Rate my build: Confused Ranger
squishy and very low condi removal, decent damage tho
Guild Leader of Favorable Winds [Wind]
curious why you have 2 handed training when you are not using a great sword, and survival of the fittest for 1 survival skill. You could get a lot more condition removal by moving those trait points and going with something like empathic bond.
To be honest, I am almost not sure what you were aiming for in this build. From your statement I take it you want to WvW and roam but if you were to run into any decent S/P, S/D, or P/D Thief, PU Mesmer, or Hammer/X Warrior you would be toast.
If you can make up for the lack of armor with good dodges then I can see how you kill direct damage people, but I am 100% sure any decent condition damage build would destroy you. You have extremely limited removal on high cool down (1 every 10 seconds if you don’t use the signet to full purge or stun break, 2 on 40 second cool down, full purge on 60 seconds, then 1-5 depending how long you stay in your heal at 30 seconds).
You honestly don’t have a lot of synergy between your utility skills, traits, and weapons. One of your traits doesn’t even effect anything on your bars.
You have the wolf pet which is good, but the drake is questionable in this build.
All in all, I would say start from scratch and rebuild it. Or you can keep the general idea and have two options to make it meld a little better.
You can either go with something like this: http://tinyurl.com/owsxgwe
or something like this: http://tinyurl.com/l9a9qx7
(This is keeping your general build, I do not believe these builds to be completely effective, but more so than the original).
Each build has it weakness (first one I linked has low condition removal, second one is slow). Best of luck and have fun.