Rate the ranger above you!
(you missed the number 3 in your post, jumped straight from 2 to 4)
Very nice. I was never a fan of the molten weaponry, but the armor and setup is quite nice. That said, Rox’s Quiver and the fused shortbow feel a bit out of place when compared to the rest of your armor.
Here’s mine:
My Sylvari Ranger
word “range” but from “to range”.
9/10, looking good… for a plant
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF
(edited by nagymbear.5280)
8/10 because i like norns,
but its the wrong axes :P
here is my ranger
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
8/10 I like the dark colors on Sylvari. Not a boring green/plant color
8/10 I like the dark colors on Sylvari. Not a boring green/plant color
Totally kickazz 8/10
I have so many sets I don’t really know wich I like best so I guess the next poster will have to give several ratings XD
I’ll take on the four-set Ranger haha.
I think it’s obvious I love your second set haha.
Here’s mine. Probably a fairly common look but I just love my colors.
Do More Damage [DmD] ~ Devona’s Rest
I like the way u have managed to match the colors and the style:) Pink-ish, yes but still nice:)
Funny topic… We have a “Show off your ranger” one already. We can do this there…
Anyway, @ Chokolata:
Good gears, but not really unique, not even a well mixed one.
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”
Your ranger looks like pure trash.
Here’s mine:
^ ^
o o
(edited by Rufy.6093)
Your ranger looks like pure trash.Here’s mine:
^ ^
o o
well uh 0/10
Your ranger looks like pure trash.Here’s mine:
^ ^
o o
,….,well uh 0/10
10/10 for armor, just not a fan of the dagger but overall I like it!
10/10 would bang ( You also look like the Villian in the first power rangers movie, Ivan Ooze.)
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
9/10 Going for a Storm Shadow look?
My Charr Ranger:
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
8/10 Good to see you showing your tattoo’s off but that blue/green dye on your armor is taking away from your look. I think a darker color (more like the underside of your wolf) would fit better and make the colors of your tattoo and weapons stand out better!
7/10 nice look and nice place to take a screenshot !
8/10 Good to see you showing your tattoo’s off but that blue/green dye on your armor is taking away from your look. I think a darker color (more like the underside of your wolf) would fit better and make the colors of your tattoo and weapons stand out better!
Actually, it’s White/blue (like frosty). I’m trying to be an arctic ranger.
8/10 a bit dark though. Wouldnt want to run into you in a dark alley.
Grievance [GVNC] – Our drunken WvW is the kitten
Devona’s Rest – Forever Outnumbered & Kittened upon by Anet
10/10, cause I <3 anyone with dreamer! Skill nr2 must look epic
6/10 – Interesting commando look, but not my taste. :P
I was actually aiming for a more traditional “lives off the land” Ranger look. If you notice, almost all of what he’s wearing seems to have that same ‘vibe’ as that of Native Americans, even down to the bow. Probably doesn’t help that his 2nd set is an axe/warhorn setup. XD
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
More like SubZero.
Both sets looks great, but I like the WvW color scheme better.
8.7 PvE/ 9.5 WvW
This is mine:
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Both sets looks great, but I like the WvW color scheme better.
8.7 PvE/ 9.5 WvWThis is mine:
Ok I’m joining this again seeing as I am silly enough to not only have multiple armorsets but also multiple rangers with multiple armors xD
I give you 7/10 it’s a nice looking set overall in my mind and that thief hood looks best on male norns so bonus for this, but the colors are abit boring going almost all white that takes one point second and third you loose are for the shoulders wich I don’t care for at all and that pants don’t match very well with the whispersboots and I’m saying this using that combo myself atm xD
What I would do in your case would be picking darker/black colors or more earthy/green ones similar to the set I have myself below, and also swap to the T3 shoulders wich I also have here, norn cultural armors are fantastic
So here’s my second ranger at my favourite screenie spot in the EB puzzle, posting again since I was so happy with this armor set
8/10 nice combination of sets the colors are a bit dull for me though
~heres mine XD (hope you like her)
(edited by Legolas.8506)
Legolas.8506 Be yourself don’t make people confuse your are Eir 1 of destiny edge.
I give you 8.5/10 b-cos you forgot use Eir’s Longbow/Shotbow.
My ending personal story
(edited by Silverkung.9127)
Not sure how to rate this because this image those images might be album covers, but 6/10. Nice Colors.
8/10 nice combination of sets
the colors are a bit dull for me though
~heres mine XD (hope you like her)
You were right it got a little dull but it was also meant to give a natural look, I ended up picking slightly brighter colors of green/brown instead and I like it even more now the spot I take screenshots at is also dark with that purple light from the crystal so you can’t really see the colors too well but other than that it’s an exellent place for screenies.
I absolutely loathe that helmet of yours, it makes ya look like Shredder, and your colors clash with eachother, and I can’t really stand non-symmetrical shouldergear. I don’t see what theme you were going for mate :/ Sorry but I’m going to have to give you a 2/10.
Sometimes I think my ranger, Discordia, is in fact a little bit insane. She does seem to act like it.
LOL, that face. 8/10 for it. Love the CM shoulders with the Vigil chest idea. The monochrome look matches well with her pink skin, for that “POP” scary effect.
I recently posted in the “Show off your Ranger” thread but doesnt hurt to repost.
6/10, it’s a bit too much green for me^^
… and that’s the reason why I tried to give my ranger an “camouflage” appereance :P
I also like “normal” looking gear.
Sneaking with his faithful companion through the woods.
He’s looking the same in PvE and PvP.
(edited by Shirk.6421)
I feel the woodsman theme definitely emanating from your character. Although that first shot makes his stomach look fat :P
Here’s mine
Doing It With Style
8/10 Beautiful, Rocking a Kudzu! My Kudzu Fires other Kudzus