Rangers PvE?
Sword is best DPS from what i’ve seen. Bring a devourer or spider in dungeons. Chances are you’l be kicked if you show up using a longbow and a bear
Are spirit builds viable in dungeons/fractals? :o
Are spirit builds viable in dungeons/fractals? :o
Short answer- No
Long answer- Try this build out, it’s not full spirits but utilizes frost for good party wide damage buff: http://youtu.be/5Bjq1vcnhpQ
If you have a crap pug you can add stone spirit for some prot as well.
On a further note, don’t use main hand axe in dungeons. The dps is exceptionally poor.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
On a further note, don’t use main hand axe in dungeons. The dps is exceptionally poor.
When using sword, you don’t really have to change it. If things shortly get dangerous at melee, axe/axe actually is a good option to move back a bit, throwing Path of Scars for burst and then using Whirling Defense for AoE damage, vulnerability stacks and projectile reflect. After that you switch to sword…you don’t really use the main hand axe anyways.
And what use else on 2nd set? Longbow too sleepy, Shortbow too condition heavy, Greatsword not really a method to avoid melee as you just could stay at Sword. Now you can either choose offhand dagger, axe or torch together with axe. Of course you pick offhand-axe and don’t have another choice as axe on main.
I don’t need to swap to mid range, even in a crap pug. Answer is simple, run sword/axe for the second set. Correct, all other weapons are poor, axe main hand included. In fact you can even run sword/dagger for second set, for the evade that breaks pounce animation instantly for a fight like alpha, and as extra evades that mean you can stay in melee without the need for midrange if you are in a group that lacks the dps to kill things in a timely manner.
In other words, just run sword on both sets.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
(edited by swiftpaw.6397)
On a further note, don’t use main hand axe in dungeons. The dps is exceptionally poor.
When using Sword as your main set, you don’t really have to change it. If things shortly get dangerous at melee, axe/axe on second set actually is a good option to move back a bit, throwing Path of Scars for burst and then using Whirling Defense for AoE damage, vulnerability stacks,projectile reflect and Whirl finisher. After that you switch to sword again…you don’t really use the main hand axe anyways.
And what use else on 2nd set? Longbow too sleepy, Shortbow not enough AoE, Greatsword not really a method to avoid melee as you just could stay at Sword. Now you can either choose offhand dagger, axe or torch together with axe. Most pick offhand-axe and you don’t have another choice as axe on main.
Answer is simple, run sword/axe for the second set
That’s actually some good stuff you suggested, I kinda forgot that you could keep on both sets the same main-hand weapon, while only chaning out the offhand