Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aervius.2016


Like the title asks, should Rangers have access to ‘on-demand’ Stealth (like a utility skill on a 30-45s cooldown) coupled with a ‘from Stealth’ attack?
Much like Backstab/Tactical Strike/Sneak Attack.

I raise this question because it seems that regardless of build, Rangers seriously lack in the spike damage available to every other class in the game. I’m sure that I’m preaching to the choir, but I would ask ArenaNet how this would in anyway fall outside of the perceptible “theme” of the Ranger (i.e. someone who has spent nearly their entire life hunting in the wilds of Tyria) and if not, how could this be implemented effectively without throwing class balance totally out of the window (ironic statement coming from a Thief player, I’m sure.)

What do you think?

Kolt – Human Thief

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nurse.1085


I think it’d be cool if Ranger’s had a camouflage skill. It’d be really hilarious to have a skill that just stealths you in place (it’d be great for ambushing). Sort of like Teemo from League of Legends + traps lol.

Survival. Camouflage 60s CD
Temporarily stealths you in place for 10s. Moving/attacking will cancel the effect. Upon leaving Camouflage use X effect (based on weapon).

So, for GS maybe a “pull in”, a Longbow maybe a burst attack, Shortbow maybe 8 stacks of bleed or something, etc.

Probably totally unrealistic, but it’s nice to think about.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


Rangers aren’t a stealth class. That’s not our gimmick. Guardians have buffs coming out of every orifice. Thieves have invisibility. Mesmers have clones and phantasms.

Rangers should have roaming and evasion as their gimmicks. The tools are there: we have a few traits and abilities which improve our endurance gain, which give vigor boons, which give swiftness boons, protection on dodging, etcetera. We also have some quickness-related traits and one utility skill which gives quickness.

The problem is that the idea of a roamer/evader is there, but currently it’s poorly implemented. Most classes are almost as good (if arguably not better) at roaming and evading as rangers, whereas for example not a single class is even close to being as good at stealth as the thief is.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


They could change Jaguar’s Stalk to affect the Ranger as well.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: NargofWoV.4267


As 9 of us couldn’t kill a thief last night, with his in and out of stealth tricks and reverse damage ability, we don’t need more stealth in this game.

Narg, Ranger JQ
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Better idea, how about a trait that allows Rangers to see a thief while they’re in stealth, or a slot skill that rangers can use that CANCELS stealth and prevents its use for all enemies within the range of a longbow, lasting 30 seconds, with a 45 second cooldown?

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Siamoth —→ Forage --→ Throw Feathers/Tuft (2/3 chance of getting either of these) congrats! you have an easy access stealth ability!

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Jack of all trades? Every class is a jack of all trades. That’s the whole point behind not having the holy trinity.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Jack of all trades? Every class is a jack of all trades. That’s the whole point behind not having the holy trinity.

We are more of a jack of all trades than others, every single one of our weapons can be used for multiple things where as most other profs are pretty much “It does X” for example, a necros scepter, only a condition weapon, for ranger our condi weapons are torch, axe (main hand), shortbow, and arguably GS (i would say no, but my friend actually made one that works ridiculously well which caught me off guard, he still wont give me the build the jerk), all of those can also be used for power builds, you try to take a scepter for a necro and turn that into a power build and you’ll just be worthless.

Not to mention that we don’t form to the current meta because we don’t really “specialize” well because we’re a jack of all trades, where a bunker guardian is PURELY bunker and can’t do kitten for anything else bunker rangers are more than capable of killing people (and are quite good at it mind you), and can still provide some support to allies. Where a glass canon warrior just runs in and kills one person and can’t do much else we can still provide some support (SOME not a lot) through pets/spirits as a glass canon especially seeing as how a lot of our glass canon builds are still pretty bulky because they either front load the damage into pets or perform that damage from 1500yds away.

So yes, we’re a jack of all trades, and that’s why a lot of people complain about how “Every one can do X better than us!!” the thing is though that we can do X, Y, and Z all at the same time, where prof A can only do X, Y, or Z at once.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: PearlGore.7419


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Jack of all trades? Every class is a jack of all trades. That’s the whole point behind not having the holy trinity.

The point of not having the holy trinity was to avoid looking for a tank or healer for hours upon hours.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Agadar.4931


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Jack of all trades? Every class is a jack of all trades. That’s the whole point behind not having the holy trinity.

The point of not having the holy trinity was to avoid looking for a tank or healer for hours upon hours.

Doubt it, because something like that can be avoided easily. For example, WoW for the longest time had only one tank class and one healer class, the warrior and the priest respectively. It look quite a while until paladins and druids became valid tanks and healers as well. I cannot recall ever running into trouble looking for tanks and healers since.

Point being that if 1/3 of your classes can tank, 1/3 of your classes can heal, and the other 1/3 of your classes can DPS, you won’t have to search for any specific role for long.

But we digress.

Rangers with "from-Stealth" attacks?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


How can you say Rangers are not meant to have stealth? We are a jack of all trades for one thing, for another we already have a few ways of gaining stealth via a pet and a trait. Although both of those are kind of crappy.

Jack of all trades? Every class is a jack of all trades. That’s the whole point behind not having the holy trinity.

The point of not having the holy trinity was to avoid looking for a tank or healer for hours upon hours.

Doubt it, because something like that can be avoided easily. For example, WoW for the longest time had only one tank class and one healer class, the warrior and the priest respectively. It look quite a while until paladins and druids became valid tanks and healers as well. I cannot recall ever running into trouble looking for tanks and healers since.

Point being that if 1/3 of your classes can tank, 1/3 of your classes can heal, and the other 1/3 of your classes can DPS, you won’t have to search for any specific role for long.

But we digress.

If 1/3 of your classes tank, 1/3 of your classes heal, and 1/3 of your classes dps then 2/3s of your class selection are going to be significantly underplayed because a vast amount of people (myself included, who is an avid SUPPORT role player) absolutely despise the tanking and healing roles because they’re boring.

But this isn’t the theme of the thread…

@OP: As much as i would LOVE to have a nice sexy attack to use while leaping out of stealth, i just don’t feel like it fits ranger all that much, make just make it so every attack has a 100% crit chance when you exit stealth (there are combo finishers that cause people to stealth) and then nerf the normal damage on thieves stealth attack so it’s not OP with the crit every time?

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna