game is a bit less then I expected so it will take a long time before I end up with a viable level 80 alliterative.

I really don’t believe we will see fixes but I sort of hope we do…

80 Ranger

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


why do you not believe we will see fixes when the devs have said recently, on multiple occasions, that fixes are in the works?

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: arcaneclarity.5283


or you could just find another group, go do something else or visit the guild recruitment forums to find a guild that actively does dungeons. Basically anything other than trying to stir up internet drama.

All the rangers in my guild have basically retired their characters. That includes one of our only remaining commanders because commander tomes are soundbound.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: RummyTheMad.7290


If you are really having that much trouble finding a group as a ranger (I have fortunately not experienced this particular problem), surely other rangers on your server are having the same problem. Why not gather up all of the displaced rangers for an all ranger dungeon run?

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: docMed.7692


I’ve never had this happen – rangers are actually quite good in pve if you run double bear.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


never happened to me
once we were 4 rangers and a thief we melted everything on the way
2 were with SB and 2 with LB was fun


Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hmangel.7315


Ranger1 logs in the game

Anonymous1 : Lfm 3 AC exp run
Ranger1 whispers to Anonymous1 Invite, i’m ready to go
Anonymous1 whispers to Ranger1 Sorry, no rangers
Anonymous1: Lfm 3 AC exp run , no rangers

Ranger1 logs off


Can’t say this has ever happened to me. What I think probably was the case is that anon1 was aware of the fact that rangers have a problem with burrows in AC when using bows. Idk though, maybe that’s wishful thinking.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Iridiana.9078


In our guild there are so many rangers that sometimes we run dungeons with 3 or even 4 rangers! And we had no problem at all…

Iridiana – Sylvari Ranger
Server: Piken Square
Leader of Dark Shines [Dsh]

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trollhammer.7439


Haven’t had this happen to me yet, but I personally feel pretty iffy about accepting rangers to a dungeon group. They bring nothing to the table beyond ok DPS. More than one ranger in a group is liable end up in group collapsing under pressure due to lack of support skills.
And yes, I am also leveling alt right now

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthile.8493


Never seen something like that before and it never happened to me but quite frankly, it does not surprise me. Even months after release people look for “tanks” or specific classes. I approve of that because it’s a good indicator that the group in question sucks and should be avoided. Certainly beats trying to run a dungeon with a bunch of 5-signet warriors and glass cannon thieves.
Ultimately, player skill, build flexibility, choosing the right tools for every encounter and, most importantly, teamwork are infinitely more important than just the class. Personally, I have run dungeons with three rangers and two necromancers without anybody dying. If you’re a bad player then no overpowered build in the world will help you.
I’m not denying that the ranger has issues but none that should stop you from beating a dungeon and being an asset to your group.

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

While I don’t doubt this, there is a real possibility that the other person was a ranger and they didn’t want 2. Because, lets face it, one person having their dps kittened because they couldn’t F3 their pet out of redonk aoe damage in time is enough.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: Batlav.6318


Haven’t had this happen to me yet, but I personally feel pretty iffy about accepting rangers to a dungeon group. They bring nothing to the table beyond ok DPS. More than one ranger in a group is liable end up in group collapsing under pressure due to lack of support skills.
And yes, I am also leveling alt right now

i can say the same for any other class


Ranger's daily dungeon run.

in Ranger

Posted by: monepipi.5160


Squishy, and to a certain extent, non condition rangers will have a lot problems with AC 1 due to the bugged burrows. Plus theres a lot of aoe needed to clear the gravellings. The person might have had bad experience with rangers in the past, hence he didn’t want any more rangers.