Retaliation from Persisting Images

Retaliation from Persisting Images

in Ranger

Posted by: Ranglon Hoth.9706

Ranglon Hoth.9706

Lately in matches I am running into a lot of Mesmers who bring Persisting Images in their build. It’s a pain because if I hit them with barrage then they pop a few clones in that area and I end up eating a ton of damage. The only way I can think of to effectively deal with this is to engage…disengage and wait 6 seconds(length of retaliation on trait) and then start the fight back up. I would also save Barrage for their down state. Anyone have any better ideas? Mes will also often go into stealth so just focusing the mes doesn’t always work either.

I know it’s a specific question but I’m wondering if anyone has thought of a better solution.


Retaliation from Persisting Images

in Ranger

Posted by: UBcktieDL.5318


^hmm mesmers which have both retal trait and stealth is not common. the meta mesmer build does not have a single stealth skill, and giving it stealth would mean to give up either staff, shield, portal or moa. trust me, most meser don’t have stealth these days.