Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: StevenMah.9854


I noticed that even after The Lost Shore update, Ranger’s pets are as useless as ever, especially in WvW and dungeons.

  • They die almost instantly!
    This is really frustrating as nearly half of a ranger’s damage output come from his/her pet. Not only it doesn’t help in dungeons, I have to constantly monitor it, so that I can keep it alive for as long as possible.
  • Another major issue is they don’t dodge the bosses’ area attacks!
    This is worst. A lot of bosses have major AoE attacks that can one-hit even players themselves. While skilled players can easily dodge them, pets just DON’T!!
  • Slow responsiveness
    For some unknown reason, there’s always a few seconds lag between the command and action. The AI is seriously flawed.

Overall, I’m very happy with the game, and its quality. I find The Lost Shore update a nice bonus as well (unlike other kitten that can only complain even when it’s free). But major game mechanics like the ranger’s issues must be addressed as soon as possible.

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Agreed. They get gibbed on passive by AoEs that I dodge out of. They’re reduced to a long CD utility and 2s quickness buff ( which is helpful, but my damage is severly lacking when they are down )

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Pets should get some sort of invincibility when we use dodge, that way in PvE they would actually survive much longer…even tho i don’t know if that would be too “OP”.

Using pet’s skills indeed drives me mad, i rarely use them because you have to press them multiple times before they react, and some cast times should be improved or even removed.

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I haven’t had the issue of having to to hit their special action button more than once, but it does take several ( read 2-5 ) seconds before it goes off. It seems pretty variable. Perhaps it has to do with the state the pet is in ( i.e. in range and availability of the skills that the player does not control ).

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: Digital Dragon.2697

Digital Dragon.2697

I agree with 2 out of 3. My pets survive pretty good. It’s just annoying they can’t dodge, and attack while moving. It also sucks when you use their aoe, with it’s delay, only to have the mob run the other way. It’s a waste of aoe.

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: StevenMah.9854


But if they can’t dodge, they tend to die quickly during boss fights. It’s a chore to constantly calling them back and forth to somehow try to make them ‘dodge’ some AoE attacks.

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: AgentRed.6458


Beastmaster builds could be fun but not in the current state.
-Anything except Bears dies faaar to easy. Combine that with unavoidable boss aoe dmg and nothing else is viable in a dungeon/pvp setting.
-Fix the kitten “pet stops to attack” bug! Makes running a pet dmg build completely pointless. And traits like “pets move 30% faster” have no use at all.
-Pathfinding/AI. Sometimes i just stand there and watch how my pet runs through a mob full speed, stops a mile behind it, runs back and misses again. Its almost comical…
-Make signets worthwile! Could have great synergy with a pet build and traits in marksmanship.
Cooldown to high. Effect to small and not even working properly. Like not working on pet attack F2 skills.
-(almost) No control over your pets actions. Regular pet skills are out of your control. You can`t customize anything. Also i want my pet to stay on target and not leave the mark and assist with my target if i don`t command it to.

Edit: You can`t even say “ kitten ” here?! We are very pc are we?

(edited by AgentRed.6458)