Ranger shooting through stealth

Ranger shooting through stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Glektor.2934


Yes, it’s not just short bow. For instance, rapid fire keeps tracking and shooting at them, so you can see which direction they are running towards.

I’m sure there’s quite a few abilities that stay locked on for a few seconds after stealth pops up.

Ranger shooting through stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Ethics.4519


Sounds like a troll mesmer died to a ranger and is making excuses.

Lol yea. But guyz try to understand him…a mesmer loosing to a ranger could actually do 2 things: delete his char or making excuses.

Lol, so true. But to OP, if the skill starts or channels before stealth is applied, then it will continue to hit. Keep in mind stealth doesn’t mean invuln. Also, there is a thing called client/server lag. Just because you instantly pop stealth doesn’t mean it’s recognized by the server.

RIP in peace Robert

Ranger shooting through stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: racta.4250


Lol, so true. But to OP, if the skill starts or channels before stealth is applied, then it will continue to hit. Keep in mind stealth doesn’t mean invuln. Also, there is a thing called client/server lag. Just because you instantly pop stealth doesn’t mean it’s recognized by the server.

Exactly like how when you pop OUT of stealth, doesn’t mean it’s recognized by the player’s computer who you are now beating on. 3s stealth turns into 6s stealth in zergs, wee.

[Bush] – Dragonbrand

Ranger shooting through stealth

in Ranger

Posted by: Dutch Master.7208

Dutch Master.7208

They better not change this. Its just about the only advantage a ranger has on a thief, and even then only if you start your rapid-fire at just the right time. If they made rapid fire stop tracking thieves who go stealth, I would legitimately drop my ranger and reroll professions.

The ranger vs thief matchup is already imbalanced as it stands. Thieves are essentially a hard counter, the “anti-ranger”. If anything they should BUFF rangers ability to attack through stealth.

>I would legitimately drop my ranger and reroll professions.
scratch that. Thought more about it, after all the time I’ve invested in my ranger, if they further nerfed my ability to fight thieves I would probably just uninstall.

(edited by Dutch Master.7208)