Revisiting my Ranger, RRR still viable?

Revisiting my Ranger, RRR still viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


So I"m revisiting my Ranger after taking some time away from it. I used to run the Roaming Regen Ranger (RRR) for my WvW build, but since the April 15th patch, and changes to Runes etc, I was wondering just how viable this still was?

How has this weathered the many months since I have played my Ranger? What build, if any, have carried the torch of this build that I LOVED to play so long ago?

Thanks to any/all who may answer!

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

Revisiting my Ranger, RRR still viable?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


More viable than ever for roaming I’d say and now you can customize it better to be offensive or defensive with more sigils, armors and trait changes etc.