Rifle Ranger- The dream

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: jpnova.4572


How awesome would it be if somewhere in the future rangers got access tot he rifle as a weapon and show those warriors and engineers how it’s done. I love the weapon, however hate how it is a shotgun on the Engineer and am contemplating making a Warrior solely for the rifle. But as a hunter, a man who traverses the wild, shouldn’t a ranger get access to the rifle as a weapon? I don’t want to see the pistol since it just wouldn’t suit the lore, however with Asura’s and Charrs so advanced with technology, wouldn’t it make sense if they designed rifles for rangers?

Shortbow is built to be our condition weapon.
Longbow is our control weapon.
Rifle should be added as our damage weapon.

1- Hunter’s Eye- Quick precisely aimed shots, does mediocre damage and add Vulnerability(7s). (1200 range)(Projectiles Finisher: 20%)

2- Vital Volley- Fire a volley of bullets in a small cone inflicting 3 stacks of Vulnerability(5s) to each opponent hit, next 3 pet attacks inflict 2 stacks of vulnerability. (8s) (600 range)

3- Flanking Shot- Roll sideways and fire two bullets at target. (10s) (900 range) (3/4s evade)(Projectiles Finisher: 20%)

4- Oakheart Shot- Charged shot, high damage, target gets entangled in vines. Immobilize the target and grants Swiftness(5s) to nearby allies. (15s) (1200 range)(Projectiles Finisher)

5- Smoky Barrel(15s)> Between the Eyes(20s)
- Smoky Barrel: Block pretty much like counter attack, when hit with a melee attack counter and inflict Blindness or Weakness.
-Between the Eyes: Stuns the target and inflicts (600 range)

- Piercing Arrows could be changed to Piercing Shots, so rifle attacks can pierce too.
- Eagle Eye can be used to increase the range of all rifle attacks by 300.
- Cooldown trait could be worked in somewhere, perhaps in Skirmishing or Marksmanship.

(edited by jpnova.4572)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


My friend (who plays a Necro and Guardian) is really, really feisty when it comes to rifles on rangers. He doesn’t play his precisely because they don’t have rifles. And while I get the nature magic motif with Rangers, I too wonder why we don’t have a rifle. I mean, Charr elites break that mood.

Maybe they could just give the rifle attacks a nature motif, similar to the Engineer’s rifle flavor. I just can’t think of a role, balance aside: shortbow is conditions, longbow hits hard (yeah, I know) and controls, and the axe is pretty much your shotgun skirmishing weapon.

What would a rifle bring that we don’t have?

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Modern huntsmen hunt fowl and wild animals with a rifle or shotgun while they use dogs to flush them out of hiding; hunting and guns are far from mutually exclusive.

Perhaps some kind’ve “flushing” motif with the likes of vulnerability through combined pet/weapon attacks in order to expose the enemy to slow, high damage precision shots from the rifle?

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Loki.4871


Oh look, it’s this thread again.

I’ll skip to the usual answers that are never really countered by the people who want guns on the rangers:

1. Rangers use bows for the fluff, the thematics; they’re a woodsman, a person of nature. In much the same way the Engineer only uses guns (outside kits) in part to symbolise evolution in tech, the ranger’s ‘stayed back’ as it were.
2. On a less fluffy and more crunchy note, it would be pretty redundant. The Longbow is there for distant targets, shortbow for medium/short range, and the axe for short range/crowd control.
3. It’s ranger because they ‘range’ around, not because they do ranged combat.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


Personally, I think a Rifle kit with emphasis on sniping and distance CC would befit a thief.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


How do you use nature magic with a rifle?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


You could shoot a volley of entangling seeds. And fire thorns like you fire coral. Or lob a volley of bait out and rabid carnivores pounce out to maul the guy. Fire a vine out to yank someone halfway to you and knock them down. Shoot up a blinding spray of dirt and leap back like a bunny.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: jpnova.4572


How do you use nature magic with a rifle?

Just say the incantations while looking down the barrel.
Similar to how the spear gun works really.

Also the axe works more like a melee weapon than a ranged, the only good skill split blade is the most effective if you use it in melee range. At max it’s a clunky boomerang. This is just a discussion thread for people who would like to see this in the future.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Do you guys think lore would allow this? Why shoot a gun when a ranger is just as deadly with a quiet arrow to the neck? Rangers seem in tune with nature whereas a gun is loud and disruptive. I’d rather see a crossbow, to be honest. It will be interesting to see where ANET and the community wants to go with new weapons down the road.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


I don’t think Lore is an issue considering there’s Charr and Asura Rangers, and they have different sensibilities. Also just because it’s a rifle as far as skins and stats go doesn’t mean it needs to be as such for skills. Look at the difference with Engy rifles or pistols and even shields. Or the various harpoon guns.

I’d rather see a staff if any new weapon is introduced, but I don’t think rifles break anything the ranger has going for it. I feel as far as ranged weapons go, we’re covered with axe and bows.

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I don’t think Lore is an issue considering there’s Charr and Asura Rangers, and they have different sensibilities. Also just because it’s a rifle as far as skins and stats go doesn’t mean it needs to be as such for skills. Look at the difference with Engy rifles or pistols and even shields. Or the various harpoon guns.

I’d rather see a staff if any new weapon is introduced, but I don’t think rifles break anything the ranger has going for it. I feel as far as ranged weapons go, we’re covered with axe and bows.

I take crossbow back because a staff would be, probably, the next logical step for rangers. I’m thinking short range AoE? I really have no idea, haha.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PsionicDingo.2065


I’d love a crossbow, too, so keep it on the list!

Perhaps Staff for a ranger could play like a defensive melee AoE? Like the Guardian hammer but with pet synergy and blast potential. Since the GS is more reactive and defensive compared to the Warr and Guard GS, I can see staff playing the role of their hammer…but with a nature motif.

Knockdown/back Cleave
Blind (fling dirt up in their face)
Blast Finisher
A weaker Scorpion Wire with a pet synergy

My psychic knife. The focused totality of my psychic powers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


and with staff is meant a bladestaff i hope/presume ?!
Sounds good actually.

I was gonna comment that imho a rifle does not fit a ranger.
A throwing javelin would be better suited.

As for crossbow, personally, i would prefer replacing Thief shortbow with crossbow.

(edited by dagrdagaz.4913)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Abraxius.6429


I dont understand ppl complain when ppl want a rifle on a ranger, but no one mentions the fact that we can wield a GREATSWORD wtf is with that? we wied what Gaurdian/Warrior heavy armor wearing, melee based classes, but its illogical to want a rifle i dont simply ‘want’ a rifle. I would simply suffice for a trade between the 2. —-———————>(Insert kitten Remarks Here)

The Lawful Danyyle
(Reality is Unbalanced)

(edited by Abraxius.6429)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: myself.2143


Toting a rifle or a pair of pistols would be cool as a Ranger, but I believe most people see “ranger” and automatically think ranged attacks.

As someone who got his rpg start in the good ol’ days of D&D, to me, Rangers are not about ranged weaponry, they are naturalistic scouts and slayers that are at home in the wilderness and use said environment to their advantage by stalking and even calling animals to their aid and could wield a bow or a sword with equal prowess.

I’m not saying I know Anet’s philosophy in this case, but rifles and pistols seem to be more technology based weapons and the ranger, in GW2 anyway, are a pretty non tech profession.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Mongo.2490


I dont understand ppl complain when ppl want a rifle on a ranger, but no one mentions the fact that we can wield a GREATSWORD wtf is with that? we wied what Gaurdian/Warrior heavy armor wearing, melee based classes, but its illogical to want a rifle i dont simply ‘want’ a rifle. I would simply suffice for a trade between the 2. —-———————>(Insert kitten Remarks Here)

But then there’s Mesmers that can use a Greatsword that acts like a sniper rifle ..

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Ljiona.9142


Only if my warrior could get the exact same short-bow rangers get. It would be the best ranger ever. No kitten pet. 135% bleed duration with food, traits, and runes.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Only if my warrior could get the exact same short-bow rangers get. It would be the best ranger ever. No kitten pet. 135% bleed duration with food, traits, and runes.

Rox got a pet and she’s still stuck with warrior shortbow.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


Only if my warrior could get the exact same short-bow rangers get. It would be the best ranger ever. No kitten pet. 135% bleed duration with food, traits, and runes.

Rox got a pet and she’s still stuck with warrior shortbow.

I wish I could fire a poison barrage like Rox can…

@OP: rifle just doesn’t fit with ranger, they aren’t called “rangers” because they use ranged weapons, not to mention rangers lore wise (with the exception of charr) said “kitten technology!” And were supposed to embrace magic more heavily, yet we lost our ability to use staffs…

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As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: dodgerrule.8739


Each profession follows a god. You do not see Melandru in Cursed shore using a gun to kill people. The ranger will never get rifles, as this is Guild Wars 2! If you really want a rifle play a Warrior or an Engineer.

Dodger Rule Ranger – Fort Aspenwood

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Seyyah.6135


havent read all the responses and if it was mentioned before i am sorry…

i am not a big fan of rifles… wouldnt mint if we have them but i think we should have composite crossbows…

with traits / characteristics like huge single target damage and range… will never happen but it sure is more suitable than a rifle to the ranger role/lore i envision…

if they even do consider it i am pretty sure they will give us a “sling” and more beastmaster oriented variety… thats how Anet envisions a ranger…


Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Ramethzero.3785


Considering we have the primitive and the complex side of ranged ballistics, but have lost the middle in terms of progressive technology. Why no crossbow???

For the Toast!
Tarnished Coast Server

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: bigsal.7061


Would love to see a rifle and crossbow for rangers. Dual swords too.
GS is plane old silly IMO for a ranger.
And no I don’t think of the ranger as a strictly ranged class but being “in tune” with nature has nothing to do with using the technology available if its so commonplace with charr and asura technology.


Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Rifles do not fit this game’s ranger. That’s all there is to it. I actually think OH Sword makes more sense. As for ranged weapons, I’d love to see a boomerang/chakram throwing weapon.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: DargorV.8571


Both Ranger and Thief should have access to the Rifle, would only make sense, just like Warrior having access to pistols

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: insaneseagull.7063


Guys guys.we are completely forgetting the most awesome weapon for a ranger. A SCYTHE! Similar to how the scythe worked in Nightfall with the dervish profession! But,as stated above with all the other weapon suggestions,a nature motif. Nature kinda’ like skills. Aoe cripple,aoe bleed,aoe,daze/immobilize or stun/,an aoe vulnerability and an aoe chill. Or something like that x)


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Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Paz Shadow.9715

Paz Shadow.9715

I would rather not have a rifle tbh, I think the longbow should be the focus of our longrange weapons, adding a rifle in the mix is just going to detract from Anet ever coming around to fix our current weapons…

Green Eye of Grenth | PR Officer | JQ

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Kilaelya.1420


Rifle makes 100x more sense for a ranger than the greatsword does. But, too late now.

Minara | Ranger | Beastgate | [vR]

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Sarision.6347


Since shortbow is now nerfed, I guess rifle proficiency is now warranted.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Personally, I think a Rifle kit with emphasis on sniping and distance CC would befit a thief.

YEAH give them more crap to one shot things.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Searban.5984


While modern day hunters use rifles, I see 2 problems here. First, rifles in Tyria are generally not as advanced as modern day RL weapons, and one could have some doubts regarding their resistance to, let’s say, long periods of exposure to rough, humid environment forests and jungles generally are. Second, GW ranger, very much unlike the modern day hunter, is not only a hunter, but also a person close with the nature, practically spending his life in forest, surrounded by animals. Ever heard the rule “do not make noise in the forest”? Rifles are noisy, and therefore can potentially cause disturbance within the ecosystem.

While I don’t really have strong opinion on the issue of rifles for rangers, I can see where the doubts regarding this idea come from

Would love to see a rifle and crossbow for rangers. Dual swords too.
GS is plane old silly IMO for a ranger.
And no I don’t think of the ranger as a strictly ranged class but being “in tune” with nature has nothing to do with using the technology available if its so commonplace with charr and asura technology.

By the gods, no. Not one of the most kittened ideas fantasy genre has ever come up with, the dual swords. Not to mention that last thing this game needs are Drizzt-wannabe rangers.

As for GS, the way I see it Anet has followed the concept of berserker in fantasy here. A fighter in lighter armor, fighting with animal-like ferocity, using huge weapon, and so on. Whether it was a good idea, that’s up to personal taste really.

(edited by Searban.5984)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


Ranger wish list: oh sword, melee axes, rifle, lb rework, sb range increase

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I guess ppl who say GS doesn’t fit ranger never played BG O.o If not the fact I wanted to make archer, I’d run with GS and pray to ANet for hamster pet.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


No guns, personal preference.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


when i think of Ranger with a rifle i think of the smuggler class in swtor..kinda like a shotgun. for close range Hard CC’s and Aoe Debuffs.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Spazzmatica.9704


I was actually thinking about this myself today. I, personally, would have liked rangers to have rifles for a few reasons. These are just my thoughts on it, and they’re not perfect, but I’m not looking for conflict in saying them.

First off, hell, I just think the rifles are cool. I wish more professions utilized them, and if I had to pick one from the bunch, it would be the ranger. I find it a little awkward, yet totally excusable for warriors to use them, and they’re just fine for engineers, but I wish there was a profession in between that had the range (if not slightly more, if through a trait perhaps) that warriors do with their rifles while having the disadvantage of weaker armor, but obviously some sort of payoff in it in the skill department.

Also, I like the idea of the medium armor classes being the masters of physical projectile weapons, and they totally are as they are right now. But I, personally, like the idea of the ranger having a rifle, thief having pistols, and engineering being the only one to utilize both.

One of the reasons I was initially surprised they couldn’t use rifles was the fact that they could use spearguns. I mean, I understand that they’re different technologies that function similarly, but as it is, as a ranger, you can have a rifle underwater but not on land, and that just seems weird to me.

Anyway, these are just a few of my thoughts, and I’m not trying to make it sound like I’m complaining, I just like the idea of rangers having rifles.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Klonko.8341


So ranger with rifle… WHY NOT A kitten CROSSBOW!

Raining Rainbows lvl 80 ranger ~~~~~ SBI server

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: zero.5316


Id like to say that if a walking salad can use a gun, then a ranger should be able to use one as well .-.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


If Anet sticks to their original plans, we’ll probably get all the weapons eventually.

I would most like another melee weapon, to fit with our theme of “acrobatic scout” type special forces fighter. Perhaps a land-based spear (think Prince of Dorne.)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


i like potato

Crazy Leg

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


At the rate that Anet releases new skills/traits, if the next feature pack gives us a new weapon instead of 1 new/useless healing skill or 5 traits that you could code in less than a day (especially traits like Read the Wind and Poison Master), it will take….. 13 years for Rangers to get every possible weapon and combination, and long before then, Arenanet will be complaining about how Guild Wars 2’s code actually limits them more than they like, so instead of taking steps to improving the code, they are going to start the 6 year development cycle for Guild Wars 3. (/sarcasm)

Still, a rifle/staff/etc. of some sort would be cool to have…

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Valtarius.8671


What would a rifle bring that we don’t have?

An actual ranged DMG weapon (not condi cus shortbow is fine imo). Longbow to me has always been a utility weapon. Besides rapid fire which is its main damage source everything else is to escape or save someone from a stomp. Barrage is more of a support for the AoE cripple. I have always question why the “Ranger” class has less ranged options and where other classes not specified for ranged are better.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


other classes not specified for ranged

NO! BAD Valtarius!

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Valtarius.8671


other classes not specified for ranged

NO! BAD Valtarius!

c’mon a class called Ranger where melee weapons sets are superior in most ways

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Ranger, one who ranges, covers range. This comes up like every single week. Picture modern day rangers; park rangers or military rangers.

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Kvera.1649


other classes not specified for ranged

NO! BAD Valtarius!

c’mon a class called Ranger where melee weapons sets are superior in most ways

The Ranger is not for ‘range’. Play RPG (D&D) to see what ANet want say about rangers mixing bow and sword/dagger, or see Aragorn in Lord of the Ring, best sample about bow and greatsword.

Bánghrian [CopR] – Sylvari Ranger
The Copper Ram @ Jade Quarry

(edited by Kvera.1649)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Rym.1469


There’s no real need for Rifles for Ranger. Well, I wouldn’t mind them either.
But as we know from the first game, we still have some Bow types left.

We have Short and Long -bow already.

So, Reflex Bow and Flatbow remain.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Chrispy.5641


There’s no real need for Rifles for Ranger. Well, I wouldn’t mind them either.
But as we know from the first game, we still have some Bow types left.

We have Short and Long -bow already.

So, Reflex Bow and Flatbow remain.

Reflex bow wasn’t in gw1. And what about Recurve Bow and Hornbow which were in gw1? And since time has passed and technology improved in the game universe, what about Compound Bow or Crossbow?

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: ITheNormalPerson.9275


I like the idea of giving every class access to every weapon. I’m a fan of diversity :P

Druid main, 80 on all, Legendary ranked, Eternal and all that jazz (I go by Feyris in game)

Rifle Ranger- The dream

in Ranger

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


Ranger mace pls. Just because I have The Moot, and it would be extra troll points to solo roam kill people with The Moot out.

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