Ranger solo build

Ranger solo build

in Ranger

Posted by: melitadiel.6472


Hello!I know that this question have been mantioned many times,but can some one help with solo build for Ranger?I’am more a PvE player,have HoT,some times like to go to dungeon and fractals)I just dont know which build and equipment i need for solo,so any help woud be great;)

Ranger solo build

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Well, truth be told …
… If you are just a casual player, anything Berserker should do.

For solo I highly suggest Marksmanship, Skirmishing and Beast Mastery.
Yup, that’s right, you don’t really need druid for dungeons. And for fractals well… Only for the Achievements. So I wouldn’t stress it.
I enjoyed my PvE content much more without druid.

I suggested Marksmanship for easier tagging with Longbow; Skirmishing for Spotter and Quick Draw which is like the only fun out of our DPS rotation. And beast Mastery for the boon sharing and permanent AoE swiftness more or less.

What made me enjoy PvE the most from utilities are We Heal as One, Quickening Zephir, Lightning Reflexes and Sick’Em (or Signet of the Wild). Elite – Strength of the Pack.

When you pair yourself with others in dungeons, this is the most efficient template:

A few changes can be made here and there, like Scholar > Ranger (DPS difference is minimal); Elite can be SotP; heal can be WHaO – depending on might access of the party.

But all your party requires you to bring in PvE is Frost Spotter. They don’t need heals, they don’t need your +10% damage… They just need you to be a Berserker and bring buffs. That’s what we do.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Ranger solo build

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Actually I’d recommend a hybrid sinister type build WITH druid if you want that shinny.
