Returning Ranger seeks advice.
Quickness got a serious nerf two patches ago, which ended the beserker ranger for a lot of players. Now a days for wvw regen builds (Faux’s RRR Build) or BM builds are becoming pretty popular.
I still use lb beserker times, a lot less bursty than before, but with signets being buffed in the last patch, having a signet build is pretty good(signet cd times reduced, increased passive abilities). Also, although quickness was nerfed, it has 2 seconds added to it so you can still combos (lb 4,3,2) within the duration of that skill still. Signet of beastmaster is huge, that with reduced signet times one can use the active of signet of wild every 48 seconds, and the active of signet of stone frequently too.
Green Eye of Grenth | PR Officer | JQ