Rangers and finishers

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Hey all,

Recently I’ve come back to the ranger, and one thing about even the most “pro” rangers that really bothers me is their lack of utilization of water fields and the combos that come with them, as well as their understanding of how certain finishers behave. Let’s go down the list, and assume that a ranger is taking Healing Spring.


  • While it may not appear the best for comboing into fields with, the greatsword is my all-time favorite weapon for use with Healing Spring. An anomaly with Swoop makes it act as two leap finishers rather than one, and standing outside of the field, or at the edge – even without a target – will allow dual leap finishers in your water field. This will heal you for 2640 without healing power on a single attack.


  • The sword’s Monarch Leap is your standard leap finisher, but it compose well when fighting inside of your Healing Spring when you need to catch a breath, grab a minor heal for 1320 without healing power and get back in the fight.


  • Your Call of the Wild has the same heal (1320) as a single leap finisher, however it also affects allies. This tops onto the boons you provide your allies as well.


  • Ricochet and Splitblade both have a 20% chance to be a projectile finisher, with Parh of Scars having a 100% projectile finisher. Each projectile finisher provides 2 seconds of regeneration, which heals for a total of 130 per second without healing power.
  • Whirling Defense is a whirl finisher. There’s a lot of misconception about whirl finishers on water fields, so I’ll clear that up here: it does not give direct heals. Instead, each second a whirl finisher will apply 2s of regeneration, which pairs well with the 5s duration of WD. This will leave you with 5 seconds of regen lingering after the skill ends, on top of what Healing Spring is already stacking.


  • Since I already covered projectile finishers I’ll keep this one short. Nearly every skill on both weapons is a projectile finisher, or has a chance to be one. Cleverly utilizing rapid attacks properly, you should be able to upkeep 100% regen in the 20 seconds your healing spring is off cooldown without boon duration.


  • Projectile finisher. I can’t comment much on using it with Healing Spring as I have little experience using it in a competitive environment.


  • It’s unlikely that your drake will be in your Spring when it’s up due to AI mechanics, but with a well-placed Guard or return whistle and the RNG gods to let your drake use Tail Swipe, it’s another blast finisher for you and your allies.

Cheers! Hope I helped!

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


Good info for those not familiar with Healing Spring’s potential. Thanks


  • While it may not appear the best for comboing into fields with, the greatsword is my all-time favorite weapon for use with Healing Spring. An anomaly with Swoop makes it act as two leap finishers rather than one, and standing outside of the field, or at the edge – even without a target – will allow dual leap finishers in your water field. This will heal you for 2640 without healing power on a single attack.

For Greatswords Leap Finisher, you get two combo finishers out of Swoop?

Arrow Slanger »—> »—> »—>
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

Good info for those not familiar with Healing Spring’s potential. Thanks


  • While it may not appear the best for comboing into fields with, the greatsword is my all-time favorite weapon for use with Healing Spring. An anomaly with Swoop makes it act as two leap finishers rather than one, and standing outside of the field, or at the edge – even without a target – will allow dual leap finishers in your water field. This will heal you for 2640 without healing power on a single attack.

For Greatswords Leap Finisher, you get two combo finishers out of Swoop?

Correct. This is why I started with it. The “run” and “leap” portions are actually two separate leap finishers. Several ranger mains I’ve known since launch didn’t even know this, so I felt it was important to point out.

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Good info for those not familiar with Healing Spring’s potential. Thanks


  • While it may not appear the best for comboing into fields with, the greatsword is my all-time favorite weapon for use with Healing Spring. An anomaly with Swoop makes it act as two leap finishers rather than one, and standing outside of the field, or at the edge – even without a target – will allow dual leap finishers in your water field. This will heal you for 2640 without healing power on a single attack.

For Greatswords Leap Finisher, you get two combo finishers out of Swoop?

Correct. This is why I started with it. The “run” and “leap” portions are actually two separate leap finishers. Several ranger mains I’ve known since launch didn’t even know this, so I felt it was important to point out.

Can you confirm that you receive double the benefit? It could be a simple animation bug. I’ve noticed the double splash, but never such a large heal.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: Prysin.8542


Good info for those not familiar with Healing Spring’s potential. Thanks


  • While it may not appear the best for comboing into fields with, the greatsword is my all-time favorite weapon for use with Healing Spring. An anomaly with Swoop makes it act as two leap finishers rather than one, and standing outside of the field, or at the edge – even without a target – will allow dual leap finishers in your water field. This will heal you for 2640 without healing power on a single attack.

quickly, remove that bit before the devs find out

Lv 80 Guard, Ranger, Ele, Thief, warr, engi
Currently @ some T1 server in EU

Rangers and finishers

in Ranger

Posted by: law.9410


Unfortunately, projectile finishers only affect the shooter if you’re right next to your target, like within melee range. Thx for the GS info, had no idea about that. don’t think its a glitch/bug cuz there’s two distinct animations.