Rangers: What combos do you use?
I use a murellow as my pet because, as far as I know, it’s the only pet whose special ability is a combo field (poison).
Spiders have a poison combo field if Im not mistaken.
Yes, spiders have a poison combo field, but only the murellow has it on the F2 skill.
I’m typically using Flame Trap and Frost Trap along with the numerous projectile finishers the Ranger gets. Also Healing Spring is very useful for group play.
i party with elementalists for combos
Me and my pet eagle " ’Merica" are THE combo.
The only field I currently carry is Healing Spring (Healing slot). As a Sylvari, I’d toyed around with Healing Seed early on and underwater I’m obviously limited to Heal as One. Gotta love regen, water combo fields, especially in groups.
On the topic of pet combo fields, just to clear things up for some people:
Juvenile Murellow – Combo Field: Poison on F2 ( Damage: 41, Poison: 2s (395 damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness), Combo Field: Poison, Range: 180, Recharge: 35 seconds )
Juvenile Carrion Devourer – Combo Field: Poison on F2 ( Damage: 83, Poison Cloud Duration: 5s, Combo Field: Poison, Range: 900, Recharge: 30 seconds )
Common to the spider family – Combo Field: Poison ( Poison: 3s (593 damage, -33% Heal Effectiveness), Combo Field: Poison, Range: 900, Recharge: 20 seconds )
Common to the jellyfish family – Combo Field: Smoke ( Damage: 61, Blindness: 4s (Next outgoing attack misses), Combo Field: Smoke, Range: 900, Recharge: 40 seconds )
All numbers were gathered from level 80 pets and are unmodified by any traits
I always slot Flame Trap, which creates a combo field when triggered. Unless I am expecting a purely ranged fight (where I equip Longbow plus Axe/Warhorn), I equip a Torch (i.e., Longbow plus Axe/Torch for general fights or Axe/Warhorn plus Sword/Torch for pure melee). The Bonfire AoE from the Torch creates a combo field.
Both of those fields work with the Axe and bow projectile finishers. It also works with the secondary effect of the second sword skill, Monarch’s Leap. I also use the Krytan Drakehound for one of my pets, who does a leap that will trigger a combo with these fields.
Additionally, I use Healing Spring as my heal, and that creates a combo field.
The leaps are more consistent because the projectile finishers are on a 20% chance to trigger where as the leaps appear to trigger every time, provided you leap into the field.
My typical strategy for a melee fight is to drop a Flame Trap followed by Bonfire. I will then also drop Healing Spring to proactively heal damage as it comes in. This creates an area of high damage for enemies and that also heals my pet, myself, and any allies near us. If I am using the sword, I can use the second skill to leap back (Hornet’s Sting) then leap in (Monarch’s Leap). The leap in will trigger a combo. Using the Axe or bow from this field will also have chances to trigger combos. The flame field seems to take precedence over the water field. For a longer battle where durations and cooldowns come into play, there will be times when Healing Spring is up by itself, and this will trigger combos as well.
(edited by Sotaudi.1265)
Me and my pet eagle " ’Merica" are THE combo.
Haha I named my eagle Merica too!
The suggestions are great so far. I also noticed that the birds swoop attack (not an F2) reliably executes a combo finisher.
Longbow and Sword/dagger.
Shortbow and greatsword.
Axe/torch and sword/warhorn.
My absolute fave combo which I drop in PvE a lot and is just awesome is what I call “Machine Gun Bazooka Ranger”.
With a short bow: I swing in and drop a flame trap, as soon as it goes off I fire Quickening Zephyr to machine gun flaming short bow arrows at a mental speed. This gives you a burning, bleeding attack (if you get them from the side – I used my pet to draw attacks).
Utterly devastating! That’s why I love Ranger
U can combo with flame trap also.
so.. i.e. murello + flametrap = double combo (poison and burn)
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
I don’t have murello yet but when I do my build will give Poison + Burning + Bleeding with quickening!! Ouch!
I’ve been trying all these combos, and the wiki says when you preform one it’s suppose to show that you did on screen…but I’ve only seen it show the first time I’ve done a combo and never again, which makes me believe I’m not doing it right. Where exactly on the screen does it show you’ve preformed a combo?
It will have a grey shield with the combo in it like “Burning” …
I manly use the Murrelow
Its a bear with a combo field
Bear>spider all the way
I wish there was a second bear with such a great pve F2
Where do you find Juvenile Murellos?
There is a map on that page that shows where you have to go.
I use flame trap + the greatsword Swoop to combo a lot. Otherwise Axe/Torch is a very fun combo too, especially when you splitblade a point blank enemy through the bonfire, creates an almost absurdly long burn.
axe/torch to Sword/Axe using fire trap / poison trap(no combo field) and torch field waterfield.
the sword axe conjunction gives you a leap-Missile and whirl on demand.
Flaming axes from the 2 skill through a fire field is kinda cool looking but don’t think it really does much.
you can also switch pets to a drake and hope for the tail swipe blast finisher when it comes active just don’t hit your f2.
The sword/Axe weapon combo gives you the most options of triggering your combo field as well as makes gathering 2-3 mobs to a spot with your pet easy. I kinda found PvE levelling with a bow boring this aoe method I find somewhat fun.
(Not saying it’s the most effective but it AOE’s stuff down pretty well. If you switch pets losing the masters bond benefits in PvE isn’t recomended on anything but easy.)
A whittling ranger becomes viable by forcing his opponent to whittle
Axe/Torch seem made for each other. Using the Torch “5” skill on yourself and then “2” from Axe sends out 5 blazing axes of burning. The torch field also lasts quite a while.