Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

in Ranger

Posted by: FalconBeta.9185


These 2 traits together give the ranger wayy to much burst damage.
Im critting people with maul for 6k, then waiting 2 seconds to do it again. Add in signet of the hunt and I can go up to 8k. Its like a better backstab that can AoE.
Throw in Wilderness knowledge and now we have constant +25% damage 100% crit hits and condition removal
this is beyond crazy lol. Here’s my build if anyone wants to try it.

Using GS w/ energy and intelligence sigils. LB w/ fire and lighting sigils. Ranger rune and zerker amulet.
Troll unguent, quickening zypher, signet of hunt, and entangle

Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Nothing about what you said sounds over the top

Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

in Ranger

Posted by: robertul.3679


Signet of the hunt

Remorseless + Quickdraw too good

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


I’m running a variant of the Remorseless Greatsword build Serbent posted a while back. No Quickdraw, but my river drake’s opening Tail Whip is hitting for around 7K as my Maul hits for 3K with the Soldier’s amulet. Pretty nice burst, especially if followed up with Lightning Breath+Taunt and a Muddy Terrain+Hilt Bash. It adds up fast.

I like it. We’ve only just begun to play around with it so I don’t see how you can claim it’s OP. Definitely strong compared to what we use to have, but I’ve seem some thieves putting out some nasty damage too. We’ll see.