Ranger similar to hunter?
pets are our core mechanic, you cannot play without one. There is NO WAY to play without one.
I prefer it that way as do most people. Although some wish the pet worked in a different fashion.
You still do not need to invest in it, for all you care, you can neglect it (like most do) and play an archer (and get rekt by everyone else). Or you can invest in it and truly wreck others (who stand still)
Currently @ some T1 server in EU
If you don’t want pets, go for another class. Yes there are some WvW builds where pets are there only for a couple of CC hits (maybe that’s true in Spvp too but I don’t play it so can’t really comment), and that’s it.
If you ignore your pet in PvE, you are nerfing yourself and you are a waste of a slot in dungs.
About “what rangers are good at”, they make very good roamers in WvW in either power or cond/bunker builds, and in PvE they bring a lot to group’s dps through both their own dps and group buffs.
If they revamp the pet AI I will be a happy ranger. As it stands, If I could have done it all over again I would have mained a thief.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Meh, if I can’t not have a pet then I probably won’t bother. Like I said, my wow class relied on a pet for all the years I played it and all the years before that, and only now they’re making pets not required. I’m not interested in micromanaging pets, especially if they’re half as buggy as they were on wow.
Thanks anyway guys.
Well, micromanaging is possible but not necessary, you could masterfully switch and activate spiders and wolves for immobilize + knockdown + fear chains or just play with a juvenile owl and let the pet autoattack your target for 2k dmg / hit.
Eh yeah, but really the novelty of a pet died for me long ago. I just kind of wanted to play a ranger without the pet :P
If it’s not possible, that’s okay.
Put the pet on passive mode since it’s the closest thing to not having a pet.
Some good passive pets would be:
Red Moa for Fury on F2
Wolf for Fear on F2
Brown Bear for condition removal on F2
Not really.
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
Pets in WoW stick to their target like glue and don’t die untill targeted and focused
Hunter gains strenght over fight. LB Ranger loses it.
In modern WoW, there’s no room for melee Hunter. Yes, it was always possible but Hunter has always had a ranged weapon as primary.
They play very, very different. 4.3 MM Hunter or 3.5 were probably the best Hunter can be. We will see about WoD.
Not to mention completly different game mechanics. Hunter, just 2 years ago, had to kite effectively just to do damage. The whole gameplay was about kiting. Some didn’t like it. I loved it.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Not really.
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
Pets in WoW stick to their target like glue and don’t die untill targeted and focused
Hunter gains strenght over fight. LB Ranger loses it.
In modern WoW, there’s no room for melee Hunter. Yes, it was always possible but Hunter has always had a ranged weapon as primary.They play very, very different. 4.3 MM Hunter or 3.5 were probably the best Hunter can be. We will see about WoD.
Not to mention completly different game mechanics. Hunter, just 2 years ago, had to kite effectively just to do damage. The whole gameplay was about kiting. Some didn’t like it. I loved it.
I’m not sure why you’re explaining to me how a wow hunter plays.
And anyway, I have decided ranger won’t be the class for me.
Wait, I know you. Aren’t you from mmochamp forums?
(edited by ofLegends.9853)
It is a pet based class for better or worse.
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
There is strafe kiting with 180 degrees shot angle.
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
There is strafe kiting with 180 degrees shot angle.
You mean, running in the circle with reduced movement speed? There’s no 180 degree straight kiting. Just trust me. Feel free to check out old Brang’s “How to” video on YouTube.
Not really.
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
Pets in WoW stick to their target like glue and don’t die untill targeted and focused
Hunter gains strenght over fight. LB Ranger loses it.
In modern WoW, there’s no room for melee Hunter. Yes, it was always possible but Hunter has always had a ranged weapon as primary.They play very, very different. 4.3 MM Hunter or 3.5 were probably the best Hunter can be. We will see about WoD.
Not to mention completly different game mechanics. Hunter, just 2 years ago, had to kite effectively just to do damage. The whole gameplay was about kiting. Some didn’t like it. I loved it.
I’m not sure why you’re explaining to me how a wow hunter plays.
And anyway, I have decided ranger won’t be the class for me.Wait, I know you. Aren’t you from mmochamp forums?
I’m listing few reasons where Hunter is different from Ranger. If something is there, Ranger is different or doesn’t work that way.
And no, I’m not from MMO Champion.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Whoops, my bad then. But you are on my realm o_O.
Errr yeah I was messing with the engineer that I decided to roll instead of the ranger, and it isn’t like kiting on wow. Not that I care, I mean if I wanted to play wow, I would.
Anyway I’m outta here, thanks for helping me decide ranger isn’t right for me.
No need to play ranger if you are just after ranged dps. Warrior is a good option too if you want the long bow. Thief has a great short bow.
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry
There’s no strafe kiting/180 shot angle
There is strafe kiting with 180 degrees shot angle.
You mean, running in the circle with reduced movement speed? There’s no 180 degree straight kiting. Just trust me. Feel free to check out old Brang’s “How to” video on YouTube.
If I’m so wrong, tell me what “Strafe” is and also tell me what “180 angle” is.
Unfortunately there’s no way to play a Ranger without a pet even though there isn’t a single legitimate reason it shouldn’t be an option. Rangers are still reasonably fun, though.
That said, you should break away from the WoW mentality of needing to apply “melee” or “ranged” labels to entire classes. In GW2, all classes are designed to work from any range, which is a much better way to design classes, although there are tactical differences.
One key difference is that you can strafe kite in WoW without losing movement speed. You can also “jump-shot”. Which means that you can turn around quickly in a 180° angle while running away from your pursuer. In GW2 jump-shots are not possible. And strafe kiting slows you down. But it´s kind of in the middle. Your still faster while strafing in comparison to backpaddling.
In GW2 kiting is a whole different story. It´s possible, but you need to do a weapon swap in time to gain distance. Which also means that your losing DPS.
Charrov – Engineer
Alright, but all that is canceled when you realise that GW2 actually works like a hack’n’slash game in the context of projectiles and slashes. Projectiles are simulated as projectiles and slashes hit when they ‘hit’ so to say.
In many (read: many) MMORPGs (including new ones) like ArcheAge, your attacks will hit if you can use them. A charge attack that closes the gap would hit if you are in range, can use a skill, but there is a table in front of you that blocks you. When the skill is used, you will inflict damage but haven’t closed the gap because the table stopped the movement.