(edited by Zenith.7301)
Reduce Clarion Bond to 15 sec icd
You want perma group fury (400 precision) and perma 5 might (150 power) with perma swiftness (+33% run speed) from one Adept trait?
I’m willing to compromise, take the Might away completely and make CoTW 10s Fury/Swiftness only and able to be used out of combat with a 15s CD, change the WH skill CD too.
Make Windborne Notes apply Regen and 3 Might for 10s. Then you would need both the horn and trait for all four perma.
Why would you want pets to scale with Ranger stats? Then you couldn’t have a jaguar smashing face while you load them up on condi. What they need is to put condi damage on the ones with conditions, or make Expertise Training like 700 condi damage. Actually, they should just allow application of any PvP amulet to your pet, so you can choose the stats.
You want perma group fury (400 precision) and perma 5 might (150 power) with perma swiftness (+33% run speed) from one Adept trait?
I’m willing to compromise, take the Might away completely and make CoTW 10s Fury/Swiftness only and able to be used out of combat with a 15s CD, change the WH skill CD too.
Make Windborne Notes apply Regen and 3 Might for 10s. Then you would need both the horn and trait for all four perma.
Why would you want pets to scale with Ranger stats? Then you couldn’t have a jaguar smashing face while you load them up on condi. What they need is to put condi damage on the ones with conditions, or make Expertise Training like 700 condi damage. Actually, they should just allow application of any PvP amulet to your pet, so you can choose the stats.
Elementalists already get perma 12 stacks of might from weaponskills alone, no trait investment, so I don’t get what your fuss is about.
It doesn’t matter that this is an adept trait, you invest into the full line so the placement of the trait doesn’t matter.
And yes, I want pets to scale with ranger stats, because I don’t give a kitten about WvW or spvp duels as a BM bunker. My concerns are not about those game formats seeing as I have no interest in playing them. What I am concerned with is that the class is garbage tier in PvE, and it’s not that much better in spvp from what I am told either, so it’s good that you enjoy it for WvW roaming/duels but that bears little value to me.
In PvE it doesn’t matter that you can spec for a useless condi bunker role while the pet still does miserable damage. In PvE damage and burst are king, and the ranger fails in those roles because part of his damage (the pet) does not gain a 60%+ crit damage bonus from berzerker gear. The pets do not gain the 10% damage difference in effectiveness that comes from full ascended berserker vs. full exotics berzerker.
The pet’s performance is static and does not scale with gear upgrades or the stats from food that the ranger consumes.
Your windborne notes suggestion is useless to me as well. In PvE you don’t spec into the worthless nature magic and wilderness survival traitlines, they’re a DPS loss. The shouts themselves are terrible an nobody uses them, and 5 stacks of might isn’t going to change that.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I both agree and don’t agree with the condition damage on pets. Without expertise training and might stacks, their condition damage is laughable. They are however able to reach 1050 condition damage with might stacking.
On the other hand, most pets have very limited access to conditions in the first place, so through that aspect, I can agree with the idea to buff expertise training. That, or give them some baseline condition damage if you spec BM, for example.
They completely messed up the design of this trait. (what a surprise)
You cannot just throw a weapon skill on pet swapping because:
- if you balance it with a rather high ICD it becomes extremly frustrating to use since you expect it to proc when you swap weapons especially since you want to combo the blast finisher
- if you sync the ICD with pet swap cooldowns (which is hard again because you can trait both seperately) the skill becomes relatively OP and makes the weapon itself really obsolete
What should be done is divide the trait and the weapon skill from each other. Make the trait proc on every pet swap no matter if traited or not. Make the trait effect weaker like only 10s of fury and swiftness, no might, no blast finisher. Change might stacks of warhorn skill from 1 to 5.
They completely messed up the design of this trait. (what a surprise)
You cannot just throw a weapon skill on pet swapping because:
- if you balance it with a rather high ICD it becomes extremly frustrating to use since you expect it to proc when you swap weapons especially since you want to combo the blast finisher
- if you sync the ICD with pet swap cooldowns (which is hard again because you can trait both seperately) the skill becomes relatively OP and makes the weapon itself really obsolete
What should be done is divide the trait and the weapon skill from each other. Make the trait proc on every pet swap no matter if traited or not. Make the trait effect weaker like only 10s of fury and swiftness, no might, no blast finisher. Change might stacks of warhorn skill from 1 to 5.
Doesn’t change anything. You nerf the trait for PvE and PvE rangers won’t take warhorn over offhand axe because an ele or warrior can stack might and fury without using a low dps weapon combo. The warhorn’s CoTW has a horrendously long cd for what it does, and its #4 is a DPS loss over autoattacking and brings nothing outside single target damage.
Those are the problems that need fixing with the warhorn, if the #4 skill were actually worthwhile the trait wouldn’t eclipse the weapon.
Elementalists already get perma 12 stacks of might from weaponskills alone, no trait investment, so I don’t get what your fuss is about.
It doesn’t matter that this is an adept trait, you invest into the full line so the placement of the trait doesn’t matter.
And yes, I want pets to scale with ranger stats, because I don’t give a kitten about WvW or spvp duels as a BM bunker. My concerns are not about those game formats seeing as I have no interest in playing them. What I am concerned with is that the class is garbage tier in PvE, and it’s not that much better in spvp from what I am told either, so it’s good that you enjoy it for WvW roaming/duels but that bears little value to me.
Elementalist’s mechanics are overpowered, just as Warrior’s are. In every game scenario. That has nothing to do with Ranger. It’s time to realize that at last.
It does matter it is an Adept trait. If you are leveling up a new character – having access to mechanic that is better than ones obtainable at lvl 80 is nonsense. That’s why traits are divided into tiers with different “power”.
And now to the most important part.
You yourself just said that you do not care about this game. You also confessed that the whole topic comes from your own personal point of view, and your own preferences, that might not have nothing in common with other thousands of people. Therefore, asking for changing is ridiculous, pointless and selfish at best.
If game was changed just because of your own personal issue, that is based on no objective facts, numbers, experience but pure preferences altogether – then this game would be in much worse shape then it currently is.
Long Story Short – don’t force your ideals on other people. If you can’t deal with mechanics that are in the right direction, but not in your wishlist – it’s your problem.
About Pet Condition damage (And Healing Power) – yes. I agree that this issue should be addressed. Scaling from Ranger? Nope. Not ever.
I am all for changing CotW even more but increasing the might stacks over 1 would be a good start. The point I was trying to make is that you wont just get the warhorn skill on pet swap because it would be stupid op unless the warhorn skill stays absolute garbage which would be bad design. This is why the trait needs to be weaker in its effect. Only then it can be applied to every pet swap (which should happen, unsynced ICDs are a total mess and should be kept to a minimum).
For the Clarion Bond part
- Warhorn Weapon is the problem. Not Clarion Bond.
If you copy>paste an underpowered ability to a trait – it will be underpowered regardless of the intention or synergy. Warhorn should be addressed. Not Clarion Bond.
You want perma group fury (400 precision) and perma 5 might (150 power) with perma swiftness (+33% run speed) from one Adept trait?
Agreed warhorn needs lower cooldown, what they could do is reduce the ICD to not 15s but 18-20s so that you get garanteed call of the wild on pet swap only if you spec into warhorn cooldown from nature magic.
(edited by RevanCorana.8942)
You want perma group fury (400 precision) and perma 5 might (150 power) with perma swiftness (+33% run speed) from one Adept trait?
Agreed warhorn needs lower cooldown, what they could do is reduce the ICD to not 15s but 18-20s so that you get garanteed call of the wild on pet swap only if you spec into warhorn cooldown from nature magic.
Yep, nice. Adjusting the CD on Warhorn so that it synergises with Clarion Bond and Windborne Notes in order to become ‘greater than the sum of those parts’ would be great.
20s on Warhorn’s CoTW is perfect really, the same as an untraited pet swap, so if you take BM, NM and MM, you can have a great synergy. With Warhorn CoTW, Clarion Bond, Windborne Notes, Fortifying Bond, Zephyr’s Speed and traited pet swap. So, make the boons 10s on a 20s CD. That would be great imo.
If they made Clarion Bond work out of combat, it would be so great for us, big solution for mobility and burst setups.
As for Hunters Call… Well, double the damage per hit, halve the amount of hits, halve the cast time, add 0.75s blind per hit and reduce the CD to 18s base.
Agreed warhorn needs lower cooldown, what they could do is reduce the ICD to not 15s but 18-20s so that you get garanteed call of the wild on pet swap only if you spec into warhorn cooldown from nature magic.
This is a wonderful idea. I approve.
If they made Clarion Bond work out of combat, it would be so great for us, big solution for mobility and burst setups.
As for Hunters Call… Well, double the damage per hit, halve the amount of hits, halve the cast time, add 0.75s blind per hit and reduce the CD to 18s base.
Well, I believe we already can be nasty with 5 sec. blind on BM with birds, right?
How about keeping it’s functionality as utility on-hit proc weapon… But giving it a 3,5 second “Slow” debuff.
I mean yea, you would do everything slower with 7 eagles tearing your head apart.
Not a DPS weapon, but a utility weapon. I’d actually use it instead of my Axe for the team support with these proposed changes.
Agreed warhorn needs lower cooldown, what they could do is reduce the ICD to not 15s but 18-20s so that you get garanteed call of the wild on pet swap only if you spec into warhorn cooldown from nature magic.
This is a wonderful idea. I approve.
If they made Clarion Bond work out of combat, it would be so great for us, big solution for mobility and burst setups.
As for Hunters Call… Well, double the damage per hit, halve the amount of hits, halve the cast time, add 0.75s blind per hit and reduce the CD to 18s base.
Well, I believe we already can be nasty with 5 sec. blind on BM with birds, right?
How about keeping it’s functionality as utility on-hit proc weapon… But giving it a 3,5 second “Slow” debuff.
I mean yea, you would do everything slower with 7 eagles tearing your head apart.
Not a DPS weapon, but a utility weapon. I’d actually use it instead of my Axe for the team support with these proposed changes.
Yeah, we can blind like that, but who says we don’t want to bring Resounding Timbre along? Either way, I like your proposal for slow. Don’t just make it one application though, make it per hit, so some can be dodged and it cannot just all be cleaned off 0.1s after it is applied. Something unique.
Needs to have the damage doubled, the hits halved and time between each packet of damage increased too imo, retaliation is a killer with this one.
You want perma group fury (400 precision) and perma 5 might (150 power) with perma swiftness (+33% run speed) from one Adept trait?
Constant use of the trait comes at the cost of regular pet swaps, preventing you from having a pet swap available on demand (like for SoR condi cleansing, Protect Me without the pet dying, instant Wolf for fear, on-demand quickness). That’s a good compromise from where i stand. I really really like having my pet swap available.
Of course, there’s no downside for rangers that ignore the pet, but then they’re already self-nerfed. That said, i don’t see any particular reason to increase might to 5 stacks. One is not much in terms of stats, but good enough in being one more boon against boon stripping/stealing.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
For the Clarion Bond part
- Warhorn Weapon is the problem. Not Clarion Bond.If you copy>paste an underpowered ability to a trait – it will be underpowered regardless of the intention or synergy. Warhorn should be addressed. Not Clarion Bond.
If warhorn 4 had Blind as its Channel people would take a Warhorn to get double blasts it lacks right now because it gives up too much Active defence and CC’s for what a off hand with nothing but a blast and a Multihit attack which scales poorly.
its defo a Warhorn issue and clarions bond is pretty much perfect how it is , its only a issue because Warhorn 4 and warhorns might gain is poor .
Warhorn 4 needs blind
warhorn 5 needs 3stacks of might and a shorter duration to not make it perma.
I think 15-20 sec ICD is okay.
Why is everyone saying you get perma 5 stacks of might? How does that even happen? Even with blast finisher its only 4?
Clarion only gives you 1 stack of might
(edited by StickerHappy.8052)
Yeah, we can blind like that, but who says we don’t want to bring Resounding Timbre along?
Either way, I like your proposal for slow. Don’t just make it one application though, make it per hit, so some can be dodged and it cannot just all be cleaned off 0.1s after it is applied. Something unique.
Needs to have the damage doubled, the hits halved and time between each packet of damage increased too imo, retaliation is a killer with this one.
Well… I know I’ll get hated for this one but…
I’m fine with Ranger being countered by Retaliation. I mean yea, this is the buff you want against Ranger. Against anyone else – the boon is really useless.
The trade-off is Blinds and Aegis being close to pointless against us, as well as on-hit effects and sigils being much more powerful on us.
Warhorn can very easily be a Rabid Weapon. With your proposed changes – this potential falls apart by half.
For a mechanic that we don’t know if it’s going to work, yet.
The 4sec slow might as well be applied as 0,25 sec per hit. With 16 hits it’s going to be exactly that number. No need to change the ticks, or the damage. I don’t want Warhorn to be no.1 DPS weapon on every scenario. I want it to be a viable utility weapon – because it’s currently only a (nonviable) utility weapon.
Yeah, fair enough on the hit count. I even use it with sharpened edges for that reason, but getting hit with a dozen or more strikes of retaliation hurts!
Retaliation is a problem for us. I’m still peeved they gave Warriors Spiked Armor as a minor trait…
I like the slow on hit, nice.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
Here was a thread discussing the trait from a perspective of PvE and people couldn’t avoid de-railing it to discuss their WvW dueling scenarios. Great.
This is why this class is always at the bottom of the pile in most facets of the game, the WvW BM bunker duelists start blabbering about “this is OP” as if any of the game formats were made with 1v1’s in mind.
So here are some facts. In any group, the warrior/eles/guardians will keep the group not only with full might stacks but perma fury as well. A ranger being able to do so makes no difference, and in fact the ranger still has to pay a larger cost for it.
I’m tired of this class being nerfed over and over and generally held back because of these 1v1/roaming obsessed people.
PvE doesn’t count. You can complete any content with no traits, naked, easily.
We already suggested the perfect solution.
PvE doesn’t count. You can complete any content with no traits, naked, easily.
We already suggested the perfect solution.
Yeah, killing upscales and beating on wooden doors or spamming catapults requires such mental gymnastics.
I’ll be waiting for your solo fractal 50 and arah videos, though.
Wait, so we are not BM Bunker duelists now? PvDers instead? Confused. Are you suggesting that the entire WvW population are upscales? Seems strange to me, but that is what it looked like you just said. Spamming catapaults is somewhat required in order to get into enemy areas, btw. We cannot PvD all the time.
PvE is quite challenging though, trying to read the AI and AI teams next move and build composition and countering it is really fun, mobility around the dungeon, completing objectives etc, it is great. Oh wait. I meant, seeing how close together you can stack and then spamming skills while not moving at all. Waiting for the red circles, count 1,2, dodge, continue spamming.
Well, you will be waiting a long time for those videos, don’t hold your breath. Neither is challenging in any way, perhaps solo, but then not because of skill or tactics, because of being outnumbered. It’s like saying “I’ll be waiting for your taking down zergs solo videos, though” Nonsensical.
Wait, so we are not BM Bunker duelists now? PvDers instead? Confused. Are you suggesting that the entire WvW population are upscales? Seems strange to me, but that is what it looked like you just said. Spamming catapaults is somewhat required in order to get into enemy areas, btw. We cannot PvD all the time.
PvE is quite challenging though, trying to read the AI and AI teams next move and build composition and countering it is really fun, mobility around the dungeon, completing objectives etc, it is great. Oh wait. I meant, seeing how close together you can stack and then spamming skills while not moving at all. Waiting for the red circles, count 1,2, dodge, continue spamming.
Well, you will be waiting a long time for those videos, don’t hold your breath. Neither is challenging in any way, perhaps solo, but then not because of skill or tactics, because of being outnumbered. It’s like saying “I’ll be waiting for your taking down zergs solo videos, though” Nonsensical.
I thought so. Won’t be seeing any videos from you because much like most of the pvp community you’re just talk.
Soloing PvE bosses does not make you outnumbered, you’re fighting a single entity btw. If such niche gameplay like roaming/dueling in WvW which has no impact whatsoever on the outcome of the game format (zergs win the format, not some guys dueling by windmills) can be used as a measure of skill, so can the ability to complete difficult content in PvE without the protection/aid of a group.
But really, show me your tell-reading skills with archdiviner and mossman solos in fractal 50. Or Molten duo or Mai Trin. I’m really waiting since you seem to think people actually stack in PvE when that’s clearly PuG moron tactics. Stacking hasn’t been a thing for the past year, might want to update your tired cliches.
It’s not like you WvW people are original either. BM bunker, PU mesmers, d/d ele, engineers and thieves all around running the same brainless passive builds.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
You know, I would love to indulge you and actually post a video, but I cannot play for another 5 months, so you will truly have to wait on that. This is truth btw.
Soloing Arah or fractal 50 is not fighting a PvE boss. You said the dungeon, if you wanted to see boss solo, you should have said so.
I have solod Mossman on F50 before, it was the easiest thing ever, it was, however about 8 months ago so I’m not sure you can still glitch him out, he just stands there and takes it. Super challenging. Those others are obviously group content and suggesting they can be done solo is ad absurdum.
I have never played BM Bunker, well, I did for about 1hr, realised it is totally boring and went back to my other builds. Btw, duelling is generally power builds.
But yeah, feel free to keep waiting.
Back on topic…
CB with a 15s CD is OP and makes Warhorn redundant, so change the WH skill and CB to 20s CD, reduce the boon duration to 10s and make Windborne Notes add an additional 3 might for 10s.
It’s fine what you did with Zephyr’s, but you need to do the same with Clarion bond. We should get a blast finisher on pet swap and a 15 sec icd on applying groupwide fury isn’t really OP. It’s just bad that the trait isn’t synced with the pet swap cd.
If anything, Call of The Wild should apply more might stacks, somewhere around 5. Ele with persisting flames and usual rotation can at least maintain perma fury on group and 6-9 stacks of might without doing anything special, and let’s not alk PSEA warrior perma 25 might stacks and high fury uptime for the group on top of banners which are far superior versions of spirits.
Also move fortifying bond to BM and for the love of god buff autoattack damage across all ranger weapons except perhaps longbow. Particular candidates are greatsword and mainhand axe autoattacks.
P.S. The whole pet stats fiasco should be thrown in the trash bin. What’s so hard about making pets scale off the master’s stats like mesmer illusions. Ranger pets means around 20% of the ranger’s damage does not have the full crit damage bonus rating that a full berserker ranger has because pets can’t reach a similar level.
I agree with all of this, as well with some of the feedback given in the comments. Although, I think we call all agree that Anet doesn’t plan on checking this forum page for these suggestions…
I don’t get why we even try at times, but if we didn’t the misery would be complete.
I don’t get why we even try at times, but if we didn’t the misery would be complete.
We could expect REAL change, if we had an actual person on the balancing team who actually played the class itself. They would know the strengths and shortcomings, knowing what we need fixed or given to us. Sure, you can have a Ranger alt, but that doesn’t mean you play it; I have a Warrior, but I only use it to display my custom outfits on.
You know, I would love to indulge you and actually post a video, but I cannot play for another 5 months, so you will truly have to wait on that. This is truth btw.
Soloing Arah or fractal 50 is not fighting a PvE boss. You said the dungeon, if you wanted to see boss solo, you should have said so.
I have solod Mossman on F50 before, it was the easiest thing ever, it was, however about 8 months ago so I’m not sure you can still glitch him out, he just stands there and takes it. Super challenging. Those others are obviously group content and suggesting they can be done solo is ad absurdum.
I have never played BM Bunker, well, I did for about 1hr, realised it is totally boring and went back to my other builds. Btw, duelling is generally power builds.
But yeah, feel free to keep waiting.
Back on topic…
CB with a 15s CD is OP and makes Warhorn redundant, so change the WH skill and CB to 20s CD, reduce the boon duration to 10s and make Windborne Notes add an additional 3 might for 10s.
There are already videos of solos without glitching AI. Too bad you you needed to glitch it to actually do the solo, while trash talking the skill requirements of PvE as you avoid said skill requirements.
That is just the point though. You can glitch it to avoid all skill requirements, therefore the said skill requirements are redundant. Same as for corner stacking, which unless they have changed mob AI dramatically in the last 8 months, still applies and is still far more mindless than even (worst case senario) PvD in EoTM, at least there you have to be aware of your surroundings. I think you will find, though, that most of those people there and K-Training in WvW are actually PvEers.
I don’t need to trash talk skill requirements of PvE, they speak for themselves. There are maybe half a dozen encounters in the game that can be classed as somewhat challenging. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy stack’n’wack, but Havoc/Roaming in WvW is far more fun and challenging. But, you know, personal opinion and all.
Back on topic, again…
I still think that CB with a 15s CD is OP and makes Warhorn redundant, so change the WH skill and CB to 20s CD, reduce the boon duration to 10s and make Windborne Notes add an additional 3 might for 10s.
What I miss most from this trait is knowing that you had an on demand blast finish with pet swap no matter what. I don’t care about not being able to stow and swap for double proc’s, I just really liked the blast finishing.
I stand behind the suggestions of having the trait feature a stripped down version of CotW, where the boons only last 10 seconds, but the icd is 15 instead.
That is just the point though. You can glitch it to avoid all skill requirements, therefore the said skill requirements are redundant. Same as for corner stacking, which unless they have changed mob AI dramatically in the last 8 months, still applies and is still far more mindless than even (worst case senario) PvD in EoTM, at least there you have to be aware of your surroundings. I think you will find, though, that most of those people there and K-Training in WvW are actually PvEers.
I don’t need to trash talk skill requirements of PvE, they speak for themselves. There are maybe half a dozen encounters in the game that can be classed as somewhat challenging. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy stack’n’wack, but Havoc/Roaming in WvW is far more fun and challenging. But, you know, personal opinion and all.Back on topic, again…
I still think that CB with a 15s CD is OP and makes Warhorn redundant, so change the WH skill and CB to 20s CD, reduce the boon duration to 10s and make Windborne Notes add an additional 3 might for 10s.
Warhorn is already kind of redundant. In Pve it’s only use right now is to blast might & stealth with it while your party is ooc & in spvp let’s face it, it’s pretty bad too. Even if you don’t agree with me & for whatever reason stick to warhorn this change wouldn’t devalue warhorn too much, more blast finishers are always a positive thing. Fury is way to easy to come by to have much value unless you play the remorseless build, but then more fury suddenly becomes a great thing ..
I support the OP’s suggestion, it would be a nice QOL improvement.
While we are at it, how about raising pet stats by 300 instead of 150 when they come around fixing it, it’s not like we would suddenly become meta in any game mode that way ..
I’ll explain the whole problem.
People desperately want ranger to be OP like the eternally-mentioned classes.
Through a trait that gives absolutely nothing to address it and is only an activation of a skill that is wrong itself.
While not realizing that if we get a trait that is better than a weapon ability – it means A-net are fine with this kind of changes. And since we are rangers – every class will demand these changes, and since A-net is already fine with that – they will actually listen (Hello warrior cries).
Point of the trait is not to strip your lives of misery and cleanse all your problems. The design was obviously simple:
- Make pet swapping a boost to utility. So let it cast Warhorn #5.
BOOM, done. You don’t even use Warhorn #5 on cooldown. Why in the world would you use it on pet swap? That’s plain wrong. Yes, I’m aware that it would praise the ego of several of you, but for Christ’s Sake! Haven’t you been paying attention to changes? Ever? For “Perma Fury/Swiftness/Might” we’ll pay a price being nerfed elsewhere. Regardless of whether that’s OP or not. We are Rangers and you hoped you’d know it better than me.
If you want a buff elsewhere, IQ up and ask for it at different places. Clarion Bond makes perfect sense. Design of the Warhorn #5 is wrong and Clarion Bond just pays the price.
Trait that uses Weapon Ability never was stronger than ability itself. Ever since the history of Guild Wars2. It might have had another effect glued, but the mechanic was never stronger.
While we are at it, how about raising pet stats by 300 instead of 150 when they come around fixing it, it’s not like we would suddenly become meta in any game mode that way ..
I’m not sure. Did they fix the stats already? I’m positive it was bugged and pets didn’t receive any.
That is just the point though. You can glitch it to avoid all skill requirements, therefore the said skill requirements are redundant. Same as for corner stacking, which unless they have changed mob AI dramatically in the last 8 months, still applies and is still far more mindless than even (worst case senario) PvD in EoTM, at least there you have to be aware of your surroundings. I think you will find, though, that most of those people there and K-Training in WvW are actually PvEers.
I don’t need to trash talk skill requirements of PvE, they speak for themselves. There are maybe half a dozen encounters in the game that can be classed as somewhat challenging. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy stack’n’wack, but Havoc/Roaming in WvW is far more fun and challenging. But, you know, personal opinion and all.Back on topic, again…
I still think that CB with a 15s CD is OP and makes Warhorn redundant, so change the WH skill and CB to 20s CD, reduce the boon duration to 10s and make Windborne Notes add an additional 3 might for 10s.
Do not speak to me about glitches in PvE when in PvP there are engineers one shotting people with grenade barrage, thieves and mesmers abusing stealth mechanics with little counterplay and easy getaways, and celestial d/d eles abusing stats and builds to tank multiple people through some brainless rotation spam.
Or the gimmicky warrior/guardian melee stun trains or the well necros just brainlessly bombing aoe.
If anything, there’s good reason why spvp people, particularly tournament runners, look down on WvW. Because unlike WvW, in spvp crit damage % is capped, no OP food and consumables combinations are allowed on top of celestial stats or ascended gear, and the builds used are centered around objectives gameplay and not just some dueling games.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Ah, yeah, I forgot about the FGS nerf, no need to stack in order to Fiery Whirl into the corner anymore, can just use Frostbow to annihilate Legendary bosses in seconds.
Ah, yeah, I forgot about the FGS nerf, no need to stack in order to Fiery Whirl into the corner anymore, can just use Frostbow to annihilate Legendary bosses in seconds.
No faster than a thief or mesmer is gibbing someone from stealth in WvW.
I think that if theyre not gonna lower the ICD of it (lol they obviously wont) they whould atleast change it so U can use it outside of combat