Ranger sPvP - Videos
Hi, welcome to the Ranger forums and PvP in general, it’s nice to see new people trying out Ranger!
First of all as far as the video quality goes, it looks decent, maybe you could add some light music or commentary but that isn’t really necessary.
On to the game play. I can see you’re only rank 19 and so I imagine the players you’re playing with are similar MMR wise. First of all, playing on Forest you should never really initiate on a boss kill because they can be stolen easily and should be used for clutch games. You also didn’t dodge the chieftain throw which knocked you towards him, if you didn’t have allies he could drop you quite low and force a signet of stone pop there. Also you spent the majority of the game in the longbow when you have an equally good greatsword to use for mobility and pressure, swap more! Also learn to cancel skills through weapon sheathing, you used a rapid fire several times which was completely obstructed through LOS and you’d be better off selecting another target and attacking them. I recommend taking signet of renewal over the signet of the wild too as the condi cleanse and AOE cleanse are very strong.
It looks like you’re using empathetic bond over survival of the fittest and when you’re using two survival skills you may find it’s better to take the on demand cleanse rather than the passive, also remember to swap your pets before they die and recall them out of AOE!
I can’t comment too much on your rotations as the enemy team took a strong liking to fighting off point throughout the entire game which is rather odd, I’m guessing their new in that regards. Keep playing Ranger and keep improving though, nice to see people in PvP!
You can find me in PvP | I normally answer PMs
Hi, welcome to the Ranger forums and PvP in general, it’s nice to see new people trying out Ranger!
First of all as far as the video quality goes, it looks decent, maybe you could add some light music or commentary but that isn’t really necessary.
On to the game play. I can see you’re only rank 19 and so I imagine the players you’re playing with are similar MMR wise. First of all, playing on Forest you should never really initiate on a boss kill because they can be stolen easily and should be used for clutch games. You also didn’t dodge the chieftain throw which knocked you towards him, if you didn’t have allies he could drop you quite low and force a signet of stone pop there. Also you spent the majority of the game in the longbow when you have an equally good greatsword to use for mobility and pressure, swap more! Also learn to cancel skills through weapon sheathing, you used a rapid fire several times which was completely obstructed through LOS and you’d be better off selecting another target and attacking them. I recommend taking signet of renewal over the signet of the wild too as the condi cleanse and AOE cleanse are very strong.
It looks like you’re using empathetic bond over survival of the fittest and when you’re using two survival skills you may find it’s better to take the on demand cleanse rather than the passive, also remember to swap your pets before they die and recall them out of AOE!
I can’t comment too much on your rotations as the enemy team took a strong liking to fighting off point throughout the entire game which is rather odd, I’m guessing their new in that regards. Keep playing Ranger and keep improving though, nice to see people in PvP!
Thank you for the tips. I have videos uploaded and scheduled until the end of July,I will however take note of your suggestions going forward. From Matches 8 to 11, I use Longbow/shortbow which I understand is a bit weird, however it seems to work quite well for me. I kept my current talents which are 6,4,0,4,0 taking Signet mastery, Piercing arrows, Read the wind in Marks, sharpened edges(not sure what else is best) and quick draw in skirmishing. and in Nature Magic, Strength of spirit and Nature’s protection.
You mentioned grabbing survival of the fittest, and dropping signet of the wild for renewal. I love both Read The Wind and Quick Draw traits and cant bare to lose them. Any advice?
I agree I do need to switch more often but I feel that I run the risk of being kited if I switch to a greatsword. but in my LB/SB videos I switch way more often.
I am slowly getting used to calling my pet back when I need them. I have switched the raven out for the Panther (he deals a silly amount of damage) but kept the wolf as his howl has saved me quite a lot.
Also a very very good point about sheathing my weapon to stop the attack. will bind that now!