Recommended pet for leveling?
Any bear for when you are low level, armorfish for water combat other pets you can use better when getting signet of the wild opened up as it is a very good hot on the pet.
If you still want to use more dps oriented pets remember to not send them in to tank for you but think of them as a dot on the mob start combat with mobs focusing on you then send pet.
(edited by Manekk.6981)
Personally i run with a wolf and a raven. The dogs have really good all round stats with good abilities to go with it, the birds have more health than the cats but still deal a hell of a lot of damage, perfect for going on the offensive as they grant swiftness.
Tank wise the best are bears other types of pet that tend to have decent survive-ability include devourers/dogs/drakes and maybe pigs, but pigs tend to be avoided due to their unpredictable F2
I just finished my ranger and used the drake hound to level. The knockdown is great and usually gave me enough time to kill what I was fighting.
Te Nosce [TC]
Any bird, the swiftness makes traveling around so much better, just send them to act a mob then when they cast swiftness pull them back. They also do great dps so that makes things go faster too.
Depends, it is useful to have quite a few to choose from.
For instance, brown bear for all around tanking.
Drakehound is great against human type mobs (pirates, outlaws, risen etc.), it knocks them down to keep them from rushing you.
Devourers are great for ranged damage against bosses or against groups. (Faster to range attack spread out targets than to run to melee each one.)
Felines have some heavy burst damage. (The glass cannon of pets)
Red Moa – Fury buff for allies – great for escort events (help keep friendly NPC’s alive.)
Blue Moa – Protection for allies – great for escort events (help keep friendly NPC’s alive.)
Visit the official Wiki for all your pet info needs:
Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.