Ranger tough PVP build

Ranger tough PVP build

in Ranger

Posted by: han.4850


Hi guys,

In PVP, I met a ranger that is so tough, with 2 longbow ranger fight him but he only lose a small portion of health (arounf 20%), and heal pretty quick. What kind of build is he using? Really interested. Any idea?


Ranger tough PVP build

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Going to need a lot more info to go on than that. What did you hit him with, what are you running, what were his utilities, was he blocking or avoiding some of your damage, etc.?
I typically run marauder and have had countless fights where I take less than 20% damage because I manage my cooldowns and save my dodges/evades for the hard hitting skills.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Ranger tough PVP build

in Ranger

Posted by: han.4850


Mine and another ranger is similar to the following build except I use longbow and axe. It is not like evade, but like a lot vitality and toughness.
