Ok guys, lets get serious. How would you tweak rangers in a realistic way, which means taking what we got right now and doing non complicated changes. I hope this topic does not devolve into a cry fest, so here goes.
The issue with Ranger is that we have a lot of utilities that simply do not do anything. Builds, that have glaring weaknesses that makes the class almost there, but not just there yet. Asking for the Dev team to remove or remake pets is ludicrous at this point, so lets stick to simple tweaks-
The core changes
- Ranger becomes a high HP class. Basic HP is increased to Warrior and Necromancer level.**
The reason for this is that compared to Engi, Thief, Mesmer the Ranger class has poor damage avoidance capabilities. Sure, we have evade frames but we are not the class with top vigor up time. We have solid but not good protection up time. We have some blocks and no reflects or blurs other then whirling defense. Furthermore this will put every armor class into having 1 low, 1 medium and 1 high HP class.
-Pet PvE HP bonus is translated into WvW and PvP
I think this is a no brainer. Seriously, the pets need the extra HP in WvW and in PvP there was a huge power creep that our pets now die even faster then before. It also goes with ANet goal of not splitting things between game modes. This needs to happen!!
-Increase basic pet condition damage
Since the latest big patch the formula for calculating condition damage has changed and thus a lot of pet abilities and traits that would do condition damage became worthless. I think that giving pets a baseline 300-400 condition damage would make it so that these pets and traits are useful again. Pets cannot overload someone on conditions anyway.
The lack of party support
I have been thinking a lot about what could be done to remedy this problem. The Ranger has tools to be a support character but they simply do not compare to some of the other classes that are out there. What could be done to give Ranger a proper niche of party support. Well I feel as if the problem can be fixed by tweaking a couple of traits and utilities.
The spirits
The spirits have mechanics in place that could be tweaked upon to make them much more reliable and desirable, all we need to do is make some simple yet elegant changes.
Ability to target the summon place, the same as warrior banners, choosing a place where to put them is very important and they can be used offensively then to dislodge or disable someone in a tactical manner.
Buffing some of the passive bonuses – Water spirit passive heal proc ICD reduced to 5s down from 10s. Frost spirit damage bonus increased to 15% from 10% damage on proc. Storm spirit swiftness changed to 2s of quickness. Nature vengeance might boon bonus changed from 1 stack for 1s to 6 stacks for 2s.
The traits
-Vigorous training gives 1 stack of stability AOE for kitten duration as well as the vigor
-Invigorating bond activates on pet swap in an AOE and not on pet F2. It also removes 2 conditions
The shouts
-Guard also makes it so that allies take 15% reduced damage in the AoE affected. The pet actually GUARDS people
Many more ideas to come from me and hopefully from other people too.