Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


" The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyong reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only paradise we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need "

The Bow,

The Price

Rangers are Masters of the Bow but it is not the case with Guild Wars 2. In Guild Wars 2, we have 2 classes who are given that title why? for what purpose?

Simple; To help extent their control and power over the rangers. We’ve heard it all, “whatever ranger bow can do, thieves and warriors can do better”. We’ve seen it all, “thieves and warriors bow does more damage than the rangers”…

The bow gives thieves near perma-mobility, for warriors= Everything

And it’s true.

The Truth is visible to us and it need to be reinforced.

It is a total Insult and Shame to the Rangers ancestors, who fought and died tirelessly to preserve their beloved bow from the hand of blood thirsty tyrants and oppressors.

How did Guild Wars 2 honored them i in return?

By giving the bow to the hands of those who are responsible for mercilessly spilling

their innocent blood, for the sake of power, greed, control, tyranny, oppression, corruption, injustice and evil.

Till this day, their blood hasn’t ceased.

Till this day, their prestige and dignity are greatly exploited with pleasure, with malice,

by the the hand of thief and warrior

I call upon to remove the bow from them, to return the bow to the rangers.. in Honor of their Ancestors.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Gnat.9405


What are you doing

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Hahaha what is this. Golden.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I think it’s a mixture of role play and dissatisfaction with the ranger class. I think.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Torvic.8256


Hear hear, Burnfall!

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


i like this.

i dislike how thieves can tp-shot their way across maps (with enough initiative),
but rangers get no such ability across 2 bows.

no class should have a greater use of a bow than a ranger.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Druu.9604


“By giving the bow to the hands of those who are responsible for mercilessly spilling
their innocent blood”

it was quite the opposite, rangers were good against elementals because of their armors and they were excellent against physical because of their stances.
Rangers spilled the blood of many assassins and warriors ancestors.

But yes, if I wanted to play my former glorious ranger-type ancestor. I’d play Thief with a bow since Apply Poison, Crip Shot and “Natural Stride” are all included in the set with really good bonuses if used correctly.

Still love the Longbow Rangers, the only problem is the pet !

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Burnfall you should really publish some poems if you haven’t already….

On the other hand… Thieves and Warriors bows SUCK compared to the ranger bows, I mean for starters the thief bow is considered to be a “utility” weapon AKA if it’s your “main” weapon set you’re an idiot and are only gimping yourself. The warriors longbow falls into the same general place, sure it can deal some damage (it’s a warrior) but that damage is really easy to avoid, and it usually just comes down to “We take this so we can always use cleansing Ire”.

Rangers are still the best with ranged when their damage is combined with their pets, the flaw lies that ranged is just inferior to melee in every shape and form in PvE (PvP it’s fine because survivability maters there).

The more you know!!

But really, you should really become a poet… or a cult leader or something, very well written posts.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Nice post man

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Khayoss.2019


But really, you should really become a poet… or a cult leader or something, very well written posts.

I vote cult leader… the world needs more good cult leaders.

Khayoss / Khayotica / Mistasia
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I was always weird with my ranger builds, even in GW1 my main weapon sets was spear/shield or axe/shield, I only used bows in the beginning and changed for those setups for the elite areas, finally here in GW2 I’m running axe/axe + axe/wh with zerk+valk gear.

Obviously I’m an exception but I can see that most players that made a ranger wanted to be the ultimate archer in game and don’t find it here, I used to run SB before the range nerf, hopefully bows will be more appealing in the future updates.

BTW, Burnfall’s posts are all really cool to read

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Amethyst Lure.5624

Amethyst Lure.5624

It’s kind of strange really. Theoretically, warriors should be at least as good or better with bows, because well, active weapons training/use is their thing. People’s minds have just conformed over a sort of erroneous traditional interpretation over time with a given ‘class’ or vocation, so I totally understand the desire.

I am extremely happy that a-net has seen past this and given the woodswoman a chance to use bow or axe as she wishes. Now just to get the balance right!

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilger.5490


Haha but yea, if they give warriors a bow it should work as a viable weapon choice if someone wants to main/trait it. Theres going to be some areas where its better, some where ours is better. If its universally better then theres a problem, but I dont see that.

Kilger – Human Ranger
alts: Fangyre (Necro), Hardrawk (Ele);
Jade Quarry

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


I’m missing a saying from Burnfalls post. Something like:
“as the saying goes, turn your other cheek and take immense punishment, insutice and oppression so you can rain down furious vengance on others who might not fight for justice, but because of injustice pushing oppressors towards their inevitable doom until rangers take their righteous place in the hall of the almost viables”

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


But… rangers have a cute and cuddly pet!

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


But… rangers have a cute and cuddly punch bag!

Fixed that for you.


Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


Well met, last roleplayer.
And you are right. Even a sylvari ranger controled by her 13 years old player, running happily around with her bow, bear and green hair tied with a flowery band, should do about as much damage as a charr warrior, controlled by his 13 year old player, running grimly around with his greatsword. And by greatsword I seriously mean the bloody greatsword, not a bow!

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


But… rangers have a cute, cuddly and expendable scapegoat!

Fixed that for you.


Fixed that for you, too.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: tattoohead.3217


People RP in GW2….

First time I have seen of this lol, great just… so great.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.

The ones they gave warriors were the ones that are essentially: 1) put bomb on arrow 2) fire arrow 3) ??? 4) profit.

Granted I still think those should’ve been ranger skills…. But w/e I get why they did it, they’re less skillful shots and more something any meat head could be trained to do with relative ease.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Scourge.4317


I shake my head also when i look at what the Warrior and Theif are able to do with their bows. The Ranger in this version of Guild Wars are tied to their pet. This was not the case in GW1. If you wanted to go ham with pets you took skills from the Beastmastery, and if you wanted to do anything else you could throw some points into expertise, wilderness survival or marksmen and still be a asset to your team. You didn’t even have to think about having pets in GW1 as a ranger.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.

The ones they gave warriors were the ones that are essentially: 1) put bomb on arrow 2) fire arrow 3) ??? 4) profit.

Granted I still think those should’ve been ranger skills…. But w/e I get why they did it, they’re less skillful shots and more something any meat head could be trained to do with relative ease.

The ones that they gave warriors that I’m iffed about are Double shot, Pin Down and Arcing. Those skills on Ranger LB just make more sense to me. The current aa for Ranger LB just feels more like a warrior skill as it does more damage the further away the target is giving the warrior more motivation to switch to melee weapons as the target closes. That’s how i look at it as a Ranger anyway.

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Fext.3614


Those skills on Ranger LB just make more sense to me.

I like the ranger lb skills. Event the #3 makes sense if traited with Remorseless. Yeah I’d prefer it would trigger the opening strike without the trait and invisibility, but you can live with that as it is.

But the overall damage is low. They should either add damage or reduce cds to make the overall damage over time acceptable.

And by acceptable I mean that a random nobrainer should do about as much damage over time on a vanilla bow ranger as on a vanilla greatsword warrior.

(edited by Fext.3614)

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.

The ones they gave warriors were the ones that are essentially: 1) put bomb on arrow 2) fire arrow 3) ??? 4) profit.

Granted I still think those should’ve been ranger skills…. But w/e I get why they did it, they’re less skillful shots and more something any meat head could be trained to do with relative ease.

The ones that they gave warriors that I’m iffed about are Double shot, Pin Down and Arcing. Those skills on Ranger LB just make more sense to me. The current aa for Ranger LB just feels more like a warrior skill as it does more damage the further away the target is giving the warrior more motivation to switch to melee weapons as the target closes. That’s how i look at it as a Ranger anyway.

I’m amazed, and still furious, that we didn’t get pin down on the longbow, not to mention dual shot wasn’t even one of our bow skills….

That being said in totally fine with our longbow auto, it makes more sense for a ranger to deal more damage from range than it does for a warrior to do so…. Granted I still think it should be “your crit chance increases by x% when further away” because that makes a hell of a lot more sense than your attack doing more damage…

IE: you’re not in the thick of things so it’s easier to focus and find your mark than while your trying to dodge swords and that jazz

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: Natfrog.4310


So they manage to get sPvP sorta right with the bow…. I’ll go as far as saying PvE is a little underpowered when compaired with other classes…. But the thing that really gets me here about bow rangers is WvW. The pet is USELESS in WvW and is in fact a flat out HANDICAP and reduceses our damage output and mobility. How do I suggest fixing this or what thoughts do I have on this subject? To me it’s simple…. First whatever “%” the pet is responsible for in the overall damage portion of the grand scheem of the ranger, aloow that damage to be applied directly to the ranger ONLY while the pet is not active. The second part of this HAS to be the ability to “PERMA STOW” you pet and not have it pop out as soon as you enter combat. I feel personally this is the best solution…. To anyone saying this would be OP remember how squishy the ranger is if he goes all damage and by doing this he is exchanging “pet tanking”(I LOL’d when I wrote that btw)/survivability for raw damage that has been lacking in Rangers that do not like pets. I feel that with a little bit of working with the numbers so that it isn’t an instant win button would be very helpful.
While pet is in Do not attack mode he is esentially not there and cannot be harmed and have a similar cooldown as to swapping pets. While the first option TO ME seems more balanced as they are balanced arround having a pet I’d be happy just to be able to keep my pet alive when faced with a 60+ man zerg as I myself can move out of the mele train and manage to survive while my pet melts like ice on the sun.

Again this is just my 2 cents