Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

We Rangers Adapt and overcome: We are Resilient. So what is with all of the crying and whining. I thought we had out grown that.

It seems some of the veteran Rangers have gone silent and our younglings have gotten a little hair on their chest and are making demands.

Ranger learn thy craft. If you can only play one build then you haven’t learned this class very well. If you can only play the flavor of the month build then you are just a visitor among the Ranger core. Mostly likely you will jump ship when your build take the slightest of nerfs.

Those of use who have play the class for a year have a different outlook than those who have only played the class for 1-6 months.

To suggest that we rangers stop helping each other and stop posting builds and video will only weaken us. The fist incarnation of a build is never the strongest.

We Rangers have gotten stronger because of all the videos and builds and guidance that our vets and new players have shared. He have shared our vision for the class with one another. We all don’t have the same dream yet we are stronger because of the shared communication.

Not sharing your build for spvp doesn’t do anything if its really that good someone will go into spectator mode and check out your set up so the only ones your hurting are the rest of your brothers and sister by not helping and giving advice.

Some of You complain that Anet doesn’t respond to post. I don’t think they have to the forum is for us. So that we can help one another. We don’t have to worry about someone phishing for info about our account so they can hack it later.

If you have a suggestion there is a suggestion forum use it. If you what know what other rangers think before you make an official suggestion then by all means post in the ranger forum.

Are you crying because your post got deleted. Well did you provide any solution or where you just kittening about choices Anet has made.

This isn’t WoW you don’t get a script to make everything work the way you want it.

If you think something isn’t working right put in a bug report if the reply is working as intend then share with the rest of us. You don’t like the choices Anet ‘s making you don’t have too. You what a reason why then here it is" We think it’s in the best interest of the game at this time."

Your want to know when they are putting something in the game. " It will be release when it’s ready" or “When the time is right”

Elder Rangers continue to share your wisdom With the Ranger Core. The Ranger core Community was formed over a year ago. It is our duty to lead The Core into the Future. To continue to adapt and over come. To do things that they say we can’t. To unlock the potentially and bring the full prowess of this class to bear.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Meh I don’t share my builds because they’re unorthodox, and although HIGHLY effective, tend to not be treated kindly by onlooking eyes…

But yeah, we need to stick together, we are rangers! We adapt to, and overcome, any situation!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Searban.5984


Translation: I have used many sophisticated words to indirectly describe myself to boost my self-esteem.

In all seriousness OP, have you ever considered career as a politician, or a priest (in some parts of the world there isn’t much of a difference anyway)? You may have a talent for saying a lot of things in a very pompous way, but without much merit. If I wasn’t educated in the direction I am, it may have even moved me. ;p

(edited by Searban.5984)

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Being resilient is fine, but this is how ANet looks at rangers trying just about everything to work this class.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Sollith.3502


Being resilient is fine, but this is how ANet looks at rangers trying just about everything to work this class.

lol That’s perfect. Idon’t think a further description for the ranger class is needed; thread closed.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Serraphin Storm.2369

Serraphin Storm.2369

He failed to adapt. This is like a lot of rangers. He could of recovered at almost any point. Being skill at parkour could of helped but I think he fail at conception of the plan. Not taking into consideration the wet surface or planting himself at the start are other points to consider.

He failed to react.

In order to properly understand the big picture,
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.

(edited by Serraphin Storm.2369)

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

1. No amount of adaptation is going to make pets anything but a liability in certain areas; a liability that makes rangers objectively inferior to other professions in terms of DPS. Additionally, in regards to team play, rangers got the short end of the stick in a very big way. Most of our traits and skills synergize with our pets rather than our teammates, which makes rangers less useful in group play.

2. Stop using ‘of’ in place of ‘have’. It’s extremely irritating.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


Sure I like how you are very articulate with your words, but don’t try to temper the anger that has been looming on the ranger forums.

I understand being resilient but I have run all out of it, so i’m re-rolling. I’ve been here for quite a while, I have yet to see them make anything better.

Adapt, overcome, blarg – Its come to a point where you just go – “I’m tried of it”

They dont have to respond to us? What planet do you live on? We are their players, the supporters of this game, beside’s Anet spams the PvP forums ALOT.

Guess Im not a ranger by your standards and Im cool with that – I work by my own standards. Until they do something about this incredible mess – Im gonna go try other classes see how it goes, and if possible find something else to occupy my time. Its really that simple.

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

I tried the other classes. No GW1 ranger and no dervish, so I really don’t see where to go from here.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Noobie.1073


It seems some of the veteran Rangers have gone silent and our younglings have gotten a little hair on their chest and are making demands.

This made me laugh. It seems like many of the “vets” have jumped ship already. Granted a few of us rangers (myself included) only play a ranger but this has nothing to do with vets or younglings. I believe people are just not satisfied with the amount of DPS they do in comparison to other classes. I for one, do not care that I don’t DPS like a warrior, stealth/backstab like thief, cleanse like a guardian, AoE like a necro and ele, or apply conditions like a engi because I am not any of those. If i wanted to be, then I’d jump ship and learn a new profession. I just have problems with the ranger pet AI. TBH there are skills I would love to have, but realistically, the pet AI is the only thing that concerns me as that should be the one thing that rangers do better than any other profession (pets). Unfortunately, the way the pet AI functions now, necro golems and ele pets seem to be on par. If anything, all professions should have 40% less dps when they summon a pet

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Maybe if they gave us a new class for GW1 rangers that wasn’t shackled to a pet, I would agree with you, Noobie. But anyone who likes GW1 rangers-without pets-is simply kittened, according to ArenaNet. The fact that they got rid of the dervish play style as well was just icing on the cake for me, personally.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


I’m a young’un ranger, played necro primarily for last year and just need a change. So many of these posts help a lot. I’m enjoying my build quite a bit (somewhat hybrid but mostly power, with gs and axe/torch) so it seems like rangers do have a fair amount to be enjoyed. WvW is once again addictive.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


I’m a young’un ranger, played necro primarily for last year and just need a change. So many of these posts help a lot. I’m enjoying my build quite a bit (somewhat hybrid but mostly power, with gs and axe/torch) so it seems like rangers do have a fair amount to be enjoyed. WvW is once again addictive.

Rangers are super fun in WvW. But are they super useful to a group? That is debatable at this point.

I have my fingers crossed for Anet to give us a true QoL and F2 improves in Oct. 1 patch

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


This post still won’t make me start posting good builds. I know too well by now that anet can only nerf what they know to nerf.

Ranger | Elementalist

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


Good post, but don’t get your hopes up. I’m playing ranger since betas (or since GW1 if it matters) and most important thing I learned from it, is to kitten forums. Ppl can only moan here. Trying to change it is just bad for your brain :P

But +1 about sharing builds. I’m visiting this forum only to check if someone found something I missed after balance (and I belive I’m not only one). Stopping sharing will leave only one kind of topics on this forum…

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Noobie.1073


Maybe if they gave us a new class for GW1 rangers that wasn’t shackled to a pet, I would agree with you, Noobie. But anyone who likes GW1 rangers-without pets-is simply kittened, according to ArenaNet. The fact that they got rid of the dervish play style as well was just icing on the cake for me, personally.

TBH I thought about that and I understand why Anet decided to make the changes to the classes. I do like the class diversity of GW2 compared to GW1 where any class can have similar skills to any other class. There was no uniqueness for specific professions in GW1 so in that regard I do like that rangers can’t be warriors or thieves or whatever.

On the same note, there are definitely rangers who excel at wilderness survival and trap usage without pets so I would like to see build diversity to allow for rangers to be able to go without a pet and not have their dps reduced. In GW1 Beastmaster was a build, not a profession. if traited correctly, the beastmaster was a valuable asset as a tank since the pet was that formidable. In GW2, beastmaster is a profession because rangers do not have the option of eliminating the pet out of their total DPS.

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

GW1 did have plenty of things that only 1 profession could do well. For example, rangers were the only ones who could bring survivability, splitting ability, long range, interrupts and heavy health degeneration all on one bar in PvP. Expertise and the high cost of bow skills mean that a secondary profession couldn’t pull it off. After the dervish rework, they were similar in many ways…my PvP dervish build (before they nerfed the kitten out of onslaught) had good healing, toughness, mobility and, best of all, strong condition and hex removal. No other martial class could do that.

The major threat to the uniqueness of professions was the necromancer. In PvE, they could do any spellcaster’s role, often better than the primary class could, due to soul reaping.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: thrice.9184


GW1 did have plenty of things that only 1 profession could do well. For example, rangers were the only ones who could bring survivability, splitting ability, long range, interrupts and heavy health degeneration all on one bar in PvP. Expertise and the high cost of bow skills mean that a secondary profession couldn’t pull it off. After the dervish rework, they were similar in many ways…my PvP dervish build (before they nerfed the kitten out of onslaught) had good healing, toughness, mobility and, best of all, strong condition and hex removal. No other martial class could do that.

The major threat to the uniqueness of professions was the necromancer. In PvE, they could do any spellcaster’s role, often better than the primary class could, due to soul reaping.

LOL maybe we should just go back to gw1..huh unholy?

Ranger put into Retirement due to Anet Abuse.
9/3/13 rip

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Well, it was pretty much abandoned last time I checked…

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Heiltdo.2891


I’ve been enjoying my ranger, perhaps it’s not the strongest class but it’s good.

I agree pet AI and F# skills needs some work.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


I don’t like that Legendary’s don’t effect our overall damage like they do other classes, same can be said for Ascended Gear. I have begun the arduous task of rolling another character, one that fully utilizes all of the benefits in this game, that isn’t held back by pathing issues, F2 issues, lack of scalability issues, unless someone from Anet comes here and explains other wise.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Noobie.1073


I’m anxious to see what the new patch will look like, but I am also afraid they will nerf the only effective solo roaming build left for us rangers now (condition/regen) it’s bad enough that our pets no longer do the damage they used to, but if they take away conditions (they most likely will) it’s back to the drawing boards. Maybe I’ll start running some type of knights armor.

I Cha Cha I – Mediocre Ranger at best
Mao Xiong – Worst Warrior GW2

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: zero.5316


All these nerfs are getting annoying but I just realized… All these nerfs are making us live up to our gw1 legend, “Jack of all Trades”. These nerfs make us adapt to new play styles and different play styles each time. They beat us down and yet again we rise to the top for the next beating! What other class has been beaten to the ground this many times? None! I see a future for us :D

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


I wonder if we could get the pet to be the 5 point unlock for the Beastmaster line.

No beastmaster commitment, no pet.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I wonder if we could get the pet to be the 5 point unlock for the Beastmaster line.

No beastmaster commitment, no pet.

What would our new prof mechanic be? How would we control that while having a pet? Or would our pet be mindless and uncontrollable like other profs(which it shouldn’t be)?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


We are resilient because we have to be, not because we chose to be. There lies the problem. We are truly underpowered with a few people learning to make due. . . despite. . . the weakness. Is it playable? Sure. Is it enjoyable going up the steep learning curve to get there? Maybe/Maybe not. Is it a bit ridiculous? Absolutely.
Should we mock those who are frustrated? No more than mocking those who hate sitting in traffic while a very few actually enjoy the extra time listening to the radio and unwinding. Aye there is the rub.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Shiren.9532


He failed to adapt. This is like a lot of rangers. He could of recovered at almost any point. Being skill at parkour could of helped but I think he fail at conception of the plan. Not taking into consideration the wet surface or planting himself at the start are other points to consider.

He failed to react.

I want the Kool-Aid you’ve been drinking.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: cbrooksc.9358


I gave up on my ranger a few weeks ago after playing only that since launch and in gw1.
The ranger isn’t that they promised it would be, and besides i’m having a lot more fun on my warrior in WvW now because I can actually kill people.

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: theodor.3480


I gave up on my ranger a few weeks ago after playing only that since launch and in gw1.
The ranger isn’t that they promised it would be, and besides i’m having a lot more fun on my warrior in WvW now because I can actually kill people.

And you say that with ranger you can’t kill people? You can, but just not as fast as with warr/guard/memser/ele etc.
Find your own playstyle/build and experiment. Ranger is a fun class to play, abeit not on part with the others, still has it’s problems but nonetheless it’s fun.
P.S: Perosnaly i’m running a ranger 70% of the time being in WvW and i have no troble kiling people.

I hear no evil, I fear no evil

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: raoul.4218


In WvW my ranger will collect a lot more bags and badges than my warrior will on any given day of the week. And as far as support goes, with my pets on passive they provide group buffs, my healing spring keeps rams alive, LB #5 provides decent AOE, and with buffs I can crit for 3.0-3.5k hits repeatedly which certainly helps to keep ppl away from the walls during siege. So as far as I’m concerned rangers not only provide group support in WvW but can put out awesome damage in solo and zerg play. If the US Rangers are considered to be the world’s best light infantry then that’s how I see rangers in this game. We may not be able to survive toe to toe with a heavy but we’ll put a world of hurt into ya before we go! Ranger’s lead the way baby!!!!!!

Freyja Ernouf
lvl 80 Ranger

Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient

in Ranger

Posted by: Solid Gold.9310

Solid Gold.9310

“Rangers Adapt and overcome We are Resilient”……………..

Only for so long, then we’ll walk. (Well I will anyway).

You can stay and take years of moaning about the pet and the nerfs, and how the Ranger is “Master with the Bow”. if you like.

Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.